Re: The "Real" Story on Chrysler's Dealer Network
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Re: The "Real" Story on Chrysler's Dealer Network

I do not believe donors were protected, and have never ever heard such a thing.
Must have Fix news that put that one out.


SB wrote:
Not true! There are many dealers out there who do a thriving business who were cut, and many who barely sell cars who were not axed. Some of the weaker dealerships were then given the territory of some of the closed, successful ones. This was all over T.V., even on the morning shows. The angry owners themselves were on, with data to back them up.

As far as political affiliations playing a part, I saw on a newschannel a chart of who gave money to who, and the Democrat donors were indeed protected, except for one who gave money to Hillary Clinton.

Further, Chrysler Corp., at the end, had gotten concessions from all around, including the unions, in order not to go bankrupt. They were forced into it in the end by the White House, anyway.

My personal opinion is the government took Chrysler over as practice test run to go after the big prize, GM.

Jimmy Peavy wrote:
Someone on the right originally reported that only Republicans were axed. It was soon reported afterwards that more Democrats got the ax than did Republicans . Political affiliation had nothing to do with it. It all came down to the number of units sold. One dealer had only sold 80 units in a year, so his dealership was cut.


SB wrote:
I'm not so sure. Some dealers hired lawyers to look into this. Political donations are a matter of public record, by law. You can't hide these results. They found this to be true. One lawyer called Chrysler to find out exactly what criteria were used to decide which dealers got the ax. He was told, by the head of Chrysler, that THEY had no say in it, and the closure decisions were made strictly by the White House. When word of this got out, they were called to Washington, where
they then changed their tune...

Bill Watson wrote:
Rumours and hearsay. Again.
Vancouver, BC

----- Original Message ----- From: "SB" <polecat2@xxxxxxxx>
To: <1962to1965mopars@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:12 PM
Subject: RE: The "Real" Story on Chrysler's Dealer Network

I've heard that any Chrysler dealership owners who donated money to Republicans all got axed, and the rest didn't donate to either party.
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