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Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58
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Posted 2009-03-31 8:42 AM (#168878)
Subject: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
I start this thread for information only - please do NOT post anything else than pure dry information here!

I have started to collect the necessary parts and information for to be able to install the Auto-Pilot option in my Chrysler Saratoga '60. Likely the information that I'll share here will be useable also for '61-'62 and maybe also '58-'59.


After cleaning of a Auto-Pilot unit and investigation of the switches and cables, it's time to unveil what's actually under the cover.

When a set speed on the selector knob is reached, a slight resistance will be felt in the accelerator pedal - this indicates that the Latching switch is closed and ready for energizing, the Latch holding switch will be closed next and closing the circuit up to the Engaging switch - when the driver pulls out the Engaging switch, the electromagnet in the switch will hold the knob in the engaged position and ground the circuit. Now cruising along in a steady speed, the governor will find a balance and non of the Governor controlled motor directional contacts will be closed, hence the electric motor is in stand-by mode.
When closing up to a hill, the car will loose some speed - the governor will go down and the Governor controlled motor directional contacts swiftly close for acceleration direction of the motor/link - the speed increases slightly and the governor will find it's balance again. Going down hill, the car will gain speed, hence the governor will rise on it's shaft and the Governor controlled motor directional contacts swiftly close for deceleration direction on the motor/link and the speed decreases until balance is found.
This way the governor will constantly keep a steady speed.

I will continue with the electrical schema and explanation....

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Posted 2009-03-31 4:20 PM (#168900 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 3905
Location: Northen Virginia
txs for the info, very interesting
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Posted 2009-04-01 5:13 AM (#168953 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Here is a tested electrical schema for installation of the Auto-Pilot. Colours may and WILL vary (internal colours only for clarification)

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Posted 2009-04-02 11:32 AM (#169086 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Here is a picture of the control unit. The solenoid makes the engaging button stay in "engaged position", but it's weak enought for to be pushed in when the driver want's to disengage the Auto-Pilot. The control cable is has a rack fixed to the end in the control unit and the control cable shaft has a small pinion. There's also a spiral spring mounted around the shaft, which makes turning the knob clockwise easy but more force is needed for to turn the knob anticlockwise - this because otherwise the governor in the Auto-Pilot would push back the cable.

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Posted 2009-04-04 2:22 AM (#169267 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
As per request of a member here, I post some pictures of the mounting brackets for the mechanical brake switch. NOTA BENE - the mounted position on the brake pedal is yet to be confirmed, this is how I found them "mounted". The switch shall be a NORMAL CLOSED type, that will break up the circuit if the driver presses the brake pedal within the freeplay, but not applying the brakes.

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Posted 2009-05-13 4:09 AM (#174059 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
I have now collected one Auto-Pilot model for each year, '60,'61 and '62. Mostly, I did this for the research and for to be able to chose the best suitible for to mount in my car. Preferably, it will be the '60 model, but the '61 model had some improvements.

The '60 Auto-Pilot unit has part number (MoPar) 1972446 / Perfect Circle number 73014490.
Please note that unfortunately, the Mopar part number is on the adhesive label.

First photo shows a line-up of the 3 models.

Photo's 2, 3, 4 and 5 shows various views of a '60 Auto-Pilot unit.

Edited by wizard 2009-05-13 4:26 AM






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Posted 2009-05-13 4:22 AM (#174061 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
The photos in this post shows various views of a '61 Auto-Pilot unit, part number (Chrysler) 2257989 / Perfect Circle number 73032022.
Note that the throttle actuator arm has been improved, with less risk of binding. Also the motor is "simplified" and not cast out of aluminium.
Electrically, the '61 unit is identical to the '60 unit.




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Posted 2009-05-13 4:31 AM (#174062 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
The photos in this post shows various views of a '62 Auto-Pilot unit, part number (Chrysler) ??????? / Perfect Circle number 13C-014878.
The motor has a cad-plated cover. Electrically, the '62 unit is identical to the '60 and 61 units.
The governor and the governor spring is slightly different and the once adjustable sleeve for speed adjustment is now only a piece of pipe (not on the pictures). Also the connectors for the cables have different lenghts.

Edited by wizard 2009-05-13 4:35 AM





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Posted 2009-05-13 4:46 AM (#174063 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Looking in the excerpt from the '62 manual, that Nisse/Polara61 kindly supplied, it seems like there was a '60 Auto-Pilot unit, with the newer "clockspring" throttle actuator. The pictures shows the early type of Auto-Pilot, with the older motor, but with the new actuator. This could very well mean that the changes where made mid-year. So, the 62 manual actually shows the "wrong" type of unit - the '60 unit where never supposed to be serviced, it even had special screws that requires a special socket for to remove. Anyway, the '62 manual has a very good chapter about the Auto-Pilot, service and checks.
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Posted 2009-06-30 2:15 PM (#179965 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Thanks to the help from Jörgen, who actually demounted his own brackets and send them to me, I was finally able to copy the original '60 brackets. This shows the true spirit of FL'rs and car people - without friends like that, a lot of projects would have been stalled.

I simply made templates out of cardboard and cut out the parts for to weld them together.

There was a question some time ago, if a '61 Auto-Pilot kit would fit a '60 - the answer is yes and no - everything BUT the brackets are the same.










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Posted 2009-07-02 4:04 AM (#180212 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Here's a line up of the Auto-Pilot mounting brackets I have. As you can see, there's big differences between the years. I could be willing to part from my '61 brackets if someone is really interested.

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Posted 2009-07-08 7:57 AM (#180834 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Jörgen Bengtsson, 1960ny, kindly helped me and made a template for the position of the holes for the Auto-Pilot servo. I marked out the holes and drilled the holes, strangely, everything fit on the first trial, so I made a test mounting of the servo. Then I measured up the hole pattern and the distance from references on the inner fender.

Bear in mind that the hole pattern is INDICATIVE - use small size of drill first, so that you'll be able to adjust the hole position if needed.

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Posted 2009-10-28 9:22 AM (#194231 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
After having demounted the AstraDome for easier access during the installation, I measured out where to cut the holes for the control unit. For to be able to work, the radio must be demounted as well as the ash receiver (Ian, I thing you just might install yours without demounting the AC). I cut the holes with the simplest cheapest IKEA tool and cut away the rest with a Dremel.

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Posted 2009-10-28 3:03 PM (#194260 - in reply to #194231)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Here's the control unit bezel, knob and buttom as a test mounting

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Posted 2009-11-05 1:45 PM (#195351 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
When I checked through the parts, I found out that also the brake pedal with the mechanical switch from a '61 Chrysler naturally was different from a '60. The solution was found when I checked through some old parts from machinery. The bracket is a standard photocell bracket, which I modified slightly and then mounted a Honywell microswitch -the microswitch is now fully adjustable and reacts directly on the pedal free-play.

Edited by wizard 2009-11-05 1:45 PM

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Posted 2009-11-06 1:37 PM (#195558 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Next step was to connect the speedometer cable, but the length was too short?! No, not really, I had a speedometer cable between the speedometer and the Auto-Pilot servo unit from a '62, hence just slightly shorter (1/4" too short). Instead of to try to find the original slightly longer cable (which still has to work in an L-shape bend), I used the grommet from the '62 and made a hole in (later used for this?) firewall for a straight speedo cable routing - it came out really good and the lenght is perfect now.

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Posted 2009-12-01 7:22 AM (#199027 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Neither did the accelerator to servo-unit rod fit from a '62 - Jörgen Bengtsson again came to the rescue and lend me his '60 rod for comparison and use as a template. I made a new rod, used the upper adjustable part from the '62 rod - the result was fairly well. I also made a rough drawing (all measures in millimeters).

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Posted 2010-03-30 7:12 AM (#216362 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
So, finally today I tested my Auto-Pilot set-up! The servo unit worked like a dream, 50 years old, but still going strong. This option is one of the coolest and most convenient for our cars. Really cool is that you can do a kick-down with the speed dial knob. The only thing that I needed to change, was the accelerator/servo rod, shown above here - the measure 235 mm needed in my case to be 270 mm! Why? Well I can only guess that my servo unit sits slightly higher than it should, but with the longer rod it works perfect.

Now it's also time to send my special thanks to all the guys that helped me;

Jörgen Bengtsson (1960ny), without your kind friendly help, this project would have been really difficult to finish - Thank you my friend!
Nils-Erik Andersson (polara61) Thanks for the scans from your '61 manual, really helped me a lot!
Kenneth "Ken" Palmqvist (not listed) A good friend of mine and a connoisseur of '60 Chryslers

Now, for the Scandinavian members, I do have a '62 Chrysler set-up (not complete) which will be for sale. PM me for the contents of this kit and prices.

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Posted 2013-07-06 3:51 PM (#384580 - in reply to #168953)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston

When you state 'hydraulic safety switch' in your schematic, what does that mean? Do you mean the same switch that is the brake light switch located at the master cylinder? I'm inclined to think you do, but that switch is normally open whereas I think you would need a normally closed switch to allow the unit to work while the brakes are not applied.


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Posted 2013-07-06 4:42 PM (#384590 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
I never actually found a hydraulic switch for the Auto-Pilot, but as you write, the switch must be normally closed and opening at pressure. the schematic comes from the shop manual, so there must have been one - I made the harness and all, then I thought that the extra hydraulic switch is actually not necessary to have.
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Posted 2013-07-06 9:19 PM (#384612 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2312
Location: Arizona
That looks like the same basic system a 69 Cadillac I used to own had. The "governor controlled motor directional contacts" on the Caddy were easily disturbed by bumps. So if you were going 60 mph down the road and hit a decent sized bump not only did the car go up and down but those contacts would swing back and forth and make the throttle open and close enough you could feel the engine surge and then slow down. It also had two modes of operation, one was the typical cruise control mode, the other was a "speed enforcer" mode. In that mode you set the maximum speed you didn't want to exceed but you had to operate the gas pedal like you normally would. But if your speed hit whatever you set it at the controller would start to push back against your foot.... the faster you went over the set speed the more the controller would push back. I really like that system, it made is so easy to make sure you didn't speed when traffic was sometimes in your way and you couldn't just set a speed and forget it but had to be always speeding up and slowing down due to interference from traffic.
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Posted 2013-07-06 10:48 PM (#384627 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
Thanks. The reason I ask is I am looking at my harness for the cruise (which is separate from all other harnesses). There is the 3 prong spade terminal but then there are also two brownish grey wires coming out of the harness, still in the engine compartment but about 6" from the 3 prong terminal, that are cut and I don't know what they are for.
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Posted 2013-07-07 4:16 AM (#384643 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
@ Jim; the problem you describe is due to worn out motor rubber pads and/or combination of a wrongly adjusted control rod. Otherwise, yes, it's the same system, made by Perfect Circle.

@ Greg, I suspect that the grayish brown two cables needs to be bridged togeter, or your circuit will be always open - the same cables should make a loop in to the mechanical switch on the brake pedal.
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Posted 2013-07-07 7:57 AM (#384656 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
I suspect so as well, I just wonder why they were brought out of the harness in the first place, and why someone cut them. But today I will unwrap the tape to verify that.

By the way, I opened my servo for what I suspect is the first time in 55 years and it looks beautiful inside. Other than one of the motor leads being damaged...which looks like it is an easy fix.

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Posted 2013-07-07 8:48 AM (#384662 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Greg, now that you opened it, take some lint free linen cloth and wet up with contact cleaner and carefully clean the contacts inside, that should be the only maintainance needed. That seems to be a '60 unit, the spring was once light blue - you should be able to find some traces of the original paint.
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Posted 2013-07-07 7:45 PM (#384739 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Expert 5K+

Posts: 8446
Location: Perth Australia
If you dont have the brake switch wires hooked up to a brake switch, what dis engages the cruise when you brake?

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Posted 2013-07-08 2:47 AM (#384794 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
The mechanical switch on the brake pedal will open the circuit and disengage the Auto-Pilot, there's no need for a double switch circuit. Then one could push in the engage button - this will also disengage the Auto-Pilot.
The cables are in a loop, from switch to switch in serial connection, so bridging one switch is no problem.
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Posted 2013-08-20 3:42 PM (#392493 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
I finally dug into my cruise unit. It's overall in nice shape, but as noted earlier the motor leads were (all 3) all suffering from crumbled apart insulation. It's interesting to me to see this component, which uses 'outside vendor' sourced wire (Perfect Circle) have this problem when the rest of the Chrysler is still running its 1958 wire in remarkably good shape*.

Here's my opinion....1958, everything is great. But over time the cruise unit gets a little dirty and the grease inside hardens. The motor is working harder than ever, pulls more amps, and because there are no fuses the wires eventually more or less cook themselves. This is evidenced by the crumbled insulation and the wire itself was very brittle.

Anyhow, I called around and a few places can take the motor apart, clean it and replace the leads for $180-$200. I decide that's too dear for me so I took it apart and cleaned it and replaced the leads with modern, high quality wire I had on hand from a previous project. I put it back together and ran it for a few minutes and it seems to run fine.

I've cleaned up the remainder of the pieces and I also identified the ball bearings, which were originally New Departure, can still be bought so I ordered all new bearings and will reassemble it when they get here.

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Posted 2013-08-20 5:06 PM (#392520 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 1506
Location: Colo Spgs
Hola All

I would like to say Thank You for every person that had something positive to add to this Repair/ Fixing.

In my stash of Auto Pilot Parts, I can now ID from year to year.

Rodger and Gabby
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Posted 2013-08-21 1:31 AM (#392616 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
I see that you went "full stop" Greg! Nice to see all the parts laid out. This will help many guys renovating the Auto-Pilot units. Thanks for sharing, good luck!
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Posted 2013-08-28 2:53 PM (#393936 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
I finished the reassembly of the Auto Pilot. I won't be able to install it until the weekend but I am confident it will work....!

Here are some pics with some notes. I should point out that I don't consider this a true 'rebuild' as I did not have to rewind any of the electrical pieces. But it does have all new rolling element bearings and is otherwise in fresh shape.


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Posted 2013-08-28 3:00 PM (#393939 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
Here is the governor drive shaft. This piece includes two of the four ball bearings, they are light press fitted. In order to remove the large one, you have to first loosen the nut that retains the gear. The large bearing is a 6202 (old # 77502) and the small is an R6 in today's terminology.

There is also a close up of the governor which shows the snap ring and small drive pin used to locate it. The snap ring has a small wave spring/washer under it so don't lose it!

Edited by GregCon 2013-08-28 3:02 PM

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Posted 2013-08-28 3:06 PM (#393941 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
These are the 4 ball bearings you need..... two R6, One R4, and one 6202. I don't know why the boxes don't say R4 and R6 but that is what you need.

Also, here is the unit with the governor installed, prior to installing the contact assembly.

In the background is the grease I used for the governor 'plunger' shaft.

Edited by GregCon 2013-08-28 3:16 PM



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Posted 2013-08-28 3:12 PM (#393944 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
Final shot before replacing cover. The cover uses a felt seal at the shaft, and an o-ring elsewhere. I tried two o-rings and did not find a good fit so I reused the original which luckily was still in good shape. If you need a new o-ring, look for a .125" stock and that is what you need. While they sell 1/8" stock all over, it is actually .139" and is too thick. I also tried 3mm stock but it is .118" and a little too thin.

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Posted 2013-08-28 3:36 PM (#393948 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Very nice Greg - thanks' for posting the information and pictures!
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Posted 2013-08-28 10:35 PM (#394044 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
One correction - I realized I had picked up the wrong O-Ring material when I tried to fit it up. I was trying a 3/32 O-Ring material and thought it was the 3MM. In any case, I tried the 3MM material and it fits perfectly.
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Posted 2013-08-29 9:56 PM (#394321 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
Well, I installed the unit today and it didn't work. No power at the unit. I checked the inline fuse and it was blown, so I replaced it. Now there's power at the #1 terminal of the unit, but still doesn't work. No power at the #2 terminal though. I checked the brake switch and it has no continuity, so I bypassed it. Now there's power at both positions, but still doesn't work.

My inside turn-on switch is working - I rebuilt it already and it is providing a ground to the latching coil. I also 'hot wired' the coil and the latching function works. So, tomorrow I'll do more testing.

For what it's worth, the 1958 inside switch is far more simple than the 60's style shown above. There is no coil in it - it's just a simple momentary single contact switch. From what I can tell, once the Auto-Pilot is turned on, nothing will turn it off other than stepping on the brake or turning off the ignition key.


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Posted 2013-08-29 11:09 PM (#394339 - in reply to #394321)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
Here's an article on the Auto Pilot. I especially like the part where it explains that the device is not easily explained to "women and the mechanically innocent".

Edited by GregCon 2013-08-29 11:11 PM
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Posted 2013-08-30 1:16 PM (#394407 - in reply to #394339)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
I took the Chrysler out today at lunch and got on the highway. Hit the button and...the cruise began working! It's definitely a strange feeling, and it's rewarding to know that it's working again after many decades of being broken. It's kinda weird being able to adjust the speed by turning the dial up and down.

Anyway, I checked it against the GPS on my phone and it does a good job of holding a speed plus or minus 1MPH, which is pretty much what my new car will do.

Here's the speedo - that 60MPH you see is being maintained without my foot on the gas pedal.

If nothing else, it's a feature that definitely caught on with the buying public.

Edited by GregCon 2013-08-30 4:24 PM

(On Auto Pilot.jpg)

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Posted 2013-08-30 4:42 PM (#394449 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Congrats Greg - work well done! The+- 1 mph is exactly the same as mine does.
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Posted 2013-08-30 6:55 PM (#394471 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 2524
Location: Houston
Thanks for your help Sven, it's nice not wading into this sort of thing alone!
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Posted 2018-03-15 10:13 PM (#559973 - in reply to #384612)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60


Posts: 201
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Thank you for the great information and illustration on the Perfect Circle Autopilot Cruise Control Sven and Greg, I have just manage to secure a unit and its of a 1957/58 Chrysler
Ill be going down the same path as you guys have, this will be going into my 1958 Plymouth Belvedere, I will post the pictures of the unit as well

Edited by roblun 2018-03-16 4:09 AM











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Posted 2018-03-16 1:52 AM (#559983 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Great Roberto, please post your progress here - I've updated the thread name with '58 as well for easier future search.
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Posted 2018-03-16 2:14 AM (#559986 - in reply to #559983)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58


Posts: 201
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Sven can you work out what the part number is, could it be 1986084 and also my car is Right Hand Drive, will I be able to place the unit on the Left hand side of the engine bay, but will the cables be sufficient in length

(IMG_0147 (2).jpg)

(IMG_0144 (3).jpg)


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Posted 2018-03-16 2:31 AM (#559987 - in reply to #559986)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58


Posts: 201
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Also Sven do you have any suggestion on placing the Cruise control selector on the Dash....Cheers





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Posted 2018-03-17 4:41 AM (#560046 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: RE: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58


Posts: 1231

A highly useful thread for all owning this rare option.

What I like especially: A lot of nice, instructive pictures . . . and few words.  - SERGE - 

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Posted 2018-03-19 1:57 AM (#560138 - in reply to #559986)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
roblun - 2018-03-16 8:14 AM

Sven can you work out what the part number is, could it be 1986084 and also my car is Right Hand Drive, will I be able to place the unit on the Left hand side of the engine bay, but will the cables be sufficient in length

It's difficult to get info about the part number as the Auto-Pilot normally was sold as a dealer mounted kit if not mounted by the factory. Also, the stamped number tag on the servo unit is a Perfect Circle number and I don't have any references.

The servo must be installed on the left side and the accelerator rod will connect to the existing accelerator mechanism - there should be a hole for the small ball joint.

The Cable for the speed adjustment will be too short, so you must find a way to make it longer. I would try to use the Control Bowden Cable as it is and make a new part of Cable with a bracket junction hidden under the dashboard.

The Auto-Pilot was first available as an option in '58 and the first version had the Control knob mounted in a special steering column (difficult to find)
I'd say that a plausible position would be to the ringt of the ignition lock.
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Posted 2018-03-19 4:17 AM (#560139 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58


Posts: 201
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Thank you Sven for your valuable information, hopefully in the next few weeks the part will be arriving and then I'll know what I've got to deal with, one thing I know that there are no brackets for the Autopilot so I'll will need to make some up and I do have plenty of room on the left hand side of the engine bay to place the unit, like you said I'll will place the control unit around the ignition key, until then, there is a long way to go to get up and running, I hope you don't mind me asking you questions from time to time... thanks Sven


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Posted 2018-04-06 6:40 AM (#561211 - in reply to #560139)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58


Posts: 201
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
My Perfect Circle Auto pilot arrived today from a Sweden





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Posted 2018-04-07 1:44 AM (#561238 - in reply to #168878)
Subject: Re: Auto-Pilot Chrysler '60 - '58


Posts: 201
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
I ended up opening up the Mechanism, parts move very nicely but the wires from the motor have deteriorated so will need to be replaced
also there seems to be a loose small plate, see photo looks like it needs 3 screws to hold it in place, I'm thinking its the perfect circle Part
Number plate which holds it in place, but my one has this triangle plate missing,

Does anyone know what size screws they are, so I can secure that small plate inside...Thanks

Edited by roblun 2018-04-07 1:51 AM





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