Moving west
Posted 2018-11-14 7:13 PM (#573537)
Subject: Moving west

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
My wife and I are moving to southern Oregon due to health issues. The main one is that the dry air is aggravating my tendency to have bloody noses, including one bad enough to require emergency medical help, and another where I should have gone to the hospital.

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Lancer Mike
Posted 2018-11-14 8:38 PM (#573546 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: RE: Moving west

Location: The Centennial State

Oh, no!  Well, Stanford - good luck with the move.  When is moving day?  I can sympathize about the dry climate.  In some ways it is wonderful, but in the winter my skin gets so very dry and irritated!  Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because my mouth gets so dry.

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1959 Belvedere Conv
Posted 2018-11-14 9:17 PM (#573549 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: Re: Moving west

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1107
Location: Arvada, Colorado (NW Denver Metro Area)
Stanford. Sorry to see you move away but understand with the medical issues you are experiencing. Good Luck out there and see you on the FL but in a different region.

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Posted 2018-11-15 8:24 AM (#573564 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: Re: Moving west

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
We need to be out of this house on January 4th.
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Posted 2018-11-15 9:54 AM (#573573 - in reply to #573549)
Subject: Re: Moving west


Posts: 1290
Stanford --
Hate to see you go, but I know about those bloody noses although my experiences with them ended once my football days were over (you'd be surprised how often I got one falling off the bench or tripping over the line of scrimmage).
But as we say here in "Suthrun Callerada":
Slovo in dober zdravje, y'all.
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1959 Belvedere Conv
Posted 2018-11-21 10:34 PM (#573946 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: Re: Moving west

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1107
Location: Arvada, Colorado (NW Denver Metro Area)
<p>Stanford, You are going to leave us the Blue Heron right? She is a high desert car and the humid regions would kill her..Just a thought...</p>

Edited by 1959 Belvedere Conv 2018-11-21 10:35 PM
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Posted 2019-01-24 5:19 PM (#577349 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: Re: Moving west

Elite Veteran

Posts: 644
Location: Falcon, CO
Stanford, I have the same problems, but mostly under control by not blowing out both nostrils simultaneously. It was worse from January '16 to June '18 while on blood thinners following a stoke caused by a clot that passed through a hole in my heart.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2019-01-24 7:14 PM (#577356 - in reply to #577349)
Subject: Re: Moving west

Location: The Centennial State

Stanford must be in Oregon by now.  I hope he will check in soon and let us know everything went well and he is enjoying all the Oregon humidity.

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Posted 2019-01-25 9:51 PM (#577383 - in reply to #577356)
Subject: Re: Moving west


Posts: 18

Location: Englewood, Colorado
Hear hear, cheers Stanford! Happy Trails, Chris

P.S. We'll miss you at the Butcher Block and the Tri-State!
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Posted 2019-02-07 3:14 PM (#577951 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: RE: Moving west

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
We made it safely (barely).

We couldn't find a car hauler willing to go from Denver to southern Oregon, so we had to haul the cars ourselves. In mid December Dianne, my stepson and wife, and I took two 20 foot trucks, each with a car trailer. That trip went well, but on the next to the last day we hit very heavy rain. The paint on the Blue Heron has been flaking off over the Bondo done in the '70s, so I've known that body work was approaching. The heavy rain must have gotten under the paint, and now I see some rust staining. This has move up the time table for the body work.

Then in January we drove out pulling our travel trailer. The plan was to go over Donner Pass, then north on I-5. When we got to Reno the pass was open, so we started up the pass. At Truckee traffic stopped. The Calif Department of Transportation (CDOT) posted that the pass was closed because of multiple spin outs. Thus we kept creeping along (one 1/2 mile stretch took 2 hours). CDOT changed there message to closed because of whiteout conditions. At 8 PM they turned us around.

We were tired, but couldn't find a free parking space in town so we headed back toward Reno, looking for where truckers were stopped. We thought we had found a place, and pull off the highway, climbed in the trailer and slept. The second time I heard snow plows I decided I'd better check. The plows had piled snow around us, so we quickly got in the car and tried to get out. I got moving, but the low point on the trailer got high centered. AAA to the rescue. He pulled the car and trailer out until the car was on pavement, then I pulled the still high centered trailer out.

We drove to Reno, stopped in a truck stop, and slept another hour. With 3 hours total sleep we went to Denny's for breakfast with a pot of coffee, and on the advice of the AAA tow truck drive drove north out of Reno. That road was well plowed and we had no more issues.
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Posted 2019-02-08 1:17 PM (#577982 - in reply to #573537)
Subject: Re: Moving west

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 391
Wish you well in Oregon and yep big change from Colorado dry. I must admit I still remember the joyous aroma of slugs lol. A buddy of mine used to work at a boat shop in Coos bay. Your trip sounds like fun times from road trips I've had. Never forget coming back from Sea-Tac in a '64 Dodge 1/2T in line 6. the water pump went out coming out of Oregan going into Idaho. We went about 100 miles pulling over every now and then to go retrive water from rivers or streams to get going again. Finally pulled into a littl town where the gas station was owned by the same family that owned the motel and restaraunt. Had the guy go ahead and do the pump, all new belts and hoses, a good tune up, brakes and new tires. They were so happy to have us stuck there for 3 days. Darn good people and cleanest hotel I can remember, good food too.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2019-02-08 4:54 PM (#577986 - in reply to #577951)
Subject: RE: Moving west

Location: The Centennial State

Glad to hear you made it out ok, Stanford!  That is a heck of a story about the snow storm!  I guess all things considered, safe-and-sound is a positive outcome.  We are going to miss you at this year's Tri-State breakfast.

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