NOS 1941-711 gear shif lever, low and reverse
Posted 2024-02-28 1:00 PM (#633941)
Subject: NOS 1941-711 gear shif lever, low and reverse


Posts: 2337
Location: Eastern Iowa
Fits 59 Plymouth, Dodge & Desoto standard transmissions W/O overdrive
Check your parts books for more info, may fit other years as well.
3 available
$25 each w/free shipping in the USA.
Check, money order or PayPal accepted
Thanks for looking!

(DSCN8585 (2).JPG)




Attachments DSCN8585 (2).JPG (121KB - 86 downloads)
Attachments DSCN8586.JPG (164KB - 83 downloads)
Attachments DSCN8587.JPG (154KB - 86 downloads)
Attachments DSCN8588.JPG (150KB - 79 downloads)
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