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   Forward Look NON-Technical Discussions -> Miss Belvedere - The Unearthed Tulsarama Plymouth!Message format
Posted 2010-03-13 7:42 PM (#213722)
Subject: Tulsarama


Posts: 22

Location: Oregon, USA
Here's a little video of my experiance at Tulsarama. I hope you all enjoy

Edited by RustyFender 2010-03-13 7:43 PM
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Posted 2010-03-13 8:12 PM (#213733 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
I'm very happy to be the first responder to this thread!

Excellent work!

One nit, though: you show a 1958 DeSoto in your film.

Is this Part 1 of the Tulsarama Film?

It was like being back there, again...really liked your matter of fact presentation; similar to the PBS series about the
"Pennsylvania Roadshow" attractions.

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Posted 2010-03-13 8:49 PM (#213747 - in reply to #213733)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Elite Veteran

Posts: 614
Location: Kingston Springs , TN
Thanks Kelly; brings back great memories! Welcome to the site!

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Posted 2010-03-13 10:11 PM (#213764 - in reply to #213733)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 22

Location: Oregon, USA
d500neil - 2010-03-13 8:12 PM

One nit, though: you show a 1958 DeSoto in your film.

Is this Part 1 of the Tulsarama Film?

Yeah I know, I liked the footage though
Yes, it's part 1 of 4 posted there. Glad you liked it
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Posted 2010-03-15 8:43 AM (#213930 - in reply to #213764)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 1303
Location: Farmingdale NJ
Part 4 is blocked on Youtube ???????? got another link ?
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Posted 2010-03-15 3:20 PM (#213962 - in reply to #213930)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
JERSEYBOB - 2010-03-15 12:43 PM

Part 4 is blocked on Youtube ???????? got another link ?

Works for Me..

Part 4
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Posted 2010-03-15 4:04 PM (#213970 - in reply to #213962)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Account deactivated by owner's request

Location: On this barrel
Tulsarama Death of a Classic Birth of a Legend Part 4" This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
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Posted 2010-03-15 4:41 PM (#213976 - in reply to #213970)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Not that I would ever espouse circumventing applicable laws and ordinances, but, is there any way that the Part -4
video could be shared with anyone who might not be legally able to view it, otherwise.

"That would be wrong." [R. Nixon]

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Posted 2010-03-16 2:54 AM (#214108 - in reply to #213976)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 22

Location: Oregon, USA
Just go to youtube, search kellyfender and find my channel. If you're in Cali. should be able to view it no problem. I clicked on the link above and was blocked lol, but logged in and viewed it.
Sorry, but I used '50s music that I liked as this was a personal project and only posted it on youtube to show my friends. Copywrite schwapywrite! Actually, I understand the law but as I've never tried to make a cent on this I don't see the problem. :p
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Posted 2010-03-18 8:44 PM (#214569 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: RE: Tulsarama


Posts: 2309
Location: The Bat Cave, Fairborn, OH

Nope. Part Four is still blocked for copyright violation and being logged in or logged out to You Tube doesn't make any difference. What a pity. You could try uploading the video again without the offending sound track I suppose.

What days those were though. I was there for the entire week and I took over 250 still photographs myself. I couldn't get into the Convention Center itself because the tickets were all sold out, but I did manage to watch it on one of the big screen TV sets that were set up in the exhibit hall where the other cars were on display for the car show.

I still have the DVD recording of the television show that was broadcast on local TV about the unveiling of Miss Belvedere so I consider myself lucky. Pity about the car's condition; very sad. The original planners should have chosen a better spot to bury the car in and they really needed a better way to seal the vault roof so water wouldn't get in. Who knew that a three part slab would be so porous, eh? 

Edited by 58 DESOTOS RULE 2010-03-18 8:51 PM

(6-17-2007-22 Cropped Bumper Resized.jpg)

Attachments 6-17-2007-22 Cropped Bumper Resized.jpg (63KB - 1087 downloads)
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Posted 2010-03-19 9:04 PM (#214780 - in reply to #214569)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Stephen; the very short answer is; the City did NOT seal up the upper seams/edges of the vault's 3 lids, to the
edges of the vault---the lids just sat on top of the perimeter walls of the vault, and apparently just butt-joined to
each other; not even any tongue-and-groove, or mortise-tendon joints involved.

Imagine what the spectacle would have been, on 6/15/07, if Ms. Belvie had been contained within a welded up steel
enclosure---like its Time Capsule was....

heh; then the Boydster's boys REALLY would have had a field day, with/on her .

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Posted 2010-03-20 1:53 PM (#214893 - in reply to #214780)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 2309
Location: The Bat Cave, Fairborn, OH

d500neil - 2010-03-19 8:04 PM Stephen; the very short answer is; the City did NOT seal up the upper seams/edges of the vault's 3 lids, to the edges of the vault---the lids just sat on top of the perimeter walls of the vault, and apparently just butt-joined to each other; not even any tongue-and-groove, or mortise-tendon joints involved. Imagine what the spectacle would have been, on 6/15/07, if Ms. Belvie had been contained within a welded up steel enclosure---like its Time Capsule was.... heh; then the Boydster's boys REALLY would have had a field day, with/on her .

That would have been something, alright. Well, Tulsa has another chance to get it right when the PT Prowler is released from its slumber. I have heard that it is sitting in an above ground time capsule and shouldn't be subject to ground water intrusion. I think they're supposed to open the capsule in 2048 so we'll see how well that one fares. Or rather someone else will see as I'm not likely to still be alive in 2048 and/or eager to go back to Tulsa to see another exhumed car revealed as a pile of rust.

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Posted 2010-03-20 8:32 PM (#214964 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Yep. It appparently Sits Above Ground and story goes that it has already been Moved ONCE.. Too make way for a Parking Lot or Something..
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Posted 2010-03-23 9:57 PM (#215474 - in reply to #214964)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 1539
Location: Farnborough. Hampshire. England.
Such a shame to have used a Japanese digger to unearth the car...If I had been on the Tulsa unearthing organising team, I would have insisted that they should use a Caterpillar..
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2010-04-21 9:25 PM (#219613 - in reply to #215474)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Location: Parts Unknown
This story still chaps my hide badly.

It is one thing to make a mistake, incorrectly calculate some rocket science, but this wasn't brain surgery !

It was plain laziness and/or stupidity on the part of MANY people that doomed this poor car to such a sad end.

Was there not a single person of practical sensibilities involved with this project to see the OBVIOUS problems
of waterproofing ? What were home builders around Tulsa doing with basement foundations in 1957 ? Surely
the lid idea SCREAMED "stupid". What were ocean-going ship's hold lids like in 1957 ? What ? Not a single Navy
vet in Tulsa in 1957 ??? The potential to do it right was too easy and too obvious. There was no excuse for what

Grrrrrr ......
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Posted 2010-04-22 12:53 AM (#219650 - in reply to #219613)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5140
Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA
Well Doc, if you are stirring up old wounds, I will step back and you have at it! They did attempt something to seal it up. There was a guy that had just recently(in 1957) developed a way to spray a concrete and seal it up ( and probably basement foundations). In pictures, you can see the sighn on the tomb with the name on it. Nothing like this had ever been done before, so they thought with the plastic baggy and the "waterproof" tomb it would be uncovered pristine. Well, in 50 years time mankind has learned a little bit.
BTW after the move to the auditorium and while Cods bunch were doing their thing, the wifey and I went for lunch at a nearby resturant. An old guy in a wheelchair was getting a lot of attention from folks there and turns out-- he was the guy that invented the concrete spray method and he was the company on the sign in the tomb. He acted embarrassed at all the attention, but most likely embarrased cause his stuff didn't work!..................................MO
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Posted 2010-04-28 8:17 PM (#220805 - in reply to #219650)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Actually (slow news day, I guess..), the 'vault' WAS constructed like an UPSIDE-DOWN boat, where
the vulnerable open-side (the non-sealed lids) was fronting against the (surface-)water flow.

The danger to the vault was from above, not below it.

That basement-sealing procedure could not be applied to the undersides/joints of the lids, unfortunately, unless somebody would have volunteered (WHAT? no community service, back then??) to be entombed with the car--of course, he'd probably ruin the new-car-smell but that would not be an issue, 50 years later.....oh, yeah, I guess that that protocol COULD have been applied from OUTSIDE of the vault, too, if somebody would have thought about it.

Steve, it's interesting to know that the guy who was responsible for 'sealing' the vault lived to see the rotten fruit of his endeavors.

Wouldn't it be nice to have asked him about how/why the TOP of the vault wasn't sealed, and/or why anyone didn't think that welding-up of the car in a steel box would have been a better protocol than entombing it in loose-topped concrete?

Edited by d500neil 2010-04-28 8:27 PM
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Posted 2010-04-28 8:32 PM (#220806 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
...Just imagine: all that the steel box would have required would have been a couple-few lifting pad-eyes to have
been welded onto it, to get the car into/outa the hole.

Ms Belvie could have been pushed into the box, and the end welded-up, but..NO......Mr. New-Process steps in and says :"What-
could-happen; we'll all be dead in 50 years, anyway...let me get some P.R. for my company, here..."

The dammed TIME CAPSULE could have been rolled into the steel-box, too; instead, IT'S welded up
steel container was left to float-around, inside the vault, for .5Century and it's contents were brand-new,
when it was cut open.

Edited by d500neil 2010-04-28 8:39 PM
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Posted 2010-04-29 1:13 AM (#220852 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: RE: Tulsarama

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5140
Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA
I'm not so sure the lids were not sprayed with the "new Process" at the joints and the lids too . It probably was applied pretty thin and probably crumbled-disintegrated........................................MO
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Posted 2010-04-29 2:59 PM (#220909 - in reply to #220852)
Subject: RE: Tulsarama

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Posted for NEIL D500

Here's how well the car was buried; note in
particular the attention-to-detail involved
with the tongue-in-groove sealing of the
perimeter of the vault (NOT)....


Attachments 194.jpg (48KB - 1014 downloads)
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Posted 2010-04-29 4:48 PM (#220922 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: RE: Tulsarama

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Posted for NEIL D500

And, here's-how-well the lids were sealed,
to the sides and to each other.

The lids ended about 1/2-way across the
vertical wall-edges of the vault.

Lotta faith was placed onto the forces of Gravity,
to keep the vault sealed up, apparently.


Attachments 195.jpg (112KB - 1011 downloads)
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Posted 2010-04-29 5:21 PM (#220929 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: RE: Tulsarama

Account deactivated by owner's request

Location: On this barrel

Maybe they thought that humans wouldn't exist in 50 years?


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Posted 2010-04-29 6:41 PM (#220943 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 3951
Location: Bama
Funny thing is, the septic tank was on a street with a ton of slope. They could have A) Put a drain in the bottom of it and piped it out maybe 25'. B) Bentonite waterproofing on the walls and lid. Corrugated piped out to level around the septic tank(with sock) and 5 yards of #5 gravel. Presto, no leaks. People knew how to waterproof things. I guess the dumb ass who did it didn't want to put much money into it.

We are currently working on basements that were built in the 40's out of block(the leakiest building material around). They were sealed correctly and still do not leak, to this day!

That was neither a tomb or a vault in Tulsa. That was a septic tank. They should have thrown the old man who built it in there before they filled it with dirt and covered it up!
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Posted 2010-04-29 7:06 PM (#220947 - in reply to #220943)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Also, notice how the concrete, itself, deteriorated along its upper edges.

Check out the crappy condition of the perimeter wall closest to the camera, as compared to its condition
on 6/15/ the upper photo, which was printed in Life magazine.

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Posted 2010-04-29 8:50 PM (#220972 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 3951
Location: Bama
Yeah, it was all cheaply done. Not much thought went into it. The person who built that crap knew it would leak. Guarontee!
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Posted 2010-04-29 8:59 PM (#220976 - in reply to #213722)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 3951
Location: Bama
Anybody here recall the "white coats" arriving on the scene to shut down the pumping of the septic tank onto the street?
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Posted 2010-04-29 9:43 PM (#220990 - in reply to #220976)
Subject: Re: Tulsarama


Posts: 96
Location: Glen Rock PA
I loved your video great job
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