55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise
Posted 2024-08-23 1:16 PM (#636683)
Subject: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise


Posts: 216
Location: Northern Illinois
hi all, have developed a pesty misfire at steady cruise, comes and goes not consistent at all. no misfire at idle or accel. i have about 5000 mile on a rebuild with all new ignition parts (pertronix ii) im going to switch out the plugs (currently champion) i would like to go back to original style autolite"s what is the correct plug part number with a good heat range to use, i would think hotter the better. Tony
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Posted 2024-08-23 2:02 PM (#636686 - in reply to #636683)
Subject: RE: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Tony: I won't suggest which plugs you should use but I will suggest that the OE plug was a 3/8" reach Auto-Lite 4S-165 which
translates to an AC 44S. There are others hotter and colder that you could try.

REFERENCE: http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=79125&...

Here is an example 55 Dodge V8 (not sure if it is a 270 hemi or not) Tune-Up Sheet that flags the 4S-165 as the OE plug:

Edited by 56D500boy 2024-08-23 2:37 PM



Attachments 55DodgeEngineTuneUpSheetWith4S-165SparkPlugs.jpg (158KB - 80 downloads)
Attachments 55DodgeEngineTuneUpSheetWith4S-165SparkPlugs_Detail.jpg (41KB - 67 downloads)
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Posted 2024-08-24 9:36 PM (#636709 - in reply to #636683)
Subject: RE: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise


Posts: 216
Location: Northern Illinois
thanks dave, i think im going to give the "autolite 86" a try
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Posted 2024-08-25 1:09 AM (#636710 - in reply to #636709)
Subject: RE: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
hondaman1974 - 2024-08-24 6:36 PM
thanks dave, i think im going to give the "autolite 86" a try


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Posted 2024-08-25 8:21 PM (#636725 - in reply to #636683)
Subject: RE: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise


Posts: 216
Location: Northern Illinois
Dave, yes those are the plugs i was looking at. ended up getting and installing them. same size as the champions (r18yc) i removed. of course, the misfire is still there. checked wires, ok. pulled cap and checked the rotor and cap terminals, clean. however the rotor is very loose fitting on the dist. shaft with alot of up and down shaft play. this may be my problem. im using the original autolite dual point dist. with pertronix ii. i have a la small block dist with nathan's (powerflite) adapter for electronic spark control ready to drop in. hopefully this is the problem!
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Posted 2024-09-04 1:11 PM (#636818 - in reply to #636725)
Subject: RE: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise


Posts: 216
Location: Northern Illinois
found the source of the misfire! i converted my original distributor to pertronix ii. the shaft section where the rotor goes is very worn and caused to rotor to wobble when turning, causing the misfire. installed a late model la electronic distributor (had laying around for my 56 dodge) with nathan's (powerflite) module bracket and ignition conversion. man!! what a difference! great starting and rolls good around 60-65 mph! thanks guys!!!
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Posted 2024-09-06 12:58 PM (#636857 - in reply to #636683)
Subject: Re: 55 dodge 270 hemi misfire at cruise

Elite Veteran

Posts: 908
Location: Peoples Republic of Oregon
Good to hear of a success story.
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