Quirey Design to the rescue
Darryl T
Posted 2021-08-06 8:41 PM (#614069)
Subject: Quirey Design to the rescue

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 433
Location: McCleary WA
I wanted to relate a recent positive interaction with the folks that took over Gary Goers' repro parts business. In early 2018, shortly after purchasing my '57 Dodge 2-door wagon, I order a bunch of pieces from Gary way in advance of needing them as I was unsure what would become of his business. I recently got around to installing most of them and had an issue with the 5 piece glass track for the tailgate window. What Gary had provided was for 1/4" glass, but the window has a 1/2" wide frame around it. I had 4 of the 5 pieces installed before figuring this out. I sourced the proper width channel, and thought I would alert the folks at Quirey in case they had more of Gary's kits on hand. Not only did they thank me for that, they offered to refund the cost even though I had not purchased it from them. I declined, but thought that was pretty amazing in these days of poor service from so many vendors.

But it even gets better. As I described elsewhere (http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=76136&posts=13&start=1) I have had problems with the door seals Gary provided not fitting right. I again contacted Todd at Quirey to see if there was an option. He suggested the thinner W11 seal, and to my amazement sent me 25 feet of it at no charge.

Where else do you get that kind of service? We should be very thankful that a business with that attitude took over for Gary when he needed to quit.

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