 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | I'll start.
My 56 Custom Royal is mostly blues.
The cowl build tag suggested the trim code ("TR") was "541".
Previously I had removed the driver's door panel (like the one below but with damage at the bottom) and found "541" stamped in yellow on the back of the door card.
Yesterday, I removed a factory accessory seat cover from the rear-seat back and found this:
Here is another 56 Custom Royal with the same colour combo. I presume that it would be a "541" car as well.
" target="_blank" title="http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/get-attachment.asp?action=view&attachmentid=179293">">http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/get-attachment.asp?action=...
As a result, I am pretty confident that "541" is the blue interior option for a 56 Custom Royal, at least a four door.
Now I am curious what the other 56 Custom Royal trim codes are, like this black and white one in the beautiful D500 that is currently on eBay: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/201885056568?ul_noapp=true

Edited by 56D500boy 2017-04-10 3:55 PM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC |
I contacted the eBay seller of the white, charcoal and red 56 D500 and he sent me a photo of his cowl tag. The trim code is 542
So, at this point, for 1956 Dodges,
541 = two tone blues
542 = black and white
I know there was a two tone green, probably 540 or 543 ??
Anybody ???
This is a green on green 56 Coronet:

Edited by 56D500boy 2017-04-10 5:21 PM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2017-04-10 5:13 PM
I contacted the eBay seller of the white, charcoal and red 56 D500 and he sent me a photo of his cowl tag. The trim code is 542
So, at this point, for 1956 Dodges,
541 = two tone blues
542 = black and white
Okay, just when I thought I might start to figure this stuff out logically, the Golden Lancer in Oklahoma City shows up with a Chrysler historical letter that says that its 2dr Lancer black and white interior has a trim code of 545. (I thought the "4" was going to be reserved for four door cars. Not so, apparently.
This is 545:
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | So to catch up, this is a 541 trim:
I know there is a couple of Black and White trims. One of them is 545. (Needs confirmation with photo, the eBay photo link died)
The 545 was for a two door. I don't know what code this is:
And then there is this Green trim. I have no idea what code it is. Help?
Edited by 56D500boy 2017-12-06 3:25 PM
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56DodgeCRL2drHdTpFrontSeat.jpg (116KB - 748 downloads)
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 792
      Location: Buena Park, CA | Mine is a 545 (Custom Royal 2 door hardtop with White and Black interior). But regretfully, the prior owner re-did the interior in the original style but not in the proper fabric. |
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | DepsilonD - 2017-12-07 11:50 AM Mine is a 545 (Custom Royal 2 door hardtop with White and Black interior). But regretfully, the prior owner re-did the interior in the original style but not in the proper fabric.
Thanks Dave. I also contacted Dave Homstad who has a 56 Custom Royal 2dr Lancer (white, black and red) with the Black and White interior. He confirms the 545 code and sent some photos, two of which I have added below. Looks like the seat bottoms were the same for sedans and the 2drs (and maybe the 4dr hardtops) but the seat backs are different both front and back.
Thanks Dave(s)
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CRL545InteriorFrontSeat.jpg (125KB - 688 downloads)
CRL545InteriorBackSeat.jpg (141KB - 746 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Dave N. (DepsilonD) just sent me this:
"I think there were blue, green, and black/white for each interior/car variation (am i forgetting a color?). So a CR with a split front seat will have a different code than a 4-door. I’m thinking there would be 6 codes (if I am not forgetting a color) for CRL’s, 6 for Royals, 6 for Coronets, 6 for Custom Sierras, 6 for Sierras, and maybe one for a real Golden Lancers. (These are just thinking aloud, I’m not sure that the 2 door wagon was offered as both a Sierra and Custom Sierra, etc.) Here is the code for a Custom Sierra Wagon with a green interior= 833. 1956 La Femme = 546."
To which I replied:
"Ouch. That just made my head hurt. Yes, I think there are at least three colour themes (greens, blues and black and white) for sure. But there might be a fourth (red and white) Then for the cars there are Coronets, Royal and Custom Royals and at least four/five body styles (2dr sedans, 4dr sedans, 2dr hardtops, 4 dr hardtops and the convertibles) for each trim level. So maybe 3 x 3 x 4 = 36 codes. And *then* there the wagons and the Golden Lancer(s). Ouuch. Who has a dealer code book for 1956 Dodges? I will never figure this out on my own."
Some of the interior patterns show up in my mini-brochure thread. Looks like convertibles used the 2dr hardtop interiors (so that cuts out a view codes)
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Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2017-04-10 5:13 PM
I contacted the eBay seller of the white, charcoal and red 56 D500 and he sent me a photo of his cowl tag. The trim code is 542
I had actually forgotten that I had a copy of that tag.
SO this is a 542 (see tag below)
See tag below:
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JeffPsD500BuildTag_big.jpg (90KB - 778 downloads)
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Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2017-12-06 3:21 PM
And then there is this Green trim. I have no idea what code it is. Help?
The advert for the green CRL is still there and the seller responded to my code questions: "underhood tag reads 11 11 07 045 body 836----paint 265----trim 543 terry in okc"
So this is 543:
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | I wish that I could see the interior in this brochure "photo" better, to compare to the Hemmings Coronet D500 .
Hemmings (supposedly an "828" interior)
I did find a photo of a 56 Custom Sierra wagon with the same cloth pattern interior which makes me wonder again about a Coronet with these "extras"
Edited by 56D500boy 2017-12-22 12:17 PM
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56SierraD500WagonRearSeat.jpg (65KB - 677 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56 Coronet Lancer, poly engine, 816 body, 528 trim
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Previously I said:
56D500boy - 2017-12-07 1:10 PM
"Ouch. That just made my head hurt. Yes, I think there are at least three colour themes (greens, blues and black and white) for sure. But there might be a fourth (red and white) Then for the cars there are Coronets, Royal and Custom Royals and at least four/five body styles (2dr sedans, 4dr sedans, 2dr hardtops, 4 dr hardtops and the convertibles) for each trim level. So maybe 3 x 3 x 4 = 36 codes. And *then* there the wagons and the Golden Lancer(s). Ouuch. Who has a dealer code book for 1956 Dodges? I will never figure this out on my own."
Here are the descriptions of the interiors from the 1956 Dodge Data book. I might have lost count but counting the bullets, I got to 45 different interiors including the wagons and the club coupes but NOT INCLUDING the Golden Lancers. (!!) If you have a code and can match it to a bullet description, please post it up.
Edited by 56D500boy 2017-12-27 5:00 PM
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DodgeDataBookSectionFPgs_22_23.JPG (208KB - 724 downloads)
DodgeDataBookSectionFPgs_24_25.JPG (138KB - 765 downloads)
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 792
      Location: Buena Park, CA | I really need to get a copy. Thanks for sharing Dave F. |
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2017-12-27 4:54 PM
Here are the descriptions of the interiors from the 1956 Dodge Data book. I might have lost count but counting the bullets, I got to 45 different interiors including the wagons and the club coupes but NOT INCLUDING the Golden Lancers. (!!) If you have a code and can match it to a bullet description, please post it up.
After I posted, I noticed that descriptions of the Coronet interiors only have 2 bullets *BUT* even the first bullet covers at least 3 different interior colours, etc. The second Coronet bullet looks like it covers an infinite number (my brain broke thinking about it). So WAAAYYY more than 45 different interiors.
Why I am here, two more pages from the Data Book (mine is like the first scan):
Edited by 56D500boy 2018-01-01 1:30 PM
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56DodgeDataBookSecBPg17.JPG (113KB - 734 downloads)
56DodgeDataBookSecBPg18.JPG (117KB - 691 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Okay here is a variation on a theme: Black and White interiors in the 1956 Custom Royal, Royal and Coronets, starting with the Custom Royal:
Then the Royal, then the Coronet:
(1956 Dodge Golden Lancer Interior.JPG)
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1956 Dodge Golden Lancer Interior.JPG (102KB - 791 downloads)
56CoronetLancerInterior.JPG (65KB - 704 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Dodge Promotional Interior Sketches with real life examples (some bad, some okay, some excellent)
(56DodgeCoronet 4 drInteriorBrochureSketchWithOneExample.jpg)
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56DodgeCustomRoyal2drInteriorBrochureSketchWithGoodExampleFromDaveH.jpg (170KB - 671 downloads)
56DodgeRoyal4doorSedanInteriorBrochureSketchAndBadExample.jpg (183KB - 718 downloads)
56DodgeCoronet 4 drInteriorBrochureSketchWithOneExample.jpg (184KB - 721 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Another 56 Dodge Royal Example (from Hemmings Classic Car Mar 2010):
The brochure info:
Reality, with the pattern described by the owner of this Royal as "flying ducks"
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HemmingsClassicCarMar201056RoyalInteriorAndTrunk.jpg (240KB - 676 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Another 56 Royal Example
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s-l500.jpg (25KB - 673 downloads)
WhiteAndGold2dr56RoyalLancer_4.jpg (29KB - 714 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | I bought a Canadian Dodge and Desoto trim and paint selection dealer book thinking that there would be fabric cross-overs somewhere between the US models and the Canadian models. That seems to be true for the Custom Royals but not for the Crusaders or Regents. The Mayfair fabric seems familiar - maybe a Plymouth??
56 Canadian Custom Royal (my 56 American Dodge Custom Royal "541" Trim Code must have translated to the Canadian Code 60 Custom Royal code):
56 Canadian Crusader:
56 Canadian Regent:
56 Canadian Mayfair (these ones look familiar):
Found it: Similar to the 1956 American Plymouth Belvedere Vinyl:

Edited by 56D500boy 2018-03-01 5:36 PM
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6580
      Location: Newark, Texas (Fort Worth) | Awesome pictures! |
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Found these pages in the 56 Dodge "Facts" brochure:
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56DodgeFactsBrochure_SeatingFabrics_small.jpg (219KB - 666 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Another 56 Dodge Sierra showed up with the same interior as this one posted above:
Except this one (below) must have been a three-seater because the 2nd seat has folding bit to allow access to the third seat.

Edited by 56D500boy 2018-03-23 6:59 PM
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56DodgeSierraWagonSeats_1.jpg (50KB - 644 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Whenever possible, I am going to try this: Putting a photo of the car with a photo of the build tag with a photo of the interior.
First example, a 56 Dodge Coronet with 175 PNT and 531 TRIM:
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Consolidated56DodgeCoronetLancerPhotosAndBuildTag.jpg (204KB - 679 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56 Dodge Royal 2dr Golden Lancer - Trim Code 539 = Flying Ducks
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC |
Some interior examples from the 56 Lancer Brochure posted in another thread:
The CRL 2dr hardtop would be the 545 Trim Code (same as Dave H's and others). I am not sure what either the green trim code is or the red Royal Trim code.
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56DodgeCustomRoyal2drInteriorInSilveryBlack_small.jpg (236KB - 620 downloads)
56DodgeCustomRoyal4drHardtopInSilveryGreen.jpg (222KB - 679 downloads)
56DodgeRoyal4drLancerFlyingDucksInRed_small.jpg (235KB - 671 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | The other day, I bumped into a thread that showed a 56 Dodge 2dr Suburban owned by JerseyBob. The interior was in a black and white pattern that I had not seen before so I contacted Bob and asked him to send a photo of his data plate and a couple of interior photos. Which he did (Thanks Bob). Now I know what an 828 interior code means:
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JerseyBobs2dr56Suburban.jpg (73KB - 689 downloads)
JerseyBobs56Dodge6standardBlackAndAquamarine2drSuburbanCowlTag.jpg (181KB - 608 downloads)
JerseyBobs828562drSuburbanTrim_Seats.jpg (157KB - 654 downloads)
JerseyBobs828562drSuburbanTrim_DoorPanel.jpg (104KB - 603 downloads)
JerseyBobs56Dodge6standardBlackAndAquamarine2drSuburban_828CodeInterior.jpg (145KB - 615 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Re-bumped into a 56 Custom Royal 2dr Lancer with the Black/White/Silver trim which got me thinking about what I know and what I don't know about 56 Dodge Trim codes
What I know:
539 = white/grey/black flying ducks in a D63-2 (Royal)
540 = ?? (see below)
541 = Blue and blue/silver 4 dr Custom Royal sedan
542 = Black/white/silver 4 dr Custom Royal sedan
543 = Green and green.silver 2dr Custom Royal Hardtop
544 - ?? (see below)
545 = Black/white/silver 2dr Custom Royal Hard top
What I don't know:
Found this today (56 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer) that sold at Barrett Jackson. I would speculate that the blue/white/silver trim code for this white/blue/blue CRL 2dr would be 544 based on the black/white/silver pattern of 542 + 3 = 545 so 541 + 3 =544. That would also imply that the 4dr version of the 543 CRL green trim would be 540 = 543-3. Maybe eventually I will be able to confirm such speculations.

REFERENCE = http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=70836&...

Edited by 56D500boy 2019-03-07 10:49 PM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2019-03-07 6:11 PM
What I know:
539 = white/grey/black flying ducks in a D63-2 (Royal )
540 = ?? (see below )
541 = Blue and blue/silver 4 dr Custom Royal sedan
542 = Black/white/silver 4 dr Custom Royal sedan
543 = Green and green.silver 2dr Custom Royal Hardtop
544 - ?? (see below )
545 = Black/white/silver 2dr Custom Royal Hard top
What I don't know:
Found this today (56 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer ) that sold at Barrett Jackson. I would speculate that the blue/white/silver trim code for this white/blue/blue CRL 2dr would be 544 based on the black/white/silver pattern of 542 + 3 = 545 so 541 + 3 =544. That would also imply that the 4dr version of the 543 CRL green trim would be 540 = 543-3. Maybe eventually I will be able to confirm such speculations.
Okay. I guess I need to review my threads more because I just saw that I posted a Coronet 2 dr hardtop (816) with a 528 (white and black interior trim code).
So now I am figuring
A trim code starting with 5 = sedan and hardtop trim code(s)
2 as the second number = Coronet
3 as the second number = Royal
4 as the second number = Custom Royal
0 to 9 as the third number = specific trim codes that reflect colour and pattern (that one still needs work).
I reviewing some of the D500 info that people have sent me I found a IBM card from a 56 Coronet 4 dr sedan (815) with a 528 trim code (sound familiar)?
Also and maybe more important, the same file has a card for a black, white and blue (Paint code 362), Custom Royal two door Lancer hardtop (body code 836) with a....drum roll *544* trim code, i.e. the blue version of the 545 black and white 2 dr Lancer.
Now, I just need to find a 4dr Custom Royal with a green interior to confirm my speculation that the trim code is, (I hope), 540.
I still have to work on the wagon and convertible trim codes (they seem to start with 8) (??)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | While looking through my archives I found the 56 Coronet D500 (maybe) that was for sale as a former police car (with a PowerFlite?). Anyway, I found that I had a good image of it's May 8th, 1956 cowl tag so I put together this collage. It confirms the 812 = V8 Coronet 2dr sedan and 528 = sedan, Coronet, lines pattern codes. 01 Paint = all black and yup it is.
Just noticed an error when they redid the interior on this coupe (compared to other Coronets). Bonus for those who notice what it is.
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-03-09 2:31 PM
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56DodgeCoronetD500CoupeOregon_DetailCollage_small.jpg (230KB - 600 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | That was fun so I did another one using the 56 Custom Royal D500 sedan that was for sale in the Santa Barbara or Solvang CA area a year or so ago.
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SolvangD500SedanCollage_small.jpg (245KB - 603 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2019-03-07 6:11 PM
What I know:
539 = white/grey/black flying ducks in a D63-2 (Royal )
540 = ?? (see below )
541 = Blue and blue/silver 4 dr Custom Royal sedan
542 = Black/white/silver 4 dr Custom Royal sedan
543 = Green and green.silver 2dr Custom Royal Hardtop
544 - ?? (see below )
545 = Black/white/silver 2dr Custom Royal Hard top
Since then, I found a black, blue and white 56 Custom Royal Lancer with a 544 interior, i.e. the blue/white/silver version of the 545 black/white/silver, as confirmed by its cowl tag and IBM card.
As of today, thanks very much to Gasmanscotty and his 56 La Femme 2 dr hardtop, we now know that the 56 La Femme interior trim code was 546 (see below).
However, I still need to confirm my guess that 540 = green/green/silver Custom Royal 4dr Sedan if anybody can help (?)
GasmanScotty's 56 La Femme's cowl tag and an example 56 La Femme interior:

Edited by 56D500boy 2019-03-16 10:28 AM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Found these photos on Facelessbook. Man I would like to see the cowl tag/IBM card on this one. I'm not sure if the interior is real or restomod. The pattern looks familiar but only in wagons. Never in this blue though (that I have seen). Nevertheless, a beautiful car.
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ClydeHorst56DodgeCRConvertible_exterior.jpg (180KB - 619 downloads)
ClydeHorst56DodgeCRConvertible_interior.jpg (118KB - 592 downloads)
ClydeHorst56DodgeCRConvertible_story.jpg (136KB - 589 downloads)
Posts: 22
Location: Oregon, USA | Royal Lancer 4DR HT
Interior code 539
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int2.jpg (78KB - 548 downloads)
int1.jpg (94KB - 538 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | Thanks for posting your interior photos Kelly. Confirmed what I was thinking, i.e. 539 = black/white/grey flying ducks.
That said, I am confused how a 2dr hardtop and and a 4 dr hardtop would have the same "539" code. Obvious physical differences (split front seat, etc.) even if the patterns and material are the same.
At least we have a new data point.
Dave F.
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-06-13 2:55 PM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | .
Igor has been busy trying to consolidate the trim code info (where (???? means no info)).
I will attempt to fill in the blanks ( but might not be successful.)
There was a red interior available (in theory). I don't see that mentioned Igor.
frwl - 2019-10-14 1:35 PM
Hello Dave. Can you add something to this list? (???? means no info ).
1956 Dodge Trim Codes
Coronet Sedans
526 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Green
527 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Blue
528 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Black
???? = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain Seat Back – Blue (Optional )
???? = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain Seat Back – Black (Optional )
???? = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain Seat Back – Green (Optional )
Coronet Lancer Hardtops
529 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Green
530 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Blue
531 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Black
???? = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain Seat Back – Blue (Optional )
???? = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain Seat Back – Black (Optional )
???? = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain Seat Back – Green (Optional )
Coronet Lancer Convertible, Suburban and Sierra Station Wagons
826 = Figured Cordagrain – Green
827 = Figured Cordagrain – Blue
828 = Figured Cordagrain –Black and White
Royal Sedan
534 = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Green
535 = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Blue
536 = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Silvery Black
???? = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Red (maybe Code No. 532 or No. 533 )
Royal Lancer Hardtops
537 = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Green
538 = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Blue
539 = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Silvery Black
???? = Figured Jacquard Weave Fabric and Cordagrain – Red (maybe Code No. 532 or No. 533 )
Royal Custom Suburban and Custom Sierra Station Wagons
826 = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain – Green
827 = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain – Blue
828 = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain –Black and White
Custom Royal Sedan
540 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Green
541 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Blue
542 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Silvery Black
Custom Royal Lancer Hardtops
543 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Green
544 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Blue
545 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Silvery Black
Custom Royal Lancer LaFemme Hardtop
546 = Two Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Rose and Gold
Custom Royal Lancer Convertible (Has Code No. 835, but no color info )
???? = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain – Green
???? = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain – Blue
???? = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain –Black and White
Here is a Custom Royal Lancer Convertible in the Blue Cordagrain (no idea what the trim code is though )
This is the Sierra black and white Cordagrain (supposedly 828)
Here is a Coronet convertible (supposedly also 828):
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-10-14 7:34 PM
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1956-dodge-coronet_seats.jpg (104KB - 549 downloads)
116065_interior_web1.jpg (115KB - 524 downloads)
Posts: 2092
| Hi Dave. Thank you very much for your consolidated post for me.
I will need a time to explore this.
I mentioned that the red trim was available only in Royal series - Sedan and both Lancers only.
It is weird, that trim is absent on more expensive Custom Royal series.
Thanks again.
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | frwl - 2019-10-17 12:45 AM
I mentioned that the red trim was available only in Royal series - Sedan and both Lancers only.
It is weird, that trim is absent on more expensive Custom Royal series.
Igor: You're right. Apologies. You *DID* mention the red option for the Royals.
I've never seen a trim code on a 56 Royal with a red interior so that is one (of several) trim data point(s) that still need(s) to be confirmed.
There must be somebody somewhere with an original dealer order book that has all these 56 Dodge trim codes.

Edited by 56D500boy 2019-10-17 10:34 AM
Posts: 2092
| Hello Dave. I want to share my thoughts to you. Here is a new pictures for your collection. This Royal 4 Door Sedan (Body 825) has Jewell Black upper / Sapphire White saddle / and Neptune Green lower color (code 364, if I’m interpreted correctly) and 535 trim, that looks like reupholstered in the non-original materials. We know Royal series has four trim schemes. Taking into account green color, that presents in color scheme of this car, I can assume this car should have a green or white/black upholstery only, and have not blue or red.
The Coronet series has 531 last trim number, and 540 trim – Custom Royal’s first number. Royal trims should be between there.
So, we have:
Royal Sedan Trims:
532 = Red
533 = Green
534 = Blue
535 = Silvery Black
Royal Lancer Hardtop Trims:
536 = Red
537 = Green
538 = Blue
539 = Silvery Black (this trim code was confirmed by you)
What do you think?
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1.jpg (120KB - 528 downloads)
2.jpg (93KB - 499 downloads)
3.jpg (73KB - 515 downloads)
4.jpg (75KB - 512 downloads)
Posts: 2092
| And this 835 trim should be Black and White Cordagrain for Custom Royal Lancer Convertibles (because white and gold paint code 077)
You told earlier, that code 833 are Green Cordagrain…
Is the 834 blue?
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1.JPG (97KB - 506 downloads)
2.JPG (62KB - 514 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | frwl - 2019-10-19 12:08 PM
Hello Dave. I want to share my thoughts to you. Here is a new pictures for your collection. This Royal 4 Door Sedan (Body 825) has Jewell Black upper / Sapphire White saddle / and Neptune Green lower color (code 364, if I’m interpreted correctly) and 535 trim, that looks like reupholstered in the non-original materials. We know Royal series has four trim schemes. Taking into account green color, that presents in color scheme of this car, I can assume this car should have a green or white/black upholstery only, and have not blue or red.
The Coronet series has 531 last trim number, and 540 trim – Custom Royal’s first number. Royal trims should be between there.
So, we have:
Royal Sedan Trims:
532 = Red
533 = Green
534 = Blue
535 = Silvery Black
Royal Lancer Hardtop Trims:
536 = Red
537 = Green
538 = Blue
539 = Silvery Black (this trim code was confirmed by you)
Igor: I think that you might be (probably are) onto figuring out the numbering "pattern" (no pun intended). Red, Green, Blue, Black/Silver (or Black/White) in ascending numerical order.
For example, my 56 Dodge has a blue-based trim 541 and if as you say the Custom Royal Trim codes started at 540 with Green-based, then the next up, Blue would be 541. There is a black/white/silver trimmed CR Sedan above an it's code was 542 so your theory definitely works.
What I also see, now that you have organized the info (thanks):
First number:
5 = sedan and hardtop trims, likely in a mixture of vinyl and cloth
8 = wagon and convertible trims, likely in a mixture of patterned and unpatterned vinyl
Second number:
2 = Coronet codes (mostly, with a bit of run over into the 3s)
3 = Royal trim codes (mostly, except some carry over from Coronet)
4 = Custom Royal codes
Third number:
n-1 = red (probably only one car got the red, the Royal
n = green
n+1 = blue
n+2 = silver/black
I will comment on the Royal paint scheme in the 56 Dodge Paint Code thread:
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | frwl - 2019-10-19 12:22 PM
And this 835 trim should be Black and White Cordagrain for Custom Royal Lancer Convertibles (because white and gold paint code 077)
You told earlier, that code 833 are Green Cordagrain…Is the 834 blue?
Careful. Your head might explode with the following info:
The 56 Dodge Convertible is indeed a Golden Lancer (Paint code 077). However, although the owner, Per E. in Sweden, did use black and white cordagrain (all vinyl) in his restoration of the car (came out beautifully, congrats Per), the original interior
was not white and black. It was white and blue. See below (original photos from Per (who is part of "my" offline 56 Dodge information "group" LOL))
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-10-19 7:05 PM
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Pers56DodgeGoldenLancerConvertible_OriginalInterior_2.jpg (71KB - 528 downloads)
Posts: 2092
| That’s true – ready to explode. Gold color over blue upholstery combo looks like weird. Even cannot try to imagine… |
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Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | 56D500boy - 2019-03-07 6:11 PM
Found this today (56 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer ) that sold at Barrett Jackson. I would speculate that the blue/white/silver trim code for this white/blue/blue CRL 2dr would be 544 based on the black/white/silver pattern of 542 + 3 = 545 so 541 + 3 =544. That would also imply that the 4dr version of the 543 CRL green trim would be 540 = 543-3. Maybe eventually I will be able to confirm such speculations.

REFERENCE = http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=70836&...
Due to dogged determination, Igor (frwl) found an old post about a 56 CRL 2dr hardtop that had the 544 trim code on the cowl data tag. (Thanks Igor!) Like the above but it much poorer shape:
Sportsman - 2010-03-19 6:40 PM
The data tag was on the cowl, just inboard from the RH fender mirror. It appears to have been steel since it's virtually rusted away. The only codes I can clearly read are Body 864, Paint 55, Trim 544. If anyone can add any inof about these it would be great. There is also an "X" and "134" china markings on the cowl. I'll soak the tag in molasses for a week and see if there is anymore information on it.

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While reviewing the confirmation of what trim code 544 meant in this thread (the post above), I realized that fwrl's (Igor's) previous speculation about the 56 CRL convertible trim codes could be at least partially solved:
What Igor suggested previously:
Custom Royal Lancer Convertible (Has Code No. 835, but no color info)
???? = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain – Green
???? = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain – Blue
???? = Two Tone Patterned Cordagrain –Black and White
Per E. from Sweden's CRL Golden Lancerconvertible cowl tag says trim = 835 (which I thought was going to be the Black and White):
However, Per E. shared some photos of his original interior and they were blue and white:
That said, I just found a 56 CRL Convertible (Wayne G's) with "835" trim code listed by FCA Historical as "Grey". Oh my. My head hurts.

Edited by 56D500boy 2019-11-18 11:03 PM
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      Location: Lower Mainland BC | .
Some "new" info from the Feb 86 Issue of WPC News (which focussed on the 56 Dodge)
Unfortunately no trim codes (and only in B&W):
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-11-21 3:05 PM
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Igor (frwl) sent me two links to 56 Royal Lancers for sale that had lots of photos. (Thanks Igor).
The Golden Royal Lancer had a photo of the cowl tag with the D63-2 Model, 826 Body, 077 Paint and 539 Trim code.
The Black, white and oriental coral Lancer has the red flying ducks interior. Probably the best one that I have seen. Interesting that the piping is dark (black?). No cowl tag photo(s) so still no idea what the Trim code is. I have asked the seller for a cowl tag photo so we might get lucky.
I put these two collages together from the available photos.
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-11-22 2:16 PM
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Up until recently, I knew that there were two levels of Coronet interior seating, i.e. standard and deluxe, but I had only seen one (bad) photo of a "deluxe" interior.
Today, Gary R., who has a very nice 56 2dr post Coronet that he is working on, sent me photos of some "deluxe" Coronet seats that he is going to completely redo (he has NOS embossed vinyl and NOS fabric that he has collected over the years). The photos he sent me now make sense in the context of what the 56 Dodge Data Book says and the photo of the green deluxe seating.
As described in the Data book, the deluxe seating has embossed vinyl on the top half of the seat backs, instead of the all cloth of the standard 56 Coronet seats.
What the Data book says:
Standard 56 Coronet seating (in the black theme, probably Trim Code 528), followed by examples of the deluxe Coronet seating (that I have no clue about the Trim code)
Edited by 56D500boy 2019-12-16 12:27 PM
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Further to the difference between the Standard and Deluxe Coronet interiors, there was a recent post regarding a 56 Coronet Green on Green that has a green Deluxe interior (photos below). There was no corresponding photo of the cowl data tag so we don't know what the Trim code would be. However, Igor (frwl) has speculated this:
"526 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Green
527 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Blue
528 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric – Black
529 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric with Cordagrain Seat Back and Deluxe Door Trim – Green
530 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric with Cordagrain Seat Back and Deluxe Door Trim – Blue
531 = Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric with Cordagrain Seat Back and Deluxe Door Trim – Black
* 526, 527, 528 are standard and 529, 530, 531 are optional on Sedans
* 529, 530, 531 are standard on Lancer Hardtops"
So that would potentially make the Trim code in question 529 (but this still needs confirmation):
The car:
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While scouring my digital 56 Dodge archives, looking for some paint code info this AM, I bumped into photos of a 56 Royal Lancer that I had forgotten about. I'm not sure whether all of the paint is OE code (looks like 52 Garnet on the bottom but the roof and the saddle look lighter and have more sparkle than Garnet). *HOWEVER*, the real "find" was the interior: Red flying ducks which Igor (frwl) has suggested is likely a 536 trim code (still no confirmation via a cowl data tag but likely).
See below:
Edited by 56D500boy 2020-04-03 2:02 PM
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Posts: 2092
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1956 Dodge Royal Four Door Sedan, Body Code 825
Paint 164 = Sapphire White over Aquamarine
Trim 535 = Cordagrain and Jacquard Fabric – Silvery Black
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Posts: 2092
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1956 Dodge Coronet Lancer Hardtop Coupe, Body 816
Paint 369 = Jewel Black upper, Garnet saddle, and Chinese Rose lower colors
Trim 531= probably Cordagrain and Jacquard Fabric – Black; and probably Optional Custom trim...
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2.jpg (39KB - 333 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | frwl - 2021-10-17 11:10 AM .
1956 Dodge Royal Four Door Sedan, Body Code 825
Paint 164 = Sapphire White over Aquamarine
Trim 535 = Cordagrain and Jacquard Fabric – Silvery Black
Agree, mostly.
One correction: Paint 164 is Sapphire White over Neptune Green
( Sapphire White over Aquamarine wasn't actually offered in a two tone)
REFERENCE: http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=63553&...
But yes, the TRM code (if it is really 535 and not some strange 5352) should be Silvery Black "Flying Ducks" as you determined previously (see above)
The data plate in question has some weird stampings, e.g. BDY looks more like 625 than 525 and the TRM code looks like 6352 (??), neither of which make sense
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56Royal4drSedanWithStrangeTRIMcode.jpg (72KB - 342 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | frwl - 2021-10-17 11:41 AM .
1956 Dodge Coronet Lancer Hardtop Coupe, Body 816
Paint 369 = Jewel Black upper, Garnet saddle, and Chinese Rose lower colors
Trim 531= probably Cordagrain and Jacquard Fabric – Black; and probably Optional Custom trim...
That green 1955 Dodge has nothing to do with the 816 1956 Dodge and just confuses the thread.
Posts: 2092
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Thanks for correction, David.
The paint code 164 is definitely Sapphire White over Neptune Green – that was my mistake;
I think TRIM 5352 actually TRIM 532 and SP 2…
Posts: 2092
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Probably a Golden Lancer:
04 21 07 814 816 977 528
B3 in the right upper corner as well…
Posts: 2092
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Royal Series Trim Codes 537 and 538
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I have recently been made aware of a "local" (443 km away) 56 Dodge Custom Royal 4 dr Sedan with
Body code, 835 which is correct for a V8, Custom Royal, 4 dr sedan.
Paint code, 265, which is correct for its three tone, i.e. Sapphire white roof , Jade Green Poly saddle and Sea Foam Green lower, paint job
and most importantly to this thread:
Trim code, 540, which is showing as the green and silver equivalent to my 541 blue and silver 4dr interior. So 540 = Two -Tone Patterned Jacquard Weave Fabric and Pleated Cordagrain – Green with silver accents, as speculated by frwl (Igor).
When I get permission from the owner, I will post a photo of this "elusive" (to me) 540 interior.
540 will be based on the green version these fabric samples:
Edited by 56D500boy 2022-08-15 8:00 PM
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Posts: 2092
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Trim 540 for Custom Royal Sedan (and probably Trim 543 same for Custom Royal Lancer Hardtops)
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Posts: 2092
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The complete listing of 1956 Dodge Upholsteries might be looks like this:
(1956 Dodge.jpg)
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1956 Dodge.jpg (129KB - 234 downloads)
 Exner Expert 10K+
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      Location: Lower Mainland BC | .
These photos of a Coronet 531 Deluxe interior are from a recent eBay auction for a 56 Dodge Coronet Lancer. The black patterned fabric is the same as the non-Deluxe Coronet 528. The Deluxe part is the extra Cordagrain on the seat backs.
Edited by 56D500boy 2023-08-07 2:00 AM
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56DodgeCoronetLancerDeluxe531Interior_4.jpg (149KB - 182 downloads)
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      Location: Lower Mainland BC | .
REFERENCE: http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=78808&...
Edited by 56D500boy 2023-08-17 6:05 PM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10400
      Location: Lower Mainland BC | .
This car:
The white vinyl doesn't look factory but it certainly is a good try.
The white bits were originally embossed like this:
Edited by 56D500boy 2023-09-16 11:21 PM
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