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Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!
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Posted 2007-08-14 2:29 PM (#93159)
Subject: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
...I hope; Clive Reeve attempted to HIJACK a thread, over on the GEN DISC board
by suggesting that the date for the OFFICIAL Tulsarama Reunion be set for June 2009.

I started to agree with him, but realized that he was trying to induce general panic in the
poor folks who read those threads by talking about a non-related subject.

So, here the question is properly discussed: I have no problemos at all with a June 2009
reunion (as it affords NO "reasonable excuses, or plausible-deniability, on scheduling
conflicts!!) but I wonder where the best place FOR it, may be?

The answer PROBABLY depends upon the whereabouts of the car, at that time.

THIS time, though, I may fly-in; unless we have the reunion at some quiet close-by
venue, like LOST WAGES, NV (!!!)

At least; we won't get politely asked to retire, from our drinking-site, by a house dick,
in Vegas!!!!

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Posted 2007-08-14 2:31 PM (#93160 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 144
Location: Tulsa,Oklahoma
Central park? where the other plymouth sits in wait for 2048.
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Posted 2007-08-14 2:32 PM (#93161 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
...of course, the Reunion MIGHT be held considerably "sooner" (sorry: TX!) if the car might be suitably-protected, with
a scheduled Grand-Exhibit-Unveiling at 57 Heaven, or somewhere's else, before then!!!
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big m
Posted 2007-08-14 3:02 PM (#93168 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7827
Location: Williams California
Neil, were we going to wait until we find out where Miss Belvedere ends up? or has that become somewhat of a moot point? ---John
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Posted 2007-08-14 3:31 PM (#93174 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Right now, it looks to be a wait (or is that :"waste"?) -and-see proposition, but , for "scheduling" purposes, June 15-ish, 2009
is SET!!!!---subject to an earlier availability/necessity to see The Car, when it may be unveiled, somewhere, and pending
a venue determination!!!..........

It's GONNA happen (somewhere; someday, but no-later-than 6/15/09).----Clive SAID so!

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Mope R. Geezer
Posted 2007-08-14 3:38 PM (#93175 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: RE: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 2123
Location: Idaho - where men are men and spuds are spuds
Why not Paducah, KY?
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Posted 2007-08-14 4:08 PM (#93177 - in reply to #93174)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
d500neil - 2007-08-14 8:31 PM

It's GONNA happen (somewhere; someday, but no-later-than 6/15/09).----Clive SAID so!

YA,, Blame it ALL on ME...

OK, Hopefully all the Ownership and Prodding of " The Miss Belvedere " will be Finished, And she will be Safely Housed Away in a Museum, ( 57 Heaven ),, Regardless - We go to HER,, 15th June 2009.. Most people were Agreeing on a 2 Year Re-union, So Let,s set the Date , The Location can be Added Later..
Everyone Should DRIVE,, Some People i spoke to in Tulsa who Flew in did Regret it and said how much they wished they had Drove they FINS !! Also there was 1 guy who Trailored his, And STILL wishs he Drove ,We ALL know who he IS.. Also there was Others who Didn,t attend Who wish now they Had.. So with just over 21 Months to Go,, Are we All in Agreement.. It isn,t just to see Miss Belvedere , It,s a Re-union of FORWARDLOOK...
For some it,s just a 1000 mile Trip or Less,, I have to Buy ANOTHER Car and do a 3000 Mile Trip, Or i am Considering Bringing my 59 Dodge Home for a Couple Weeks..
Whats your Thought,s ???????????????
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Posted 2007-08-14 5:46 PM (#93201 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Yeah: OK, you win (again; blighter!) I'll drive....IF it's no further away, than Bransonburgville, MO.

Sheeeeiiiit, that'll be MORE than 3 day's driving, for me, to get THERE!

I sure DON'T wanna go back to T-Town, if it's only to see Ms. Belvie all stripped-down of her vestments!!!

Of COURSE, that will NOT happen, 'cause ain't nobuddy gonna pay nuthin, to transport the wreckage BACK to Tulsa, from
the East Coastal area!----The family's REALLY been smoking-something, if they think that the City of Tulsa, or anyone else
is going to finance the car's transportation back to TULSA, forany further "unveiling" ceremony!!

In all likelyhood, the car will be transported from the east coast, to where ever it will ultimately reside (any big wrecking yards, close by?)
after it may be stripped-down, by Ultra One.

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Posted 2007-08-14 6:04 PM (#93206 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Oh, BTW, heard anything from The Admiralty, regarding the loss of the ship transporting White Lightnin to England???

I handle claims for the Underwriters at lloyds, LTD. Trust me.

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Posted 2007-08-14 6:25 PM (#93216 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Got a Email from them Yesterday,, They have Assured me White Lightnin is on the Ship and is Still Scheduled to Leave the Port Tomorrow (wednesday), If everything goes to Plan and it don,t Sink, Should dock in UK on September 3rd.... Will keep you Posted on it as i hear..

No Wise Jokes .... I don,t think i could take it ...................LOL
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Posted 2007-08-14 6:30 PM (#93219 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 3589
Location: Blythewood, SC
Isn't 2009 a little soon? Why not every five years?
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Posted 2007-08-14 6:34 PM (#93220 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Oh BTW.. I am Easy on the Dates,, Location No Problem Either,,, My Plans are to Drive from CALI to New York,, Just need to find a Car in the CA area, Or go the 59 dodge Option,, But June 2009 is my Preference !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted 2007-08-14 6:38 PM (#93222 - in reply to #93219)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
57plymouth - 2007-08-14 11:30 PM

Isn't 2009 a little soon? Why not every five years?

You got in with that Question whilst i was writing,,, 2 or 5 years was mentioned on another thread, But most didn,t appear to want to wait 5 years , So 2 years seemed more popular, I will go with Either , 2009 or 2012 , As long as were all still Kicking... But the latter seems A long way Away...

What does everyone Else Reckon... 2 or 5
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Posted 2007-08-14 6:57 PM (#93225 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 3589
Location: Blythewood, SC
I'll do both, I was just confizzled.
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Posted 2007-08-14 7:37 PM (#93232 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Nah, it's gotta be 2 years, or sooner (y'all DID get that joke, right? Tejas'ians HATE [Okie-]Sooners, and presumably,
vice-versa!) ; after more'n a couple years, we'd all forget what each other LOOKS like (like, like, that horrible pic of some
ELDERLY gentleman, at John's wedding, that cha'll thought was beautiful-me!!!) and, probably, come-Hell-or-high-water
markings, Ms. Belvie will probably be "re-unveiled" somewhere, and that would make a logical venue, to re-convene
our discusions!!!

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Posted 2007-08-15 2:20 AM (#93276 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Right on all I am in 2-5 dont matter one way or another this jim dandy will be there. and this time call me for those bikini photo shot's I wanna see that. LOL No Clive not me in a bikini EEWWWWWWWW. I wouldn't do that to anybody sorry for that bad thought. LOL

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Posted 2007-08-16 2:04 AM (#93391 - in reply to #93232)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 144
Location: Tulsa,Oklahoma
i actually hate OU and i live in oklahoma. course i am an OK State man, maybe that has something to do with it.
anyway i would make the aniversary at Centennial Park or As many of you have called it "Prowler Park" in downtown tulsa.
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Posted 2007-08-16 2:34 PM (#93433 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
OK, Jeff, but how do you feel, about Texas U. , A & M, Sam Houston Institute of Technology (S.H.I.T.), et al???

And, are you certain that you could handle all the travel/logistics, in getting to The Prowler Park ?????

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Posted 2007-08-16 7:32 PM (#93479 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 144
Location: Tulsa,Oklahoma
i live down the street. :P i can use my shoedebakers.

oh and for the record the heat i was preachin about finally showed up its been 110 heat index for almost 14 days.

oh those texas schools well theres a saying around here about texas. the only thing about texas that doesn't suck is the beer.
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Posted 2007-08-17 3:11 PM (#93549 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
AND, I thought that Lone Star Beer DOES suck!!!! (slightly better than water).
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Posted 2007-08-17 4:31 PM (#93552 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 144
Location: Tulsa,Oklahoma
no thats oklahoma beer. oklahoma beer by state law is 3.2% if its domestic or non micro brew(imports excluded).

Edited by Moparman74114 2007-08-17 4:32 PM
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Posted 2007-08-24 10:23 AM (#94198 - in reply to #93552)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
boomer sooner there, poke! gettin' fired up, the north texas and georgia games are getting mighty close! i think everybody's pretty fired up this year.

back on topic, maybe 3 years would be a good compromise. i think five is too long, but we don't want to lose out on the "anticipation" factor, either. naturally, i'd "sooner" ya'll come back to oklahoma, but branson would also be good (for me!) . kansas city is also nice, and has attractions/ accommodations. hmmm, i'm beginning to notice a possible missouri bias.........

then again, for neil's sake we could go to amarillo. just hope that the wind's not blowing out of the wrong direction!
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Posted 2007-11-05 7:10 AM (#102205 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
I just posted this on another Thread, But this is the thread about the Re-union so....

Here is a Copy of the LINK that Ron Posted...

A positive prognosis

KELLY KERR / Tulsa World
Robert Carney (left) and Dwight Foster look inside the 1957 Belvedere that was unearthed from the Tulsa County Courthouse lawn this summer. Carney is a member of the Maryland family that won the car and Foster is a New Jersey businessman whose company will try to preserve the car.

By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer

Complete coverage of Tulsa’s famous buried car, including a story archive, slide shows and videos.

Unearthed car's owners have plans to preserve it

Dwight Foster isn't ****eyed but he is an optimist.

Looking over the crusty remains of the 1957 Plymouth Belvedere lifted in June from a 50-year-old time capsule, the New Jersey industrialist said, "It's actually not as bad as I thought it might be."

That came as a surprise to many of those familiar with the Belvedere. Many and maybe most of its years under ground were also spent under water, and the car was much the worse for it.

But Foster and Robert Carney, a member of the Maryland family officially declared winner of the Belvedere on Thursday, have big plans for the car.

"I want to treat this car like an artifact from the Titanic," Foster said, "clean it up and scrape the barnacles off it, so to speak. I feel like there's a better than 75 percent chance we can get the engine to run."

That doesn't mean Foster and Carney intend to make the car driveable.

"We want to preserve the car, not restore it," Foster said. "We're not going to replace any more pieces than we have to get it 'up on its haunches.' "

By that, Foster said, he means setting on all four tires at an even keel. As is, the Belvedere sags badly in the back because it's rear leaf springs rusted through. Surprisingly, though, its four tires remained inflated on Thursday several months after being aired up for the first time in half a century.

Plans now call for Carney, his aunt Catherine Humbertson Johnson, 93, and mother Levada Humbertson Carney, 88, to return to Tulsa on Nov. 29 for a sort of bon voyage party for the Belvedere.

The car will be trucked to Foster's company, Ultra One Corp., in Hackettstown, N.J., for treatments with a degreaser and an acid-free rust remover made by Ultra One.

Foster knows some people want the car to be left untouched but said that's not practical.

"If nothing is done, it will be dust in two years," he said.

The intention, Carney and Foster said, is to bring the Belvedere back to Tulsa next year for a second unveiling. Enthusiasts will be able to follow the car's progress on Foster's Web site at

Foster said portions of the car will be revealed on the Web site, but "no one will see the entire car until we bring it back here."

Foster said he is a "car person" who became interested in the Belvedere several years ago. When he saw the condition it was in, he recognized it as a chance to give his company "five minutes of fame."

Robert Carney's aunt, Catherine Johnson, and mother, Levada Carney, were declared rightful claimants to the car on Thursday. The two women are the sisters of Raymond Humbertson, whose entry in a 1957 contest to guess Tulsa's 2007 population came closest to the actual number.

Humbertson died in 1979 and his wife died in 1988. The couple had no children.

Foster and Carney hope to build a customized trailer for transporting the Belvedere to car shows around the U.S. and perhaps overseas. Both said Tulsa would always have first call for it.

"It is Tulsa's car, and it will always be Tulsa's car," Foster said.

So looks like a Re-union may have to be June 2008 , Or is everyone Still set on going to the Car where ever it is in June 2009....
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Posted 2007-11-05 4:31 PM (#102236 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
As much as I'd like to have you pay for a few of MY drinks, (not to say I wouldn't be happy to see yer smilin mug, too), I'd rather
meet up somewhere else, like Branson, Mo, (OR VEGAS!), especially if The Car will have been abused, by Ultra-Stupid (hey- now, there's a new name, for them!). But, if Ultra-None realizes that the car will not become magically-driveable, after being subjected to their Ultra- Make-over process, maybe they won't want the ugly-PR, and might say 'nutz' to the entire fiasco-to-be.

But, if you come-over from Jolly-Olde, I'm pretty sure that Jim Hoek(--endijk) will be able to come back here, from Nederland, for a bunch of Bench-racing/B.S. tournamenting, too!!!

I'm onboard!

Edited by d500neil 2007-11-05 4:33 PM
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Posted 2007-11-05 7:00 PM (#102252 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Well if i,m coming back this Soon, Looks like i may have to have a Sleep over at your Home.. LOL.. But anywhere is good with Me.. I don,t want to Miss out on the Grand Get Together though,, I can Guarantee JIMMY will be with Us..
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Posted 2007-11-06 1:01 AM (#102294 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
You can bet on that man im in. lets do it.

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Posted 2007-11-06 7:08 PM (#102355 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Well, we should start planning for sometime early next fall (when the heat of the summer is past, and, that may allow time for
Ms. B's fate to become sealed, for worse, or worser....

The biggest problem is arranging a set date & locale--we had no choice, as far as Tulsarama is concerned: Be there, or be NOWHERE!

Actually, June 15th works for me, too---a lot of us had no problems with that date, this year! Problem is: 6/15/08 is gonna come-around,
real soon!

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Posted 2007-11-07 2:12 AM (#102385 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
yes sir, seems like the weeks just blended all together after t-town. I cant believe that its November already. But like I said if I am still alive im there man. I think a reunion will be more fun then the event. Just because we could hang out more and not worry about all the other stuff going on at the same time, maybe plan some site seeing adventures for our group it's a blast to hit a small town with some Kool old cars the locals are always a real pleasure to talk to and the stories that the cars bring up. Kind of like over at stroud with Mr. Dave that was Kool but it was warm that day LOL

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Posted 2007-11-07 6:10 PM (#102446 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
That's why I'm thinking Branson, or VEGAS----I hear there's NO "closing-time"/grumpy-old-Parking-guards at Vegas!!!!

I've been to the big-gnu casinos @ V-Town, so my suggestion would be to stay @ one of the "Glitter-Gulch" (old school) casinos, in downtown area.

Edited by d500neil 2007-11-07 6:11 PM
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Posted 2007-11-07 6:32 PM (#102450 - in reply to #102252)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Vegas would be great with me......only a 5 hour drive!
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Posted 2007-11-07 6:51 PM (#102455 - in reply to #102450)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Well, Vegas is 4+ hours from Bishop, and not real far from L.A., either.

I could drive there, with Horrie, but was thinking about modern transportation.

They have a NICE airport, there, folks! And, you can't get lost (although avoiding gridlock will involve AVOIDING Las Vegas Blvd!!!!)

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Posted 2007-11-07 8:19 PM (#102480 - in reply to #102455)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
I can see if we can get some group rate discounts in Downtown LV.  I have clients who used to own a few casino/hotels downtown and I still have some connections there.  And one of my clients own a new nightclub/restaurant/gaming in Henderson (going to the VIP opening on the 15th) that probably would enjoy a bunch of car nuts thrashing!
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Posted 2007-11-08 3:15 AM (#102527 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Well I guess that would allow me to see some more of RT66
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big m
Posted 2007-11-08 12:16 PM (#102560 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7827
Location: Williams California
VIVA Lost Wages!
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Posted 2007-11-08 1:25 PM (#102567 - in reply to #102560)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
YEH BUT,,, Vegas sounds Fun,, But will Miss Belvedere be there as Well ???? We may have to go to NJ , As She may be packed in Carboard Boxs after ULTRA have Finished.. LOL

We need to know the Locations of where she will be and Dates before we arrange any Re-union, OR are we doing a "Forwardlook Reunion" ????????
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Posted 2007-11-08 1:29 PM (#102568 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
There is also a Rumour that JIMMY with be driving " Major " and not " Mini " FINS...

But it is only a Rumour .. LOL
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Posted 2007-11-08 7:19 PM (#102606 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
We can drink a TOAST, to Ms. Belvie (who WILL be in a state-of-Toast, by then!), @ Lost Wages.

I'm pretty-much in for anytime, next year; off-season would be nice (in Sept!), or June. Not too hot, then.

See what you can DO, Jay!!!!

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Posted 2007-11-08 7:27 PM (#102608 - in reply to #102606)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

d500neil - 2007-11-08 4:19 PM We can drink a TOAST, to Ms. Belvie (who WILL be in a state-of-Toast, by then!), @ Lost Wages. I'm pretty-much in for anytime, next year; off-season would be nice (in Sept!), or June. Not too hot, then. See what you can DO, Jay!!!!

I'll see what I can do Neil, just lets not make it before 4/15, my tax season work is a killer!

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Posted 2007-11-08 7:29 PM (#102610 - in reply to #102608)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
4/15 is KNOT one of my favorite "holidays", either.

Seriously: end-of-summer gives most of us ample "warning", er, PLANNING!

Somewhere near Glitter Gulch should be fun (kinda like RENO, which is a SERIOUS
gambling venue) , but G.G. would be like "Crime Story" TV show, and kinda away from
the Tour-ons ...

Kinda like TULSA, actually, except for the 24 hr excitement, the drinking/debauchery, and
adult entertainment, and the 'lights'; but, you know: kinda like Tulsa.....

Edited by d500neil 2007-11-08 7:34 PM
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Posted 2007-11-08 7:53 PM (#102614 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 387
Location: morehead, kentucky
I would like to go to Vegas, i will start saving now. I will have to fly as I have no car that would make the trip and I am not about to do that kind of driveing anyway. I would really like to meet all of you guys at some point.
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Posted 2007-11-08 8:17 PM (#102620 - in reply to #102614)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
James: flying is GOOD. You don't even, necessarilly, need to rent a car.
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Posted 2007-11-09 1:38 AM (#102642 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Hey Clive you would be right, Mini fins will stay home this time the big dog will be ready(my 59 custom royal 383 4 bbl) I am looking for somebody to do a seal kit on the trans. I am trying to get the front grill back together but Big M wont give me prices on my dental work for my dodge. Hint Hint John help a brother MoPar guy out man. :o). I have all but given up ever getting my 57 coro back from this goof off aleged painter. If this is to be in sept. please do NOT make it the last full weekend I havent missed the James Dean run since I started going in 89 this coming year will make my 20th anniversary 08.

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big m
Posted 2007-11-09 2:59 PM (#102691 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7827
Location: Williams California
I thought I had gotten back to you on those parts, Jimmy, Guess I probably spaced it! I'll send you a PM either Sunday or Monday. I'm just heading out the door, gotta pick up 5 DeSotos from southern Oregon today and tomorrow. ---John
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Posted 2007-11-09 3:25 PM (#102696 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 387
Location: morehead, kentucky
Hey MoparJimmy I have been wanting to go to the James Dean run for the past 7 years, and have not been able to make it yet. I actually have some family that lives in Marion, so the lodging would not be a problem,lol. I have heard it is awesome, isint there another show around that same time. I might be heading upto Marion the day after thanksgiving if I can get off of work that night, maybe if you are somewhat near there we could meet up and grab lunch or something one day.
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Posted 2007-11-10 2:08 AM (#102757 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Not yet John just throwing a hint to you I know you get busy with your Automotive Disney World, and I know I would be LOL. Yepper the Dean run is a blast lunch would be Kool im about 2 hrs north of Marion. Oh if we can vote Mine would be for Branson, MO. only because its closer but I guess Vegas would be kool I will just have to save some more bucks to feed my Barge for such a journey.

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Posted 2007-11-10 11:43 PM (#102860 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 273
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Wherever this is held I strongly encourage one hotel to be chosen so everyone can park together and stay at the same place. Some of my favorite times from the whole Tulsarama event were in the parking garage where people were parked together, hanging out, coolers packed in the trunk (John) and people getting to know one another in person, share stories, show off their car(s), etc. Not to mention how cool it was to drive through the doubletree parking garage and see many fins, etc parked on multiple floors. It's as close as I'll ever get to living in the 50's. Had I known that was where the majority of folks were staying I would have stayed there too. As it turned out the hotel I picked was listed on one thread I saw.

Just my opinion
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Posted 2007-11-11 6:38 PM (#102902 - in reply to #102860)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
I agree Brendon.  Do we have a general idea on which month and part of month?  For me, its best to have it May, June, July, or the 2nd half of August, Sept. or October.  Those are not the heavy tax prep times for me.  Its up to you guys, but that works better for me.  If I get some ideas of dates, I can start asking around.
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Posted 2007-11-11 11:13 PM (#102922 - in reply to #93159)
Subject: RE: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5140
Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA
Vegas would be a fun place---but lets face it , ANYWHERE we can get together with our cars ( the more the merrier) is gonna be a blast--Even a Hotel parking lot! The problem I see with Vegas, is the distance for the folks on the East side.............................................MO
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Posted 2007-11-11 11:19 PM (#102924 - in reply to #102691)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 1918
Location: Hell's Outhouse - a.k.a. Buckeye, Arizona
big m - 2007-11-09 12:59 PM

I thought I had gotten back to you on those parts, Jimmy, Guess I probably spaced it! I'll send you a PM either Sunday or Monday. I'm just heading out the door, gotta pick up 5 DeSotos from southern Oregon today and tomorrow. ---John

Whoa! You gonna give us the low-down on those DeSoto's after you get 'em back to your place, John?

Jay? Any way you'd consider a fellow Arizonan hitching a lift with you for the Vegas reunion? Split expenses and all that?

Edited by 1959Fury 2007-11-11 11:20 PM
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Posted 2007-11-12 12:20 AM (#102932 - in reply to #102924)
Subject: Re: Tulsa REUNION is ON!!!!


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

1959Fury - 2007-11-11 8:19 PM
Jay? Any way you'd consider a fellow Arizonan hitching a lift with you for the Vegas reunion? Split expenses and all that?

I don't see a problem with that Mark.  I'm hoping my CRL will be done enough for the trip.  Have to check with the boss, but I don't think she'll want to go.

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