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1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)
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Posted 2017-06-19 8:43 PM (#542483)
Subject: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6576
Location: Newark, Texas (Fort Worth)

1958 dodge custom royal .body mostly restored , doors painted, engine was done but dont turn.sitting too long. needs doner car, have lead on 2. no title.

1958 dodge custom royal

VIN: 4924 LD21
cylinders: 8 cylinders
drive: rwd
fuel: gas
paint color: black
size: full-size
title status: missing
transmission: automatic
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Posted 2017-06-19 9:28 PM (#542487 - in reply to #542483)
Subject: RE: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Obviously I am NOT the expert here (queue Chrycoman) BUT....

I think LD2L is a 1958 Coronet Custom V8 made in Los Angeles.

REFERENCE: Pg 5/15 of

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Posted 2017-06-21 8:16 AM (#542566 - in reply to #542483)
Subject: RE: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)


Posts: 3490
Location: Montreal, Canada
For some reason, these two are still available too:

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Posted 2017-06-22 12:45 PM (#542645 - in reply to #542566)
Subject: RE: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)


Posts: 82
Location: Eastern Manitoba
Still available because i'm saving up to buy a boat lol. Otherwise i definitely would have been looking at them.
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Posted 2017-07-01 6:07 PM (#543315 - in reply to #542487)
Subject: RE: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)


Posts: 1819
Location: Vancouver, BC
56D500boy - 2017-06-19 9:28 PM

Obviously I am NOT the expert here (queue Chrycoman) BUT....

I think LD2L is a 1958 Coronet Custom V8 made in Los Angeles.

REFERENCE: Pg 5/15 of

Yes, "LD2L" decodes as "1958 (L) Dodge (D) V8 (2) Coronet (L)"

That data plate was used only at the Los Angeles plant.

Also note the "WCD-LA" just below and to the right of the "LD2L" - "West Coast Division - Los Angeles". Chrysler also listed the San Leandro plant (opened by Dodge Division in 1949) in 1955-58. even though the plant stopped building cars at the end of the 1954 model year. Suspect Chrysler had plans to reopen the plant once sales increased again. Never did though. The LA plant (Plymouth Division) was opened in June, 1932 to replace the Graham Brothers Truck plant in Stockton, CA, and closed at the end of the 1971 model year.

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Posted 2017-07-01 6:38 PM (#543316 - in reply to #543315)
Subject: RE: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Chrycoman - 2017-07-01 6:07 PM
Also note the "WCD-LA" just below and to the right of the "LD2L" - "West Coast Division - Los Angeles". Chrysler also listed the San Leandro plant (opened by Dodge Division in 1949) in 1955-58. even though the plant stopped building cars at the end of the 1954 model year. Suspect Chrysler had plans to reopen the plant once sales increased again. Never did though. The LA plant (Plymouth Division) was opened in June, 1932 to replace the Graham Brothers Truck plant in Stockton, CA, and closed at the end of the 1971 model year.

Bill check your PMs for a question about the LA plants re: 56 Dodge.

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Posted 2017-07-02 1:56 AM (#543332 - in reply to #542483)
Subject: Re: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
LD2L could also be '58 Royal, correct?
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Posted 2017-07-02 7:58 AM (#543347 - in reply to #543332)
Subject: Re: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)


Posts: 1819
Location: Vancouver, BC
Powerflite - 2017-07-02 1:56 AM

LD2L could also be '58 Royal, correct?

No, LD2-L would only be for a 1958 Coronet V8.

The Royal has the same standard engine as the Coronet V8, which was the Dodge 325-cid V8, so it would also be LD2. But as the Royal is higher priced than the Coronet, the Royal would be LD2-M.

For the model codes -

"L" is for 1958

"D" is for Dodge

The number is for the standard engine 0
"1" = 230-cid 6
"2" = 325-cid Dodge V8
"3" = 350-cid B block V8

The next letter is for the price class or series -
L = Low = Coronet, Suburban, Sierra
M = Medium = Royal
H = High = Custom Royal and Custom Sierra

Now, just to confuse things, although the Suburban and Sierra were in Dodge's Low price class, their base engine was the "3" engine, or 350-cid V8. Thus the Suburban and Sierra were LD3-L.

There is also a variation for the Coronet - LD1-L and LD2-L. The cars with the Custom interior were LD1-L2 and LD2-L2 and the standard interior LD1-L1 and LD2-L1

Just to confuse things even more, serial numbers also started with LD1, LD2 and LD3, in 1958, but had no price class letter attached. Instead a letter was added for the assembly plant, if the assembly plant was not in Detroit. Thus "L" was added if the car was built in Los Angeles. No Coronet 6 models were built in LA, so you will only find LD2L- and LD3L- serial number prefixes.

That hyphen becomes important - LD2-L is for a Coronet V8 (2 engine and Low price class) while LD2L - is for "2" engine (325-cid) and Los Angeles plant.

The nicest thing to say about the 1958 assembly plant prefixes is that they were used only in 1958.

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Posted 2017-07-02 10:12 AM (#543353 - in reply to #543347)
Subject: Re: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
Now you have confused me. The data tag doesn't show LD2-L, it shows LD2L and is built in LA. So does this L in the model number indicate the price class or the LA plant? If it is the LA plant, then a Royal built in LA would have this same model number, right? Would a Detroit built car show LD2-L2 for the model or is this custom interior only shown on the build sheet or somewhere else? My LA built car has the custom interior, but the data plate only shows LD2L for the model.

Chrycoman - 2017-07-02 4:58 AM

....That hyphen becomes important - LD2-L is for a Coronet V8 (2 engine and Low price class) while LD2L - is for "2" engine (325-cid) and Los Angeles plant.
The nicest thing to say about the 1958 assembly plant prefixes is that they were used only in 1958.

My '57 Chryslers also have the L prefix for the LA plant build in the VIN - they start as N57L and W57L with no dash. Whereas the Detroit '57 Windsor has W57-XXXX. So the assembly plant was also indicated in the '57 VIN. Their model numbers are completely different though, as C76 etc.
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Posted 2017-07-02 12:23 PM (#543364 - in reply to #543353)
Subject: Re: 1958 dodge custom royal - $1599 (osoyoos B C)

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Powerflite - 2017-07-02 10:12 AM Now you have confused me. The data tag doesn't show LD2-L, it shows LD2L and is built in LA. So does this L in the model number indicate the price class or the LA plant? If it is the LA plant, then a Royal built in LA would have this same model number, right? Would a Detroit built car show LD2-L2 for the model or is this custom interior only shown on the build sheet or somewhere else? My LA built car has the custom interior, but the data plate only shows LD2L for the model..

I trust that the info below, i.e. pg 5/15 of the pdf that I quoted earlier will help to clarify the discussion:

REFERENCE: Pg 5/15 of

Edited by 56D500boy 2017-07-02 12:25 PM


Attachments 58DodgeModelDesignations.jpg (95KB - 608 downloads)
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