Re: IML: 1960 Imperial. Why was it a one year only design?
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Re: IML: 1960 Imperial. Why was it a one year only design?

--- Greg and Russell <65luxuryliner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 I'd like to ask the List why was this striking car a
one year only design?


1.  Transition to new mfg plant screwed things up and
it was a manufacturing/design hiccup:

2.  Moving fast and hard to follow up the initial
success of the 57-59 cars, with more radical changes
to follow for 1961 and then BOOM - fire Exner mid
stream and bring in Engel for squareness, so the 61
had to be massaged for a couple of years until the
boxcars came in?  Those freestanding headlights
(beautiful as they are) must have been pretty much
over the top for a 1960's corporation....

3.  To make the 196o restorer's life even harsher 45
years later?  

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