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If You Come To Las Vegas....
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Kenny J.
Posted 2007-12-14 11:11 AM (#107115)
Subject: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Inactive by user's request

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
This is the "Crime View" map of all REPORTED incidents occurring within a half mile of the intersection of Fourth and Fremont, between mid October and mid December.

It gets even more interesting when you head a little north or east of this location.

This is not the Glitter Gulch of "VEGA$" television fame.

If you want to take you chances driving or parking your Forward Looks in that area, have at it.

You have been warned by a local who has a lot of professional interactions with the police. The ones I talked to rolled their eyes or laughed when I told them of the plans to stay "Downtown."

If you insist, I will look forward to purchasing some of your vehicles' parts for my cars when I attend the swap meet up in North Town.



Edited by Kenny J. 2007-12-14 11:15 AM



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Posted 2007-12-14 12:03 PM (#107124 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: RE: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1172
Location: bradenton florida
Not true, The CIA said there wasn't any crime in Vegas.
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Kenny J.
Posted 2007-12-14 12:14 PM (#107127 - in reply to #107124)
Subject: RE: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Inactive by user's request

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
phins - 2007-12-14 9:03 AM

Not true, The CIA said there wasn't any crime in Vegas.

Thanks, Garry. I needed that!

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Posted 2007-12-14 6:39 PM (#107179 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
That's NOT so bad, Kenny, once we get past the Fox News sensationalism.

Let's see what the activity really represents: 72 MVA's ; 82 A&B's (probably from acquaintenances!) 35 GTA's....

Of most importance to the casual visitor are the general "larcenies": 12, and the robberies : 15.

And, of course, the infamous "Other Disturbances", like drunk-in-public, flashing, jay-walking, pan-handling/soliciting : 288 events.

Divide the thousands of tourons, by the events , or vice(ahem-)versa , and the probabilities of getting out of the area alive don't
look all that bad, ESPECIALLY, when the statistics are recorded over a FULL 24-hour non-stop day.

Didn't know that I was a member of the Lost Wages Chamber of Commerce, didja????

Edited by d500neil 2007-12-14 6:40 PM
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Kenny J.
Posted 2007-12-14 10:07 PM (#107214 - in reply to #107179)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Inactive by user's request

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
I bet myself you'd crunch the numbers and reply as you have, Neil.

It's not bad when you realize you are within a few blocks of the main police station and the three court houses.

But fan out a little and there are serious problems, especially during summer.

Like leaving the boardwalk in Atlantic City or Michigan Avenue in Chicago.

Not to mention the cut throat traffic in the area.

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Posted 2007-12-15 1:37 AM (#107233 - in reply to #107214)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Ah ain't gonna go fan out, and LOOK for trouble, Ken!

If I stay with the herd, statistically, the hyenas ain't gonna cull me from the herd!
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Posted 2007-12-15 11:21 AM (#107252 - in reply to #107233)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 164
Location: Las Vegas, NV
I sure hope one of you guys don't become a statistic. If something happens, don't say the locals didn't warn you...

I worked 2 blocks from there for almost 2 years, and my cousin is a Metro PD officer and has patrolled that area for 6 years. I KNOW what goes on there, and what kind of people lurk around there when the sun goes down.
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Posted 2007-12-15 11:50 AM (#107255 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 3589
Location: Blythewood, SC
Which is why you should skip the Vegas reunion and head to the East coast reunion. (Charlotte or Memphis...)
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Posted 2007-12-15 12:23 PM (#107259 - in reply to #107255)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 164
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Not exactly. I don't want to discourage the idea of coming to vegas, just the location people consider staying. Every city has an area that was once nice, and now isn't the nicest place in town. I am sure there are locations in Charlotte and Memphis that residents would discourage parking valueable cars (with little or no security). No city is crime free.

Fremont is nice during the day, and a neat place to visit at night when the light show goes on. I just don't beleive it's a place people should stay over night, or for days at a time.
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Posted 2007-12-15 4:24 PM (#107273 - in reply to #107259)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Ok, where do you Vegas-locals recommend?

The same comments were directed toward downtown Tulsa, too, which led some folks to reside 50-ish miles away, in Stroud, where they
thought it was a nicer/safer location. May have been, but they missed out on the WED morning lid-lifting, or being able to walk
across the street, to the Convention Center, or to drive one block, to get to the SAT Car Show.

Of course, there isn't any special venue, for Vegas, so, if the MGM has a special rate, I know that they've got a nice parking garage!

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Posted 2007-12-15 7:23 PM (#107286 - in reply to #107273)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 164
Location: Las Vegas, NV
The "new" Vegas locations are nice, but busy. Any casino in new Vegas will accommodate you to a wide variety of food and entertainment. A recommendation could be the Gold Coast. Located on Flamingo next to the RIO and 3 stop lights away from the strip. This is also the location of Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend. They have a nice parking garage that is about 3 stories high, but large in width and length. When Viva Las Vegas goes on, they usually provide security and private sections for the cars attending the event.

Any other major casino ON the strip would be nice, but I am not sure they would accommodate us like a smaller casino would (room rates, seperate parking area, etc..) Depending on the dates, traffic could be horrible. Even if it isn't that busy, all it takes is one drunk tourist to run out on Las Vegas BLVD and get hit. No joke, this has happened both times I went to the strip in the last 6 months. They close down the strip for hours at a time when things like this happen.

The nice thing about being so close is that you can get to the "fun" in about 5 minutes and cruise down the strip to see that shows, shop, eat.

Maybe the palms? Playboy club!

I don't want to scare anyone about going to Fremont. It is an awesome place to visit, but very small and limited in entertainment. It's just that the area around it isn't so good.

A series of cruise events could be scheduled. If it is held in June the weather will be nice. July is when it gets hot. Maybe cruise out to Hoover Dam or Red Rock.
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Posted 2007-12-15 9:57 PM (#107312 - in reply to #107286)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

I'm getting some quotes shortly for downtown Vegas, possibly the El Cortez (recently remodeled) or Golden Nugget (which is probably going to be a bit on the high side.  A friend of mine owns a private investigation service and does security for some of the poker tournaments, etc. and she can probably hook us up if needed.  If someone has a connection to another hotel, maybe you can get some rates for that weekend.  I'm trying to get extra parking spaces roped off with security so we have plenty of room to park our cars without them being squeezed together.

Are we talking about a Friday & Saturday overnight stay?  Or should we plan on Thursday night as well (or a Sunday night)?   I don't know everyone work schedules.  I am my own boss, so I can take off whenever.  But it would be helpful to know when talking with hotels about our stay.


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Posted 2007-12-15 11:04 PM (#107323 - in reply to #107312)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 164
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Given those two options, I would go with the Golden Nugget. El Cortez is nothing special and is in a bad location. I went there last month with my grandmother for her birthday. It was nothing like what she remembered when she traveled to Las Vegas with my grand father in the 70s and 80s. Bad food, no entertainment and surrounded by weekly motels and run down apartments.
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Posted 2008-02-15 1:57 PM (#115120 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 225
Pahrump were I live is ok for a resident but I am not sure about up at the Hotels.

Alot of crime around here too
I had one of my storage garages broke into and they got away with over 20k in tools alone.
Vegas is worse I work there but I sure as heck wouldnt live there (Its worse than LA) just my opinion
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Posted 2008-02-15 2:24 PM (#115124 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 2244
Location: Yorba Linda, Ca
I used to go to Vegas a lot, I had one customer in Henderson NV, Timet.
I always stayed at Sam's Town and never had a problem, and the place is like a tropical Isle retreat inside. Everything that you could ask for.
They even have RV parking, so not sure where the rest of you will stay, but 20 years or so at Sam's Town---or however long they been open , is where I will stay.
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58 freak
Posted 2008-02-16 4:50 PM (#115283 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 200
Location: australia
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Posted 2008-02-18 9:25 PM (#115618 - in reply to #115283)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 452
Location: Southern California
We just returned from Las Vegas yesterday, doing some neon work. Had drinks at the Griffin downtown. Cool place, great neon sign. Some fantastic displays of the old neon signs that graced the town decades ago. Unbelievable! Forgot the camera so no photos. The Bellagio is unbelievable! Lost $7.00.
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Posted 2008-03-01 3:35 AM (#117652 - in reply to #115120)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Elite Veteran

Posts: 802
Location: Norcross (Atlanta area), GA
Doright - 2008-02-15 1:57 PM

Pahrump were I live is ok for a resident but I am not sure about up at the Hotels.

Skip Vegas and go to Lake Havasu City instead. You might not get to gamble, but the original London Bridge and a few vintage car shows are there for you to enjoy, even if they might not be Mopar-related. All within a two-hour drive south of Las Vegas.

Edited by mrtester 2008-03-01 3:36 AM
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Posted 2008-03-03 7:20 PM (#118092 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Bernie, there is/are Pahrump/Havasu/Laughlin , but the only REAL Las Vegas experience is IN Lost Wages, NV .

Especially for any First-timers. No comaprison to anywhere in the world.

P/H/L are considered as being side-trips, from Las Vegas.

Edited by d500neil 2008-03-03 7:21 PM
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Posted 2008-03-03 7:37 PM (#118099 - in reply to #118092)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 2244
Location: Yorba Linda, Ca
well, I tend to agree with the 3 that you mentioned, but to me, the place is Reno and Tahoe, being a desert rat, I could care less about seeing it again and Reno and Tahoe are gorgeous, alto, as I am sure you will say, Reno is Desert too, but not near as arid or deserted looking as Las Vegas, sans the Casinos and business, and I went to each , several times a year, but only occasionally to Lake Tahoe, as I did not have a customer up there, sniff sniff
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Posted 2008-03-08 12:20 PM (#118911 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: RE: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 171
Location: Nebraska
Oh Yeah - Glitter Gulch!





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Posted 2008-03-08 4:02 PM (#118944 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Elite Veteran

Posts: 755
Location: Big M Automotive's Yard
When is this planned for?
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Posted 2008-03-08 4:12 PM (#118949 - in reply to #118944)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Hi. M'Lisa!

We're trying to get jay's bud to see if there are any special-deals available, on/near the Strip.

Gary, I live relatively close to Reno/Tahoe, and those venues are pure gambling sites; no real ancillary attractions around them.

See? that's why Tulsaville was so special; no carping about attractions/crime/costs/travel...either BE there, or be NOWHERE (like:
in Stroud---sorry; I just had to say that, but it was/is true).

It's starting to get late, as far as trip-scheduling is concerned.

We'll always have Tulsa!

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Posted 2008-03-08 8:35 PM (#119001 - in reply to #118949)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 2244
Location: Yorba Linda, Ca
well, I agree that Vegas should be the place, cause easier for most folks to get there. But I disagree, with nuttin being there in Reno, but gamblin. You have the beautiful terrain to look at, Virginia City, CArtwrite Ranch, and the lake at Tahoe, unless you inside in Vegas, there ain't nuttin there. I dont know if you have been at the new sea food restaurant inside the Peppermill at Reno, but it is Spectaclar and great food. I trade places where we live, I would much rather be closer to Reno, than Vegas!!!

Edited by 1959Dodge 2008-03-08 8:36 PM
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Posted 2008-03-08 9:05 PM (#119006 - in reply to #119001)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Elite Veteran

Posts: 802
Location: Norcross (Atlanta area), GA
1959Dodge - 2008-03-08 8:35 PM

well, I agree that Vegas should be the place, cause easier for most folks to get there. But I disagree, with nuttin being there in Reno, but gamblin. You have the beautiful terrain to look at, Virginia City, CArtwrite Ranch, and the lake at Tahoe, unless you inside in Vegas, there ain't nuttin there. I dont know if you have been at the new sea food restaurant inside the Peppermill at Reno, but it is Spectaclar and great food. I trade places where we live, I would much rather be closer to Reno, than Vegas!!!

I skiied at Squaw Valley in my youth once (1976-77). It was a real rear-end-busting experience.

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Posted 2008-03-08 9:36 PM (#119011 - in reply to #119006)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....


Posts: 2244
Location: Yorba Linda, Ca
Yep and I hear "Heavenly Valley" is quite an experience, alto at my age, I take the tram up there and back down LOL
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Posted 2008-03-15 2:47 PM (#120262 - in reply to #107115)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Elite Veteran

Posts: 755
Location: Big M Automotive's Yard
OK. On the Reno side. Neil there is more to do than just gamble in Reno. Lake Tahoe is only 45 minutes away. If you want to go to one of the most beautiful places at Tahoe you could drive around the lake to Emerald Bay. If you don't want to do Tahoe, there is Virginia City which is an old mining town that is still in operation (you haven't lived until you see all the bras hanging from the ceiling of the Union Brewery). They still do gun fights during the summer. Or if you want to see a real desert lake you can go to Pyramid Lake. I think there are only 50 trees around the whole lake. Of course that is a about a 60 minute drive. Of course Reno is a "Car Town", there is a local car show almost every weekend during the summer. John ascuaga's Nugget, Grand Sierra Resort, Peppermill, and the Atlantis all have large enough parking lots that they will set up with security. There is also the National Automobile Museum, the Harrah Collection, in downtown Reno. I know they don't have all of the original cars that Bill Harrah had, but they do have over 200 cars. Or if you want to see what highway 40 was like, you could do a night time cruise from west Reno to Sparks down Old Highway 40 and see all the old neon signs that our cars may have seen in there youth. One other plus is the temperature. Reno's temperature very rarely goes above the 90's and it cools down to the 60's in the evening.

Ok, maybe I'm being a little biased. I lived in Reno all of my life until Last January.
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Posted 2008-03-15 3:07 PM (#120269 - in reply to #120262)
Subject: Re: If You Come To Las Vegas....

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Hey, M'lisa ; far be it from me, to disparage a venue close to home, but, beings that I've been to the Reno/Tahoe areas a few
times, I know that, outside of just driving-around, or for pure-gambling, or seeing a B-List celebrity, or visiting at Hot August
Nites, or visiting the small same-old car museum, there really isn't much to compare with Lost Wages, and all its attractions.

Reno is a non-family-friendly gambling town.

Of course, most of us ARE adults, but, the Vegas Strip encourages walking around and seeing the sights.

You gotta drive-and-park just to get from one casino, to another, unless you stay downtown, and that area is depressing,
unless you're suitably drunk and disorderly, like @ H.A.N., in which case you just have a difficult time in focusing your eyes
so you really don't care what the place looks like.

People may not realize this, but the TV show, "Reno 911" is actually a documentary.

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