Test Photos: Our 1960 Dodge Phoenix
Posted 2023-02-13 6:49 PM (#627573)
Subject: Test Photos: Our 1960 Dodge Phoenix


Posts: 30
Who say's Mother Mopar didn't make a "Bubble Top"


Attachments Try2.JPG (29KB - 156 downloads)
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Posted 2023-02-13 7:50 PM (#627576 - in reply to #627573)
Subject: RE: Test Photos: Our 1960 Dodge Phoenix

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10400
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Avanti - 2023-02-13 3:49 PM
Who say's Mother Mopar didn't make a "Bubble Top"

Photos need to be < 250 kB and best as .jpgs, not Apple product .jpegs.

If you resize to 1024 x 768 the size will be about 150 kB and it is usually quite adequate.

If you resize and up load as a .jpeg, it will up load but we have to click on a separate link before we can see your photo.

If you resize and save as a .jpg and then up load, the photo will show up in your post automatically. We don't have to do anything. It is just there.

This is an image that I resized (1024 wide x whatever high) and saved as a .jpg (about 147 kB):

Edited by 56D500boy 2023-02-13 7:52 PM


Attachments 60DodgePolaraBrochureImage.jpg (147KB - 140 downloads)
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Posted 2023-02-13 8:13 PM (#627577 - in reply to #627573)
Subject: Re: Test Photos: Our 1960 Dodge Phoenix

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
I love the look of those '60 2dr hardtop roofs.
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