Wisconsin Ebay Scammer
Posted 2013-11-19 5:51 PM (#411656)
Subject: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Location: St George Queensland Australia

Hi All, Does any one know a David Bankes of Viroqua Wisconsin! His Ebay tag is  Dodge426pu2012.  Beware of doing dealings with him, He has 100% Feed back but only because he knows how to work  the 45 day "No action clause"! This ebay deal was for a set of nos american racing wheels  that he was supposed to personally deliver to Longbeach Ca for shipping to Australia. He came up with so many believable excuses the minute the 45 days were up he can't be or won't aknowledge any contact! I have spoken to Paypal and was told this type of scam using the 45 day clause is becoming very popular with scammers taking advantage on items being shipped out of the USA. They will not act because of the Ebay rule That you can't claim the money back from payPal after 45 days! I told them that in all civilised countries that if some one steals from you that in 45 days they have still stolen from you so , with 100% proof why shouldn't i be compensated. Paypal said that is the rule! It looks like after all Paypal's huff and puff about being a secure money transactor, that is only for up to 45 days then you can go whistle Dixie!. Does any one here have any idea's how to be compensated?  Thanks Glen.  Possibly i should have posted under Vendor Discussion if some knows how to show it there as well please do!

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Posted 2013-11-19 6:21 PM (#411669 - in reply to #411656)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer


Posts: 1444
Location: Oconomowoc Wi
how much are you out?
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Posted 2013-11-19 6:40 PM (#411675 - in reply to #411656)
Subject: RE: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Location: St George Queensland Australia

$583 Us Dollars or $666.32 Australian Dollars!  I am obviously gullible or too trusting!   This is the first bad experience dealing with Guys in the US

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Posted 2013-11-19 10:00 PM (#411735 - in reply to #411656)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer


Posts: 1444
Location: Oconomowoc Wi
That area is close to one of the past members here... Colin. Who is now into turning wood on lathe for custom writing pens. I don't know another member close to Viroqua.
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Posted 2013-11-20 12:08 AM (#411750 - in reply to #411735)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
If you paid with a credit card through paypal, you MIGHT be able to take action from that angle. But they often have restrictions about international transactions etc.
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Posted 2013-11-20 7:57 AM (#411787 - in reply to #411656)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Expert 5K+

Posts: 8446
Location: Perth Australia
I got burned the same way

It takes about 3 weeks for stuff to arrive here if its sent straight away, so if there is a delay, your times ticking away fast.

Its only happened to me once so far, but if you dont get a shipping conformation (and you dont always), you wait 4 weeks (giving it a bit of time), then contact the seller that gives you a lame excuse, wait another 4 weeks and your moneys gone.

Its the joys of mail order, something I would normally steer well clear of, but when your building a car thats parts are only available on the other side of the planet, its a car tax that you have to sometimes wear (as much as it sucks)

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Posted 2013-11-20 11:53 AM (#411823 - in reply to #411656)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 608
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
It occurs to me that a trust worthy US member of our list could make some money as a go between on these types of transactions. Having a person in the US order and pay for the item after receiving payment plus a fee for the service from the member overseas.
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Posted 2013-11-20 1:32 PM (#411849 - in reply to #411787)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
When I am in the same shoes - and I have been at times - I contact the seller on a regular basis and let them know that I haven't forgotten about it. Once the time gets close to 1 month, I immediately make a claim on Ebay before the time runs out - regardless if the seller has told me that she sent it now and all is good. When I actually receive it, I will dismiss the claim and all will be good. This is a really good way to slap the seller's hand because once a claim is submitted against them, their paypal account will be frozen to them. I had one lady who gave me excuse after excuse, until I finally put in the claim. Then she begged me to remove it. I told her frankly that I would be more than happy to remove it as soon as I get my stinkin' part.
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Posted 2013-11-21 7:09 AM (#412014 - in reply to #411849)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 982
Location: Upper Hunter NSW Australia
Powerflite - 2013-11-21 5:32 AM

When I am in the same shoes - and I have been at times - I contact the seller on a regular basis and let them know that I haven't forgotten about it. Once the time gets close to 1 month, I immediately make a claim on Ebay before the time runs out - regardless if the seller has told me that she sent it now and all is good. When I actually receive it, I will dismiss the claim and all will be good. This is a really good way to slap the seller's hand because once a claim is submitted against them, their paypal account will be frozen to them. I had one lady who gave me excuse after excuse, until I finally put in the claim. Then she begged me to remove it. I told her frankly that I would be more than happy to remove it as soon as I get my stinkin' part.



That ^ is actually very good advice and I've started doing my buying for parts for my car in a similar manner after nearly getting stung over some parts that I'd bought via ebay before and the seller stalled the sending a missing part until the 45 day claim period was up, then no contact.


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Posted 2013-11-21 7:36 AM (#412017 - in reply to #411656)
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Ebay Scammer


Posts: 4533
Location: Ripon, WI
I have done that for people before, actually. Ironically, after they found me by buying parts from me on Ebay.
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