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lost video reel
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   Forward Look NON-Technical Discussions -> Miss Belvedere - The Unearthed Tulsarama Plymouth!Message format
Posted 2008-06-11 11:34 PM (#133679)
Subject: lost video reel


Posts: 273
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
another article from old cars weekly- claims to have found a lost film reel of the Tulsarama footage
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Posted 2008-06-11 11:53 PM (#133684 - in reply to #133679)
Subject: RE: lost video reel


Posts: 5

This is like the Zapruder film to me! Can we get some conspiracy theorists on this? I'd like to get some rumors started about what this film contains and see how far they go. Who thinks there is foul play involved with the fact that there "may or may not have been a custom radio installed" yet NO ANTENNA CAN EVER BE SEEN???

These are questions we demand answers for! Thanks for the revealing insight.

(Just bulls**tting and rallying for a fun film script about this event)

I would like to see that film safely converted though. Another great find.
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Posted 2008-06-12 10:12 AM (#133734 - in reply to #133684)
Subject: RE: lost video reel

Elite Veteran

Posts: 614
Location: Kingston Springs , TN
I think it is the "reel" deal; saw the film and script when I visited with Dwight last month....

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Posted 2008-06-12 4:45 PM (#133756 - in reply to #133679)
Subject: RE: lost video reel


Posts: 2309
Location: The Bat Cave, Fairborn, OH

The story begins back in 1957 with the man’s father who just happened to be the news manager for the local television station, KOTV. The night that the car was buried, the television station aired footage of the event that was shot by employees from the Chrysler Corporation. Realizing how unique the 16mm film reel was, the news director took the tape home as a memento of the event put it away for safe-keeping.

Although the picture that accompanies the "Old Cars" article clearly shows a spool of 16 mm film, the reporter calls it a "tape" as if it were a reel of magnetic tape. Well, although Ampex was experimenting with video tape as long ago as 1957, nearly all news features shown on television in those days was filmed on 16 mm stock. Video Tape didn't edge out film until the 60s. No doubt it was the "Old Cars News" reporter who miscalled it. It's a fascinating bit of history thouigh. I wonder how much Ultra-Done" is going to charge for a DVD compilation? And isn't there a movie already out that is supposed to incorporate a lot of this news footage? I thought the Tulsarama people were selling a video.

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Posted 2008-06-12 5:09 PM (#133763 - in reply to #133679)
Subject: Re: lost video reel

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
There is a Official DVD of the Footage ,, Including the Burial , Interviews , UnEarthing and Sock Hop...
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Nathan D. Manning
Posted 2008-06-12 5:26 PM (#133764 - in reply to #133756)
Subject: RE: lost video reel

58 DESOTOS RULE - 2008-06-12 4:45 PM

...the reporter calls it a "tape" as if it were a reel of magnetic tape. Well, although Ampex was experimenting with video tape as long ago as 1957, nearly all news features shown on television in those days was filmed on 16 mm stock. Video Tape didn't edge out film until the 60s...

Geez, Stephen! You're PICKY!

I laughed my arse off when I read your comment - and here is why... I NOTICED THAT, TOO!
Of course, having once worked in television, I would've expected myself to notice such a "glaring misnomer..."

Our photogs used to get SO frosted when someone said, "The TeeVee station is coming out to FILM blah-blah-blah..." All of those guys made high fun of people for using the word "film" or "filming" in place of the more technologically accurate "(video)tape" or "(video)taping."

In most modern newsrooms, TAPE is still the king. Only recently have many stations converted to digital or tapeless recording. When TAPING is no longer the word to use, I wonder what they'll call it?

Anywho, thanks for the laugh... It provided an instant flashback to my old newsroom days.
Sorry for going (further) off-path with this thread... but I had to share the humor I found in these remarks.


Edited by Nathan D. Manning 2008-06-12 5:31 PM
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Posted 2008-06-12 5:43 PM (#133766 - in reply to #133764)
Subject: Re: lost video reel

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
The 35m film-roll looks to be about 5 minutes in length.

I believe it will be nothing more than the raw-unedited-footage of what has been previously shown, in the "Tulsarama" TV-news documentary-video, which was shown, as a part of that other documentarist's production.

That video-footage should still be available for viewing, as accessed early-on, on the "Tulsarama Board" discussions, on this website.

Edited by d500neil 2008-06-12 5:48 PM
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Posted 2008-06-12 9:54 PM (#133809 - in reply to #133766)
Subject: Re: lost video reel


Posts: 4133
Location: Connecticut

Nathan -

I also caught the 'tape' thing. He used the word four times in the article. Sheesh ! An editor should have caught that. But Old Cars Weakly also misidentified the body tag as the data plate in last week's story.

What word will they use when videotape goes out to pasture ? Record, as in 'Channel 3 showed up to record our event.' 

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