Potentially Better Solution for the Cowl Vent Bellows
Posted 2017-09-12 7:34 PM (#548248)
Subject: Potentially Better Solution for the Cowl Vent Bellows

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10400
Location: Lower Mainland BC
I am in the process of re-installing my cowl vent, including the rod and the mechanism. One problem is my OE boot/bellows was crumbling. I found an old thread that suggested that a motorbike clutch cable bellows might work:


I tried a couple of motorcycle shops this morning but came up dry. Over lunch my brain was working away and finally came up with "Eureka!! An outboard motor has a shift cable and boot. Why don't you try the local boat dealer?"

Which I did. Lucked out, the parts guys went all deer in the headlights but one of the mechanics knew what I wanted and gave the parts guy some hints on finding the part in the computer. Three minutes later the parts guy goes in the back and comes out with the part shown below. 74639A2 Bellows.

I've now installed the bellows on the cowl vent rod. It is very tight on the rod and the bottom will be big enough to fit snuggly into the opening in the firewall. Some sealant and Bob's yer uncle.

Hope this helps somebody.

Anybody get the irony that I am using a Mercury Marine Outboard part on my Chrysler product? (Thanks Karl!! (wherever you are))

Edited by 56D500boy 2017-09-12 7:37 PM



Attachments CowlVentRodWithOEBellowsAndMercuryMarineEngineShiftBellowPartsBag.jpg (88KB - 397 downloads)
Attachments CowlVentRodWithMercuryMarineEngineShiftBellow.jpg (92KB - 349 downloads)
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Posted 2017-09-13 2:46 PM (#548293 - in reply to #548248)
Subject: RE: Potentially Better Solution for the Cowl Vent Bellows

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10400
Location: Lower Mainland BC
And this is how it fits installed, no trimming of the boot, whatsoever. ( I just grabbed the edge of the boot from below with needle nose pliers and pulled it into the passenger compartment). Had to twist the bottom of the boot around because the top of the boot is so tight to the rod (a good thing) that I was winding up the rubber as I tried to get the end of the rod through the hole in the bell crank (and clip). Once I twisted the bottom appropriately, it was easy peasy(ish).

Looks like a little sealant at the edge of the hole and I will be good to go.

Edited by 56D500boy 2017-09-13 2:50 PM


Attachments 56DodgeCowlVentBellCrankAndRodWithMercuryOutboardBoot.jpg (130KB - 332 downloads)
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Posted 2017-09-22 9:35 PM (#548989 - in reply to #548293)
Subject: RE: Potentially Better Solution for the Cowl Vent Bellows

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10400
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Here is what the Mercury Outboard shift boot looks like from the top in the cowl cavity of my 56 Dodge, with the rod fully extended upwards:

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