Elite Veteran
Posts: 973
       Location: Pittsburgh, PA | Hello All, Paula Hale now has a New & Announcements list for up-to-the-minute information on the June 15th unearthing of the buried 1957 Plymouth Belvedere and the associated activities. It is an “announcements only” list hosted on Yahoo! (That is to say that it’s not a discussion list – only Paula can send out a post). Please pass on this information to anyone you feel might be interested. To receive the announcements, please join the “Buried Car” mailing list at Yahoo by either of the following methods: 1) If you already have a Yahoo! id, visit http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/BuriedCar/ and click the “Join this Group” button. 2) If you do not have a Yahoo! id, simply send an email to BuriedCar-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to subscribe. If you have any questions about joining the group, please feel free to send me an email. If you have any questions about the Tulsa events, Paula Hale may be contacted at phale@oklahomacentennial.com or by visiting the official web site at http://www.BuriedCar.com. -Dave |