NY to CO ForwardLook visit!
Posted 2022-12-06 11:40 AM (#626137)
Subject: NY to CO ForwardLook visit!


Posts: 3156
Location: NY & VT
We're visiting Denver from NY and had a great visit from Lancer Mike the other day!
We're staying at our daughter's for a few weeks and lately the weather has cooperated fully, so Mike drove his awesome (let me tell you it's even better in person than in pics!!) red & white '58 'dome convert over, and it even impressed the neighbors!

It also has all kinds of cool personal/historical touches that make it even more special, like a light up Hernando hood ornament!
It was great fun to share a beer and FL talk after some years of online communication. I sold Mike a tail-light lens at least 10-12 years ago, maybe that's now on the car, I forgot to ask! Anyway it was a a blast to meet up... just one more example of how this is a great hobby, and the people in it can't be beat... Mike, we'll ride again!

Edited by firedome 2022-12-06 12:07 PM
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-09 9:09 PM (#626240 - in reply to #626137)
Subject: RE: NY to CO ForwardLook visit!

Location: The Centennial State

That was awesome Roger!  

(Roger and Sue cropped reduced.jpg)

Attachments Roger and Sue cropped reduced.jpg (237KB - 516 downloads)
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Posted 2022-12-17 4:27 PM (#626394 - in reply to #626137)
Subject: Re: NY to CO ForwardLook visit!


Posts: 3156
Location: NY & VT
We had a great time, and "look forward" to hopefully seeing you next Spring! - I'd love to see the Dodge too! By May we may be in a different location as daughter & hub are actively looking for a house in the neighborhood next to their pool club (Rolling Hills) in Applewood/Golden, a bit farther out from the congestion. In any event is was a real treat to sit in that fabulous DeSoto, thanks for getting a pic! Happy Holidays!
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