Re: IML: Re:Scratched & Foggy Windshield
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Re: IML: Re:Scratched & Foggy Windshield

The only cure for the fog is replacement. That particular windshield will fog around the lower corners, but it probably won't get worse for many years. This problem began on my '65 about ten years ago, and has not spread. That says a lot considering the amount of weather we have here in Washington State. Compared to changing the windshield, I plan to just live with it. The fogging is very minor at this stage. Keeping the car indoors in a dry climate may slow it down considerably. Aren't you in Southern California?

I have found that I enjoy my cars much more by concentrating on the big things, like keeping them running so that I can drive them when I want to. Dependable, shiny, original cars with nice interiors suit me, even if there is a little fog in the corner of the windshield. With my busy life, if I got that upset about everything that could possibly happen to each of my cars, I would have to throw in the towel. All I can do is the best that I can to protect my "investments". We all know that old cars are more for enjoyment than investment anyway, right?

Paul W.

-----Original Message-----
From: dansgarage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <dansgarage@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 10:53 pm
Subject: IML: Re:Scratched & Foggy Windshield

Hi All! ...the front windshield on my '66 LeBaron (actually, also on my
convertible) has the double problem of having a number of somewhat bad
'scratches' as well as portions on both the lower passengers-side as well as the drivers-side that have gotten 'foggy' ! A number of years back someone (probably from this group of well experienced Imperial owners) told me that the 'foggy' problem was due to the two sandwiched portions of the windshield coming slightly apart at the bottom, underneath where the stainless trim runs around the lower edge of the windshield. Moisture gets up into the slightly 'parted' glass layers and works its way up little by little. The result being the 'foggy' appearance observed from the moisture being drawn UPWARDS as time went on and the two
glass layers separate more and more.
...Again, this is what I had been told and if someone has a better explination for that 'foggy' look at the lower edges of the windshield PLEASE email me (dansgarage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and let me know. I would REALLY appreciate it if anyone has a fix for this problem (other than getting a new windshield, of
I am going to try and use a blow-dryer to see if I can 'coax' the moisture downwards out of the window but, even if it does work, i still have the problem of resealing the windshield (thats IF I can get it to clear up) or else I'll be right back where I started from! I can't be the only Imperial owner to have this problem as it has appeared on 4 of the 5 1966 Imperials that I have owned in my
lifetime. So any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
...Regarding the 'scratches'....has anyone tried using (and I may spell this wrong..!) "serium oxide" and water with a slow RPM machine to get rid of the scratches and make the glass all new and shiney...or, at least better than it was!??? I have seen suppliers (Eastwood is one I think) that sell a kit to remove glass scratches but I would like to hear from someone who has ACTUALLY
done (or tried) this on a windshield.
Thanks a bunch everyone!!!
Dan Melnik

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