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Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping
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Adventurer 60
Posted 2016-10-30 3:34 PM (#524810)
Subject: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 839
Location: tailFinland

Som VLT har skrivit tidigare cirkulerar det uppgifter om att Power Big Meet ska flytta från Västerås till Lidköping sommaren 2017.

På söndagsmorgonen bekräftades det av Kjell Gustavsson, huvudarrangören som är ordförande i American Car Club Sweden och dessutom äger aktiebolaget Power Meet AB.

– Det stämmer. Vi ska ju fira 40-årsjubileum. Då kommer det normalt 30 procent mer folk. Då får vi inte plats på Johannisbergs flygfält. Det är redan maxat. Det kommer inte att fungera på Johannisberg, säger han.

I stället ska Power Big Meet arrangeras på Hovbyfältet i Lidköping den 6, 7 och 8 juli, som lidkö var först med att berätta.

At first I read Linköping but then checked twice, it is Lidköping!
Kjell really got a hit to his head in last summer robbery???
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Posted 2016-10-30 4:26 PM (#524815 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Thanks' for posting this Jari, I was just starting to get a hotel for Västerås region.....
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Posted 2016-10-31 1:31 AM (#524856 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 104
Location: FIN land
There will be 2 huge car meets arranged at 6-8 July...Both Västerås and Lidköping... And it seems they are not capable to co-operate...

Edited by budweiser 2016-10-31 1:54 AM
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Posted 2016-10-31 3:26 AM (#524860 - in reply to #524856)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 2600
Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden

Rede darn soup.

Kjell Power moves Power Big Meet to Lidköping.
Klas Brink is unlikely to have a hit in Västerås (where Power had its hit)

Lidköping is completely wrong geographic, Sweden is a long country. (Middle Östersund)
Lidköping is a small town with 30,000 residents.
Are large area where the meeting will be. (A one-day meeting had worked)
But then ... Hotel rooms already fully booked for one day, How is it with campsites, eateries, gas stations, and then where are you cruising?

Power already has two hits in the south and now the third? Northern parts of Sweden then? And all from Finland mm. Becomes far to go.

Then the most important thing is if it gets two hits each. You will not meet with their US car mates as you cultivate.

A little what I think
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Adventurer 60
Posted 2016-10-31 5:52 AM (#524862 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 839
Location: tailFinland
Kjell first gives up arrangin the meet for good.
Then somebody (Brink) saves the meet.
Later on Kjell realizes that he is giving away a multi million crown business for free. (I might consider me as a millionaire in crowns, ha ha )
But the rental contract has gone. Kjell does not get a wooden penny as a royalty what so ever.
Then he kinda moves event to another place telling a story of a bigger event field. WTF? Why did he quit in the first Place? (got a hit to head in the robbery?)

BBM is not just only a meet at the airport, no matter how huge it is. it is much much more with all side events, get togethers, cruisings, dining, drinking...
Even Västerås has not been able to 100% satisfy all visitor needs, how then a town wich is about one fifth of the size of Västerås if everyone gets there.
Location of Västerås is just perfect. Only about 2h ride from the port of Stockholm. I think my main target will be Västerås what ever is the name of the meet.

Edited by Adventurer 60 2016-10-31 5:54 AM
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Posted 2016-10-31 3:36 PM (#524909 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 143
Location: Malmberget, Sweden
When i saw in the newspaper that PBM was moved to Lidköping and all the hotells allready booked i canceld my hotelreservation in Västerås.
If Klas Brink starts a new "Power meet" in Västerås i will go there. i have 1110km one way and 300 km more to Lidköping, no i dont think so.
Now is the time to regret that i canceld my reservation
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Posted 2016-10-31 5:13 PM (#524914 - in reply to #524909)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 2600
Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden
From Brink


Attachments 14632916_1315084348553514_8723181610542491526_n.png.jpg (52KB - 688 downloads)
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Posted 2016-11-01 1:37 PM (#524990 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 136

first of all thanks for the thread.
I am happy it is written in english, too.

We travel to Västeras since more than 10 years and have of course booked out hotels for 2017 already.

Now as we just heared about the fact of two shows going on we are curious what to do?
I think Västeras was a great place and even though it was very crowded it still worked.
I have no clue how it should work in a smalltown like Lidköpping.

As mentioned before it is not only a car show on a field but also the cruising around the ring, the meeting at Hälla Köp center, Autotec and even the small Mopar Meet saturday evening.

It is a shame because both events will take cars away from the other show.

So what are the plans of the Forwardlookers?
Lidköping or Västeras?

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Posted 2016-11-01 5:06 PM (#525005 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 143
Location: Malmberget, Sweden
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Posted 2016-11-01 5:47 PM (#525010 - in reply to #525005)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 2600
Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden

Would like to visit both, but will go to Västerås.
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Posted 2016-11-02 4:50 PM (#525112 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 143
Location: Malmberget, Sweden
At last i found a hotelroom again that you pay at arrival. So see you in Västerås Jocke.
Are you going to work at the swap or is it a swap att all?
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Posted 2016-11-05 5:55 AM (#525360 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 242
Location: falköping.sweden
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Posted 2016-11-08 12:34 PM (#525600 - in reply to #525112)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 2600
Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden
matt - 2016-11-02 4:50 PM

At last i found a hotelroom again that you pay at arrival. So see you in Västerås Jocke.
Are you going to work at the swap or is it a swap att all?

Hi Mattias
Nice you coming to Västerås. Yes being at Swap Meet. And of course som cruising. Did you come to Power with air plane or car?
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Posted 2016-11-09 2:13 AM (#525647 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 143
Location: Malmberget, Sweden
I'm planning to go whith my car this time. But it can change.
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Posted 2016-12-16 6:55 PM (#528917 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 755
Location: Big M Automotive's Yard
John and I are planning our trip and planning to buy airfare in January. Who all is going to which show and what do you recommend that we attend? Please help!
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Posted 2016-12-18 8:14 AM (#529024 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 69
Location: Northern Ireland
I am going to Vasteras , but it isn't a vast distance to lidkoping if you want to go to both.
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Chrys 68
Posted 2016-12-18 3:45 PM (#529063 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: RE: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 673
Location: Malung, SWEDEN


No idea yet about the show in Lidköping. It´s a very small town.
Think the main thing there will be the swap meet.
Västerås probably will host the best showcars and the biggest cruising.

I´m planning to start in Västerås and then go to Lidköping if show is not god enough in V-ås....

For how long are you planning to stay in Sweden? I can also recommend classic car week in Rättvik!






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Posted 2017-02-10 8:17 PM (#533723 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 755
Location: Big M Automotive's Yard
John and I will be arriving in Stockholm on Sat. Jul 1 at 6:10am. We fly out of Stockholm to go to Glasgow on July 10. We would like to meet up with as many people we can while there. John is still making the plans of where we are staying etc. I would like to go to Vasteras and then go to Lidkoping for one day.
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Posted 2017-02-10 9:11 PM (#533726 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: RE: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 708
Location: Fredrikstad, Norway. (Europe)
What the f... is actually going on here Back and forth and forth and back Are we ever going to get some info to trust on this matter ? It's been 3 years since last time I was in Västerås. When you have turned 70, living on a Norwegian Goverment pension, you certainly don't have all the mony in the world to live on anymore. Even tho' my very best friend through 37 years, Dag Eriksson on the island of Tjörn invites me every year to ride along with him in his mobile-home for free, it would be very nice for me to bring one of my own many cars for once. But with a 1975 Dodge D-300 Adventurer Sport Club Cab with a 440 cid engine and 3.54:1 rearend (rebuildt from a 3.91) it's still pretty expensive to go all the way from Fredrikstad in Norway to Västerås in Sweden. Now, if the Power Meet would be in Lidköping, I would be able to afford to go with my Dodge D-300 Pick-Up. And then sleep and stay with my friend Dag. Or even sleep under the cover of the truck's bed.

Helloooo Sven ! Can you PLEASE keep me informed on what the H*LL is goingon here ? I don't need any camp or hotell reservation, because I'm either going to sleep in Dag's mobile-home or under the cover on my Pick-Up truck's bed. I think you Sven, is just about the only person I can trust on this matter.

Time is fast, so PLEASE keep me informed. I really wanna go if the meet is in Lidköping. Even for the people in other parts of Euope (Holland, Germany, Belgium, a.o.c.) it will be a lot easyer by coming in to Gothenburg by ferry from the continent.

Vad i hel*ete går före sig här Tilbaks och fram, och fram och tilbaks Skal vi nogonsinn få info at lita på, på denna sak ? Det är nu 3 år sen sista gång jag varit i Västerås. När man har blivit 70, och lever på en Norsk alders-pension har man för visst inte all värdens penning at leva på. Even om min allra beästa polare gjennom 37 år , Dag Erikson ute på Tjörn, invitärar mig varenda år at åka med honom i hans camping-bil bil gratis, ville det ju vara mycket bra för mig at åka med en av mina många bilar för en gångs skuld. Men med en 1975 Dodge D-300 Adventurersport Club Cab med en 440 cid motor och en 3.54:1 axling (converterad från 3.91:1) är det fortfarande mycket dyrt at åka hela vägen från Fredrikstad i Norge till Västerås i Sverige, Nu, om Power Meet skulle vara i Lidköping, skulle jag ha råd till at åka dit med med min Dodge D-300 Pick-Up. Och så sova med min polare Dag i hans campn-bil. Eller even sova under tecket på min pick-Up.

Haloooo Sven ! Kan du vara så snäll at hålla mig informerad om vad i HE*VETE går före sig här ? Jag behöver intet camping eller hotel-rom resärvation, för at jag kan sova i Dag's camping-bil eller under min "canvas" (vet inte vad det häter på svensk) på min Pick-Up truck's lastplan. Jag tror at du Sven, är en enda person jag kan lita på i denna sak.

Tiden går så fort, så vara så vännligt at hålda mig informerad. Jag vilja gärna åka om meetingen är i Lidköping. Even för dom som vilja komma från Europa (Holland, Germany, Belgium o.a.l.) vil det bli mycket lättare om man tar färjan (ferjan ? ferry) från continenet till Göteborg.

Pooh ! Inte så roligt at översetta från Engelsk til norskt til Svenkt. Ursekta min dårliga Svensk. Svårt med e och ä

BHF från oldefar.

Edited by oldefar 2017-02-10 11:04 PM

(1 '75 D-300 004.jpg)

(1 '75 D-300 001.jpg)

Attachments 1 '75 D-300 004.jpg (59KB - 653 downloads)
Attachments 1 '75 D-300 001.jpg (54KB - 667 downloads)
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Posted 2017-02-11 3:24 AM (#533740 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Sure thing Einar, I'll keep you posted.

The Power Big Meet will be in Lidköping, see this link

Klas Brink will organize a car meet in Västerås

Seems like there's a 50/50% for which meet our guys will visit - clearly depending on many northern guys have a long enough trip to Västerås.....
Many of the guys that has visited Power Big Meet for many years will follow Kjell to Lidköping

The situation is not good with many question marks and a lot of frustration....
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Posted 2017-02-11 6:58 PM (#533783 - in reply to #533740)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 708
Location: Fredrikstad, Norway. (Europe)
Very good Sven. Thank you very much. I'll do my best to go to Lidköping. With one car or the other. My friend Dag from Tjörn is going there with his camper and/or his newly aguired '61 Oldsmobile Dynamic 2d H-T.
Mycket bra Sven. Tack så mycket. Jag skal göra mitt bästa för at åka til Lidköpng. Med ena eller andra bilen. Min kammerat Dag från Tjörn skal dit med sin campingbil och/eller sin nyinnköpte '61 Oldsmobile Dynamic 2d H-T.

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Chrys 68
Posted 2017-02-21 9:19 AM (#534443 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: RE: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 673
Location: Malung, SWEDEN

Got this nice commercial from Finland:

Maybe we should go there instead!!

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Adventurer 60
Posted 2017-02-28 7:38 AM (#534869 - in reply to #534443)
Subject: RE: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 839
Location: tailFinland
Chrys 68 - 2017-02-21 9:19 AM

Got this nice commercial from Finland:

Maybe we should go there instead!!

I'll go there for sure!

It's bad that Big Wheels has crown much too big event for city of Pieksämäki but it is in the middle of the country so people can drive home for the night.
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Posted 2017-02-28 4:04 PM (#534899 - in reply to #534869)
Subject: RE: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Location: Bjorneborg, Finland
>>It's bad that Big Wheels has crown much too big event for city of Pieksämäki but it is in the middle of the country so people can drive home for the night.

It's rather East.. never been there.. too far away from the west coast! I'll always go to the Forssa Pick Nick for sure in the 1st Sunday of August.. it's even BIGger. as you know. I recommend it to Swedes, only Joakim (windsor59) + gang have visited there with a show car as far as I know..

Edited by spinout 2017-02-28 4:13 PM
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Adventurer 60
Posted 2017-03-01 4:16 PM (#534966 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 839
Location: tailFinland

Those are totally 2 different kind of events. Forssa is few hours pick nik and swapmeet at the horse track, but Big Wheels is whole weekend series of events. People would stay there overnight or two.

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Posted 2017-03-02 2:57 AM (#534999 - in reply to #534443)
Subject: RE: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1199
Location: D-70199 Heslach
Chrys 68 - 2017-02-21 2:19 PM

when two parties quarrel the third one rejoices
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Posted 2017-06-24 12:30 PM (#542781 - in reply to #524810)
Subject: Re: Power Meet 2017 in Lidköping


Posts: 69
Location: Northern Ireland
Hi guys I received a call today asking which of the 2 shows was likely to be best, the call was from a man going for the first time. Does anybody know yet ?
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