Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Looks like the Tulsa Reunion consensus is 2009 in Las Vegas. Is there any interest in folks getting together in Las Vegas or somewhere else in 2008? It doesn't have to be a "Tulsa Reunion", just some FL folks (and maybe some other Mopar folks) getting together. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | All the West Guys and Gals should meet up in LV in 2008, Then we ALL Convoy together to the 2nd Tulsa Reunion, And the Party that Brian and Nathan are having .. Everyone is Invited.. |
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Rebels-59 Coronet - 2007-11-27 12:46 PM All the West Guys and Gals should meet up in LV in 2008, Then we ALL Convoy together to the 2nd Tulsa Reunion, And the Party that Brian and Nathan are having .. Everyone is Invited.. Sounds good to me! |
Posts: 2338
     Location: central oklahoma! | hey, if you have it at the right time and come through oklahoma city, you can visit the "sparks, america" bike rally in sparks, oklahoma, right here in lincoln county. they have all kinds of fun, like the striptease contest, barrel roll contest, wet t-shirt, etc...  |
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | AND, if you travel through Reno, you also can visit SPARKS, NV!
Mizzou & WHO , next week? |