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A little story from Tulsa
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   Forward Look NON-Technical Discussions -> Miss Belvedere - The Unearthed Tulsarama Plymouth!Message format
Posted 2008-02-05 5:14 PM (#113608)
Subject: A little story from Tulsa

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5140
Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA
I am a true- story teller( sometimes only SLIGHTLY embellished )
While at the Tulsarama outdoor car show, we went over to the food venders and sat at a table in the shade while having some lunch. There was an older couple and their son sitting there too. She was a very attractive, very classy, older woman-blonde hair -and you could tell that in her youth, was a REAL looker. She said they were looking for a real nice 59 Dodge 2 door hdtp to buy and noted that there were none at the show. As we talked , she said that her father had been an executive at Chrysler Corp. back in the 50's and he had a 59 Dodge that she used to often drag race on Woodward Ave. in Detroit. I recall that in the early 60's, that was the street racers mecca. She said there were very few to come close to beating her. I'm sure she said it had the cross ram intake but I don't know if Dodge had them in 1959?? If someone has a nice 59 for sale, I think I still have their contact number.
I am sick and tired of winter so does anyone else have Tulsa stories that will help pass the time?.......................MO
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Posted 2008-02-05 5:26 PM (#113612 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: RE: A little story from Tulsa

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7545
Location: northern germany
there were a couple of 59s (at least one dodge) with crossrams equipped to test the rams in real life, daily driving.
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Posted 2008-02-05 5:33 PM (#113615 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
ONE of my favorite memories, in addition to the genuine consideration shown to us by everyone, including the local constabulary,
was, at the Car Show, Dominos was selling 12-14" boxed pizzas for $3.00, and, the Boy Scouts were having a fund raiser, so,
they were selling 12 oz bottled fruit-flavored soda pop for ONE dollar!

BEST memory, was, on WED morning, strolling over to the vault, to pay our group's respects to the site, and discovering that the City
was, unannounced, in the process of REMOVING the vault's lids!!!

Anyone who was not able to arrive on TUES, and stay at the 'Tree, missed a once-in-a-lifetime event!

Least favorite memory was the extremely unfriendly (by any watering-hole consideration) bartendress, at the Lobby Bar.

The house dick was "nicely" impressed with his own authority, too.

Great time, overall, and everyone, here was invited to the festivities.

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Posted 2008-02-05 6:55 PM (#113625 - in reply to #113615)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
my favorite part, in all seriousness, was the AMAZING display of cars, whether in the doubletree garage, the indoor car show, or the outdoor car show. all three had three different kinds of attractions, and all were very interesting for me and my son.

i got to meet a guy from idaho in the parking garage. i had just pulled in, near the top, and here came the car i recognized from his website. i hollered "pete!", and the guy stopped to look at me. i said, "are you blueskies?", and he replied that he was. claudia (ms. fins) and bill ("mr. fins"?!?) were nearby and saw the awesome 50 plymouth pete had DRIVEN from idaho.

i used to lurk at (jeff, a/k/a bugman, used to hang out there), but i can't get on the board anymore. don't know why. anyway, that's where i saw the amazing story of blueskies and the build of his tough plymouth. i also really liked how he did this to involve his sons in the hobby. one of them came with him, and met my son. it was really cool. tulsarama was truly a special moment in time; the whole thing was great!
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Posted 2008-02-05 7:42 PM (#113634 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa


Posts: 3589
Location: Blythewood, SC
All of my stories are told and retold.

I had fun everywhere I went.
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Posted 2008-02-05 9:25 PM (#113650 - in reply to #113634)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Dave: we'll always have Tulsa (or, was 'that' Paris????---the Paris of the MidWest?)
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56 Cruiser
Posted 2008-02-05 9:27 PM (#113653 - in reply to #113625)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 329
Location: Claremore, Okla.
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Posted 2008-02-06 2:03 AM (#113685 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Right on, you all know I had the time of my life so far. Maybe some more fun to come this year or next with the next Finned gathering.

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Posted 2008-02-06 6:52 PM (#113792 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
I wouldn,t know where to Start...

What with Landing at Minneapolis and getting 100 Questions from the Sheriff ( A$$HOLE ) in Customs before he would let me pass, Too picking up " White Lightnin " , driving 250 Miles to finally getting a Motel to Sleep, Cruising to St Louis for the Car Show and Meeting the First Bunch of members, Then Cruising to Tulsa Via Route 66 in Convoy with members of this Forum ( yourself included ) , Early Wednesday Morning see,ing the Vault opened, The Doubletree Carpark Show, The Unveiling , The Outdoor Carshow, The Indoor Carshow, Meeting All the other Members, Cruising to Houston, Walking around Houston in Plus 100 Degrees..

And as a Momento, I have a 59 Chrysler Windsor Sitting in the Garage,, As i said ,, Where do i Start..

It was a Trip of a Lifetime... And will Probably never be beaten, Equaled Maybe ???
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Posted 2008-02-06 7:18 PM (#113804 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Don't be too hard on the sheriff, Clive.

They probably never heard an English accent, up-there!

S-veeedish; sure, by golly, but Engrish?

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Posted 2008-02-08 2:00 AM (#114013 - in reply to #113608)
Subject: Re: A little story from Tulsa

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
fur sure man like ya know dude. LOL It's totally tubeular man. I hope you asked him if he understood real english and all, LOL. I would have loved to hear that conversation with that law man.

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