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Dog Dish or Poverty Hubcaps Jump to page : 1 Now viewing page 1 [50 messages per page] | View previous thread :: View next thread |
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Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | I thought I would start a thread to go through the different poverty caps that came on our forwardlooks. I am hoping to get some input as well about some of the missing ones that I don't know about. For instance: I know about '57 Dodge truck caps, and maybe '55-'56, but what did the '58-'61 truck dog dish caps look like? How about after that? Did '55-'56 Chrysler use any dog dish caps? What about '55-'56 DeSoto? What is the correct poverty cap for the '61 Dodge? What poverty caps did Chrysler use during '62-'65? What are the poverty caps for Dodge and Plymouth during '62-'65? (Valiant & Dart are separate since they were smaller diameter) I'll start with the Plymouth. This is what I have for it. Please correct me if anything is wrong, but I think it is correct. The '55-'56 Plymouth cap was also used by the '57 Dodge Truck, except that it was constructed of painted steel instead of stainless. As such, most are rusted away. (Plymouth Dog Dish Caps.jpg) Attachments ---------------- Plymouth Dog Dish Caps.jpg (228KB - 511 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | These are the caps for the Dodge. I don't know what the correct cap is for the '61 full size, so I didn't include it. Did they use the same cap as the Plymouth during this year? I am unsure when or what criteria was used to determine which cap was used on the '56 Dodge. I suspect that it was a late vs. early thing, but I am not sure. The two caps use different types of wheels to mount them and the late style mounts just like the '57-up, except that it is a little bigger diameter than the '57 for some reason. Note that the Lancer cap is a smaller 8.75" diameter like the Valiant and the later caps. Edited by Powerflite 2019-06-16 1:25 AM (Dodge Dog Dishes.jpg) Attachments ---------------- Dodge Dog Dishes.jpg (246KB - 547 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | The Chrysler and DeSoto are much simpler for these cars because there was only one of them for each, that I know of. Anyone ever seen a '55-'56 with a poverty cap? (Chrysler-DeSoto Dog Dish.jpg) Attachments ---------------- Chrysler-DeSoto Dog Dish.jpg (241KB - 468 downloads) | ||
56D500boy |
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Exner Expert 10K+ Posts: 10163 Location: Lower Mainland BC | Good work there Nathan. Thanks. My highschool 55 Dodge (1967 (I was 16)) had those "55" caps. I have a set of the "early 56" caps for my 56 Dodge now but only one of my 5 wheels has the clips necessary to run them. | ||
ABloch |
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Expert Posts: 1480 Location: Pacific Northwest | The '60 Dodge cap that has DODGE stamped into it was used in '61. The cap in the bottom right of the first image was used for Dodge and Chrysler for '62 as well. Edited by ABloch 2019-06-16 11:04 AM (62newportsedan.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 62newportsedan.jpg (26KB - 444 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Thanks for the picture. It is amazingly difficult to find original pictures with the poverty caps. But I disagree. I think the '62 cap was this one, and I *believe* that it was used for all Chrysler, Dodge & Plymouth for multiple years, but not sure when it stopped. That's probably why it is so "plain Jane" looking. Thanks for the info on the '61 cap! I'll update the picture to show the correct range. Edited by Powerflite 2019-06-16 11:20 AM (62 CDP Dog Dish Caps.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 62 CDP Dog Dish Caps.jpg (73KB - 453 downloads) | ||
ABloch |
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Expert Posts: 1480 Location: Pacific Northwest | Disagree all you like. I am okay with that. That cap is '63/'64. 1965 it changed again. Straight out of the parts book. (partsbook.jpg) (1965.jpg) Attachments ---------------- partsbook.jpg (77KB - 471 downloads) 1965.jpg (20KB - 445 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Thanks for your help. I know very little about the max wedge years so it is no surprise I am wrong. It seemed like the pictures showed smooth caps, not the one with circles on it. But zooming into this other picture, I can see that you are correct as the little circles become more visible. (62Newport Ad.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 62Newport Ad.jpg (96KB - 458 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Dodge and Plymouth went back to making their own branded caps for '66 and early? '67, which were these; the last of the large diameter caps. Do you know what Chrysler did in these years? Did they just continue to use the '65 version? I know that once they switched over to the small cap, that they made their own branded version for the Chrysler. (66-67 Dodge-Plym.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 66-67 Dodge-Plym.jpg (219KB - 457 downloads) | ||
ABloch |
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Expert Posts: 1480 Location: Pacific Northwest | I don't know. '62 is where my interest starts to wane. That transition that happened around '60-'62 is my fascination. | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | The poverty caps are listed in a separate section from the full wheel hubcaps in the parts list. The catalog confirms that there is no listing for '55-'56 DeSoto or Chrysler (except for the cap on the wire wheel option, which isn't the same thing). It also confirms what we already knew; that both the '57-'58 Firesweep & Firedome could have received poverty caps, and that they were only installed on Windsors in the '57-'58 Chrysler lineup (but not wagons). There is also a cap that looks similar to the '55-'56 Plymouth cap, but uses the older style clips to hold it on. This also confirms that cap is likely made for the '54 Plymouth, and not for the '55. The separation of the different Dodge styles seems to be Early vs. Late, but is a little cryptic and lists the later one as being only for 6 cylinder, which is weird. Edited by Powerflite 2019-06-17 10:18 PM (Poverty Cap Catalog No.jpg) Attachments ---------------- Poverty Cap Catalog No.jpg (106KB - 465 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | This red ram cap is pretty neat looking. The ad that I saw them for sale on said that they were for '54-'56 Dodge truck. But you can't trust ads to give out the right info. I suspect that they are for '54-'55, so they are likely applicable to the forwardlook trucks, but I'm not certain of it. This turquoise '57 D100 is wearing it's correct dog dish caps. They are the same as the '55-'56 Plymouth caps, but are made of silver painted steel instead of stainless. I suspect that these caps were also used on '56 trucks since the equivalent car cap was used on the '55 Plymouth too. But this should be verified to be sure. Finally, the '58-'59 truck caps were also identical to the '57-'58 car caps except made of silver painted steel as well. The similarity between Plymouth car and Dodge truck caps changed at some point and I don't know the year that it happened. But it is clear that it didn't extend to 1961 as the '60 Plymouth cap wore the Plymouth symbol making it inappropriate to apply it to the truck. I suspect that the '60-'61 Dodge truck may have used '60 Dodge car caps, but it is just a guess at this point. Edited by Powerflite 2019-06-20 10:00 PM (Ram Dodge Truck Cap.jpg) (57 Dodge Dog Dish.jpg) (58-59 Dodge-Truck-Dog-Dish.jpg) Attachments ---------------- Ram Dodge Truck Cap.jpg (162KB - 458 downloads) 57 Dodge Dog Dish.jpg (129KB - 445 downloads) 58-59 Dodge-Truck-Dog-Dish.jpg (119KB - 457 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | I ran across this set of unbranded '60-'61 Dodge caps. Anyone know what these would have been used on? An export vehicle such as a DeSoto Diplomat or the like perhaps? Or maybe truck caps? Edited by Powerflite 2019-07-22 1:10 PM (60 Dodge Caps.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 60 Dodge Caps.jpg (106KB - 470 downloads) | ||
Apollo 61 |
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Elite Veteran Posts: 773 | Powerflite - 2019-07-22 12:35 PM I ran across this set of unbranded '60-'61 Dodge caps. Anyone know what these would have been used on? An export vehicle such as a DeSoto Diplomat or the like perhaps? Or maybe truck caps? A freind of mine just called me to bring by a car he just picked around the corner from house! I can't believe I missed this one! 62 post Plymouth delete car. These style hubcaps were in the trunk.? Attachments ---------------- image.jpeg (226KB - 536 downloads) image.jpeg (236KB - 492 downloads) image.jpeg (226KB - 482 downloads) image.jpeg (248KB - 486 downloads) | ||
Apollo 61 |
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Elite Veteran Posts: 773 | HHmmmm,I've got a set of 62 max wedge headers, I know where a 62 413 imperial can had, I really could use another project to put in line with my other projects darn | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Looking through my '57-'58 truck parts catalog, I've found that, contrary to what I said above, the '58 trucks used the same cap as the '57. Also, the ram's head cap pictured above was an optional cap for them during these years. The stainless car version is also listed in the catalog but it looks like it may have been reserved for just for the panel vans. The pictures of the panels show them with the stainless caps, while the pickups have painted ones. Stainless: 1554989 Painted: 1661818 Ram's Head: 1661819 One of these caps were also used on the 4WD power wagons, just for the spare tire on the side. A little surprising since it can't be used while on the truck. Edited by Powerflite 2021-07-12 2:24 PM (57 KD100 Pickup_s.jpg) (58 LD100 Pickup_s.jpg) (57 KD100 Panel_s.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 57 KD100 Pickup_s.jpg (145KB - 302 downloads) 58 LD100 Pickup_s.jpg (146KB - 312 downloads) 57 KD100 Panel_s.jpg (162KB - 294 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | The '59 Dodge truck parts catalog specifically states that the stainless dog dish cap from the '57-'58 Plymouths (1674211) was also used on the 1/2 ton trucks: Standard on Town Panel, & Town Wagon. Optional on the others. Whereas, the painted version of the same cap (1921097) was standard on all but the Town Panel, Town Wagon & Sweptline Express. So it makes sense that a similar rule would apply to the '57-'58 trucks as shown in the pictures, even though it isn't stated directly in the catalog. It isn't clear though, if both the plain stainless version and the ram's head version would have been optional on all the trucks. It might be true, and is quite likely, that the ram's head was only optional to the '57 models and not the '58 models; while the plain stainless was only optional to the '58 models. The catalog doesn't give enough detail to figure it out. The sweptline truck model isn't included in the '57-'58 catalog at all for some reason. But they received a full hubcap ('54 Dodge hubcap 1538834 in '57-'58 and unique truck hubcap 1921098 in '59-'60) instead of a dog dish cap. Edited by Powerflite 2021-07-21 3:04 AM | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | I finally figured out all of the later dog dish caps. It was more complicated than I thought it would be, so it's no wonder that most people haven't got a clue about which ones their car would have come with. I'll be posting them here for completeness and for everyone's information once I get them all finished. For now, here is the '62-'65 version, with some overlap, of course. (62-65 Mopar Poverty Caps.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 62-65 Mopar Poverty Caps.jpg (241KB - 219 downloads) | ||
22mafeja |
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Elite Veteran Posts: 692 Location: Finland | This is a fine thread Nathan! I had a 65 Fury with the 1943733 version in the seventies. I think it had been a taxi sold new in Finland but it may also have been a cop car who knows. At that time I mostly cared of the backseat of my cars and beer but later I have now and then thought about those old looking caps. I believed until now they were from an older car | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Thanks Ralf, I'm hoping that it will clear up a lot of confusion about them and make it easier to figure out. A fleet purchase, such as for taxis, could have been ordered with the standard automotive caps, or with the police setup. But you're also correct in saying that many used police cars were conscripted into taxi service, so either way is possible for it. It's interesting that the police cap there appears to be the same as the '54 Plymouth cap, and most likely is the same, and yet, has a newer part number. I think when they made a new run of them, they just gave it a new part number for some reason. Edited by Powerflite 2022-02-27 11:00 AM | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Here is the file for the rest of the Mopar poverty caps for '66-'74. I didn't have room to include the later Volare'/Aspen caps, so you're on your own for anything above 1975. If you know what that export cap was used for, please let me know. Also if you see errors or things I have left out, let me know that too. Eventually, I would like to do the same thing with the truck caps, but that is proving to be difficult. I am close for '55-'61, but above that isn't easy. Edited by Powerflite 2022-02-27 7:13 PM (66-74 Mopar Dog Dish.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 66-74 Mopar Dog Dish.jpg (239KB - 226 downloads) | ||
ToMopar |
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Elite Veteran Posts: 1174 Location: D-70199 Heslach | wow. Today I found this very use & helpful thread. As you know I own modern mopars too (modern in therm of this forum - 66-69 mopars) the 66-74 Dog Dish Shot is a treasure for me. Thanks Nathan | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Thanks, I'm glad it's useful to you Tom. I got confirmation on For B bodies Only, that the Export cap was used on '68 Plymouth B-bodies sold in Canada. So it was likely a '67-'68 Export B-body cap that replaced the large cap sitting to the right of it, that was used in the US. Anyone with a Canadian parts book that could confirm the years of application and give me a part number? Edited by Powerflite 2022-02-28 11:32 AM | ||
NicksGarage |
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Expert Posts: 1223 Location: Ramona, CA | Interesting to see that there was a brushed version for 1964 Dodges. My 1964 Dodge 440 wagon came with polished ones as far as I know. My car came with 1963 Thunderbird wheelcovers on it and they had been on there since at least 1967. It also came with two of the original caps. The first picture below is from 1965 when the car was brand new and in 1967 showing the T-bird covers on it over the original painted wheels. (440_14.jpg) (440_20.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 440_14.jpg (72KB - 217 downloads) 440_20.jpg (100KB - 215 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Nice pictures & wagon. I don't own a brushed version of these, so I created the blur using photoshop. The actual brushed effect may not be as pronounced as what I show. There is one NOS version of this cap on Ebay, and it doesn't look polished, but not as big of a difference as I show. It may be that only the outer ring is brushed, at least from this one, it looks like that may be the case. Edited by Powerflite 2022-02-28 8:37 PM (2409797 Brushed 64 Dodge.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 2409797 Brushed 64 Dodge.jpg (112KB - 215 downloads) | ||
NicksGarage |
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Expert Posts: 1223 Location: Ramona, CA | Powerflite - 2022-02-28 5:31 PM Nice pictures & wagon. I don't own a brushed version of these, so I created the blur using photoshop. The actual brushed effect may not be as pronounced as what I show. There is one NOS version of this cap on Ebay, and it doesn't look polished, but not as big of a difference as I show. It may be that only the outer ring is brushed, at least from this one, it looks like that may be the case. I have a lot of those caps and some are shinier than others but not enough to look intentional. Chrysler part numbers can be very misleading but you can never say never. I wonder if the unpolished ones were more for Dodge trucks and not cars. I'll see if I have a higher resolution image of my wagon when it was new. Unfortunately I don't have the original pictures but the son of the original owners had scanned in a lot of their family pictures and went through them to find any that included the wagon. | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | This part number is assigned to the car. The trucks used a whole different catalog. | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | This part number is assigned to the car. The trucks used a whole different catalog. | ||
58coupe |
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Expert Posts: 1747 Location: Alaska | Not to highjack this thread but I have 3 of the police style caps with the holes if anyone is interested. i believe they are in very good condition last time I looked at them but don't have a use for them. | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | One thing I mentioned on forabodiesonly, that I should mention here, is that I suspect that the '66 Plymouth wide wheel small cap was also used on the '67 A-body cars. There's no proof of this, but if they truly were only used one year, and only on the extra wide rimmed C-bodied Plymouths, they would be very rare. And yet, they seem to be more plentiful than the wide rim Dodge version used on the Chargers. That tells me they were probably also used on the more plentiful A-bodies as well. But I don't know for certain that this was actually the case. | ||
56D500boy |
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Exner Expert 10K+ Posts: 10163 Location: Lower Mainland BC | . Nathan: I nominate you for offical Dog Dish guru *AND*, naturally, on that basis, I seek your help (again): I am currently running the 3461 450s on my 85 Dodge Diplomat cop car wheels that I have on my 56 Dodge I also have a set of the early 56 Dodge doggies like the ones below and would consider mounting the on the car wheels *IF* I could do that without welding on the 56 era dog dish spring tabs onto the wheels. Any thoughts? Edited by 56D500boy 2022-04-22 4:04 PM | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | My thought is they wouldn't look right on the late cop car wheels anyway. With those wheels, I would run full hubcaps to hide them, or I would take your original '56 Dodge wheels to a wheel smith, like Stockton Wheels, and have them re-hoop them with larger 7" rims. Then you could use your original dog dish caps in style and sell the cop car wheels to recoup some of your cost. That's essentially what I have done with my '39 International which uses the same style of cap on it, but I went with 6" rims over the 4" originals. | ||
56D500boy |
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Exner Expert 10K+ Posts: 10163 Location: Lower Mainland BC | Powerflite - 2022-04-22 10:21 PM My thought is they wouldn't look right on the late cop car wheels anyway. With those wheels, I would run full hubcaps to hide them, or I would take your original '56 Dodge wheels to a wheel smith, like Stockton Wheels, and have them re-hoop them with larger 7" rims. My OE 1956 "D500" wheels (5.5 x 15) did not come with the dog dish tabs, as opposed to my high school 55 Dodge Regent (Plodge) which did. So no use widening them to mount doggies. Only my spare tire wheel has the doggie tabs. My OE D500 wheels (car came with the "Lancer" spinner wheel discs) Edited by 56D500boy 2022-04-25 1:58 PM | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | I'm pretty sure you can purchase the clips that mount in those holes between the lugs, though I don't know if the rest of the wheel design is compatible with them or not. | ||
dels56 |
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Extreme Veteran Posts: 364 | 71 Plymouth Scamp. Del S Edited by dels56 2022-04-26 3:35 PM (IMG_7614 2.JPG) Attachments ---------------- IMG_7614 2.JPG (42KB - 197 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | The part number for the no-name '60 Dodge caps is one digit off from the labeled caps: 1948162 vs. 1948163. That number doesn't exist in the truck catalogs up to at least 1968, so I conclude that I was correct in assuming it was used on an export vehicle like a DeSoto Diplomat. (1948162 Plain Dodge Cap-s.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 1948162 Plain Dodge Cap-s.jpg (68KB - 132 downloads) | ||
revvin' kevin |
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Member Posts: 26 | Thanks for the info! Pro tip for the non-purist, daily driver folks on a budget... I scored a set of Kelsey-Hayes 15 x 6.5 wheels off a B-Van from my local Pick-and-Pull on the cheap, which mount right up to my '61 Pioneer. The Lancer hubcaps (and probably the Valiant ones, too) are relatively easy to find in comparison, as are 15" tires. The early B-Body caps fit on the later 15" wheels, look good, and are not as over-played (or expensive) as the cop slotted caps. | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Don't let the smaller size nubs stop you from putting the correct cap on your car. You can easily weld 1/2" round spacers to the nubs, and the large caps will mount to those really well. (Nub Adapters.jpg) (Gold Knight Caps.jpg) Attachments ---------------- Nub Adapters.jpg (108KB - 126 downloads) Gold Knight Caps.jpg (115KB - 123 downloads) | ||
ABloch |
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Expert Posts: 1480 Location: Pacific Northwest | Hey Nathan, Check out the caps on the Export Plymouth cruiser! (62SavoyPolice.jpg) Attachments ---------------- 62SavoyPolice.jpg (87KB - 122 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | Cool! So more of a Plymouth with Dodge dash and accessories. Thanks! | ||
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Elite Veteran Posts: 854 | So what caps would be on a 58 Dodge Mayfair.? | ||
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Elite Veteran Posts: 854 | So what caps would be on a 58 Dodge Mayfair.? | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | They used the same '58 Dodge full wheelcovers, so I would guess that the dog dish would also be the standard Dodge version. | ||
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Elite Veteran Posts: 854 | Thanks Nathan , That’s what I thought but I don’t remember seeing any on any Mayfairs just the lower trim Cars. | ||
56D500boy |
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Exner Expert 10K+ Posts: 10163 Location: Lower Mainland BC | . Thought I found a cool NOS 56 Dodge dog dish on eBay but the seller lists the PN as 1637 388, which as far as I can tell is NOT a valid PN. The parts book lists two PNs for 56 Dodge dog dishers, i.e. 1637 342 up to VIN 32231744 and 1674 189 after VIN 32231744. Edited by 56D500boy 2023-05-11 9:28 AM (eBay56DodgeDogDish_listedIncorrectlyAs1637388.jpg) (55-58DogDishHubCapPNs.jpg) Attachments ---------------- eBay56DodgeDogDish_listedIncorrectlyAs1637388.jpg (146KB - 99 downloads) 55-58DogDishHubCapPNs.jpg (148KB - 102 downloads) | ||
Powerflite |
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Expert 5K+ Posts: 9858 Location: So. Cal | It's hard to say. 1637388 doesn't exist in the catalog. They might have superseded the old 342 part number for this one due to a small change in the design. Or it might just be mis-labeled. But it's anyone's guess since it isn't in the paperwork we have available to us. | ||
56D500boy |
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Exner Expert 10K+ Posts: 10163 Location: Lower Mainland BC | Powerflite - 2023-05-11 10:56 AM It's hard to say. 1637388 doesn't exist in the catalog. They might have superseded the old 342 part number for this one due to a small change in the design. Or it might just be mis-labeled. But it's anyone's guess since it isn't in the paperwork we have available to us. Just checked the 50 to 65 Mopar Parts Interchange Catalog and there isn't any 1637 388 there either. But there are 1637389 and 1637391 Desoto V8 exhaust manifolds. I can conclude that the labeling of that dog dish as 1637 388 is out to lunch. When I first looked at the eBay auction I was hoping to see the ink stamped PN on the back of the hub cap. No such luck. Just refound a photo of one of my full wheel discs with PN 1637 338 stamped on it. Hmmm... (AsCloseAsPossibleTo1637388FromThe50zTo65InterchangeBook.jpg) (56DodgeFullSizeWheelDisc_Front.jpg) (56DodgeFullSizeWheelDisc_Back.jpg) (56DodgeFullSizeWheelDisc_Back_PN1637338CloseUp.jpg) Attachments ---------------- AsCloseAsPossibleTo1637388FromThe50zTo65InterchangeBook.jpg (149KB - 91 downloads) 56DodgeFullSizeWheelDisc_Front.jpg (221KB - 108 downloads) 56DodgeFullSizeWheelDisc_Back.jpg (200KB - 105 downloads) 56DodgeFullSizeWheelDisc_Back_PN1637338CloseUp.jpg (93KB - 108 downloads) | ||
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