55 Chrysler AC switch
Posted 2022-09-23 8:44 PM (#624485)
Subject: 55 Chrysler AC switch

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
I need the AC switch for a 55 Chrysler Windsor.

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Posted 2022-09-23 11:19 PM (#624489 - in reply to #624485)
Subject: Re: 55 Chrysler AC switch

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
I would like to see what it looks like. Do you have a picture?
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Posted 2022-09-24 3:01 AM (#624493 - in reply to #624485)
Subject: RE: 55 Chrysler AC switch

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10400
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Be aware that the A/C switch is a multi-component "part", with temperature control switch as well as a blower switch, probably best found as a complete assembly at a good auto wrecker, like Big M in Williams CA

See diagram, listings and photos below:

Edited by 56D500boy 2022-09-24 3:19 AM






Attachments 55-56AirConditioningParts.jpg (221KB - 78 downloads)
Attachments 55-56AirConControlParts_BlowerSwitch.jpg (136KB - 82 downloads)
Attachments 55-56AirConControlParts_TemperatureSwitch.jpg (133KB - 84 downloads)
Attachments 55-56ChryslerDashWithACSwitchOnLeft.jpg (136KB - 81 downloads)
Attachments 55-56ChryslerDashWithACSwitchOnLeft_Detail.jpg (93KB - 84 downloads)
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Posted 2022-09-24 4:28 PM (#624503 - in reply to #624485)
Subject: Re: 55 Chrysler AC switch

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
Earlier this year Big M didn’t have one. I haven’t checked many other yards.

I have the switches, but the fan only works on one speed and I haven’t been able to determine if the temp is working.
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Posted 2022-09-24 5:10 PM (#624505 - in reply to #624503)
Subject: Re: 55 Chrysler AC switch

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10400
Location: Lower Mainland BC
55BlueHeron - 2022-09-24 1:28 PM
Earlier this year Big M didn’t have one. I haven’t checked many other yards.
I have the switches, but the fan only works on one speed and I haven’t been able to determine if the temp is working.

I think the 55 Chrysler blower switch is 1626 810. I've checked Hiltop, Len Dawson and Mopar Mall. None seem to have a 1626 810. The two speeds is probably based on a resistor so it might be fixable if you can figure out what the low speed resistor is.

I think the temperature switch is a 1648 263 which was also used by 55 Plymouths and Dodges (that might expand your search a bit). I checked Hiltop, Len Dawson and Mopar Mall. None seem to have a 1648 263 either. No sure how the temp switch worked (presumably a variable resistor of some type).

Here is a link to a concise pdf for the 55-56 A/C parts that you might find handy:


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Posted 2022-10-29 10:11 PM (#625264 - in reply to #624485)
Subject: Re: 55 Chrysler AC switch

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 327
Location: phoenix az
do you still need this don 602 6899414
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