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Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!
Moderators: Lancer Mike

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   Forward Look Local Regions -> Rocky Mountain RegionMessage format
58 Ray
Posted 2007-12-03 12:30 AM (#105687)
Subject: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Colorado

1960 - Central City, CO.

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Lancer Mike
Posted 2007-12-19 6:22 PM (#107775 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Ray, that is fantastic! I have been trying to find the photo of a '57 Plymouth racing up Pikes Peak that was on Colorado Racing Memories, but I can't find it any more. I wish poor old Central City still looked like that!
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Posted 2007-12-19 10:04 PM (#107825 - in reply to #107775)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Elite Veteran

Posts: 644
Location: Falcon, CO
His sponsor, Perkins Motors, is still in business as Perkins Motor City Dodge, in SW Colorado Springs.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2007-12-20 11:22 AM (#107877 - in reply to #107825)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State

This photo of downtown Golden was taken in 1957 and came from the Historic Golden website:,GGLR:2006-44,GGLR:en%26sa%3DN


Attachments downtown1957.jpg (54KB - 714 downloads)
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58 Ray
Posted 2008-02-11 9:03 PM (#114596 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Colorado
Downtown Trinidad, CO. 1960-61

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58 Ray
Posted 2008-02-11 9:27 PM (#114598 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Colorado
Here's one for Mike, since I keep posting Plymie pics.

Berthoud Pass, CO. 1960-61 (I think)

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58 Ray
Posted 2008-02-11 10:49 PM (#114611 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Colorado
Leadville, CO. 1958
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-02-12 11:59 AM (#114659 - in reply to #114611)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Those are absolutely fantastic Ray!
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Posted 2008-02-12 12:25 PM (#114667 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!


Posts: 1209
Location: Ponder, TX
Great pictures, but I question the 1957 date on the Golden downtown shot. It looks like a '58 and '59 Ch**y, and a '59 Olds parked on the street.

While stationed at Lowry in 1959 I used to make trips to Golden to fill up on gas. They were having a gas war, and I paid 17 cents a gallon. It was 24 cents in Denver at the time, and it was actually worth the drive to fill up.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-02-12 12:31 PM (#114668 - in reply to #114667)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Good eyes, Gary. That certainly is not 1957. Not the first time a website has been wrong on a date, I'm sure! That is a good story about the Golden gas war too. I tried to look for a price near the Conoco sign, but I couldn't find one.
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Posted 2008-12-17 3:06 PM (#155835 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
I also posted these in the General Discussion section. They are of my parent's 1956 Chrysler Windsor. These are the Colorado shots.






Attachments BalancedRock.jpg (156KB - 649 downloads)
Attachments GardenCars.jpg (192KB - 658 downloads)
Attachments Pass1.jpg (177KB - 653 downloads)
Attachments pass2.jpg (166KB - 661 downloads)
Attachments pass3.jpg (182KB - 645 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-18 10:30 AM (#155918 - in reply to #155835)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Fantastic, Stanford! What a neat wagon - you have told me about that car before - I am glad you posted some pictures of it. A couple of questions for you: what year you think these were taken? Also, the Garden of the Gods stands out, but are the other pictures taken on Trail Ridge Road?

There is something about Kodak film that is warmer than digital photos! These are a real treat.
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Posted 2008-12-18 11:47 AM (#155936 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
These were taken in 1956. My parents picked up the car at the factory, and this is on the drive home.

My parents kept detailed records of their pictures, and these were labeled at Loveland Pass. I agree that they look more like Trail Ridge Road. It would be fun to try and find the photo locations.

Notice that all men in the pictures are wearing slacks, and the are women wearing skirts or dresses. My mother (and most women) wore skirts or dresses even when camping. My father rarely wore shorts. He normally dressed in slacks and black shoes, even on vacation.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-18 12:20 PM (#155940 - in reply to #155936)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
I just read the other thread! Maybe you could do a "then and now" ala John Fielder! Wearing the slacks and short sleaves was probably a big relief compared to the daily work suit! That is pretty impressive to have such nice color photographs in 1956, but now I know that your parents were no shutterbug slouches.
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Posted 2008-12-18 5:40 PM (#155965 - in reply to #155940)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
Going back to my mother's apparel, she was an active woman who rode a single speed bike in the mountains, was a marks woman, and until much later in life would walk for miles just for the fun of it. My father is in this next picture so my mother was the one taking it. To get this angle she had to climb up on something while wearing a skirt.

Look at the picture of Balanced Rock. My sister and brother are the highest people on the rock. If there was something to climb, they both would be. This rock is tame compared to the trees and boulders they often climbed. The difference is that my sister did it often in a dress.


Attachments Mine.jpg (211KB - 643 downloads)
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Posted 2008-12-18 7:22 PM (#155988 - in reply to #155965)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!


Posts: 238
Location: Westminster, Colorado
These old pic are amazing,It has me going through all my old photos lookin for FL cars?
I`ll keep you posted with what I find !!
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2008-12-19 1:50 AM (#156042 - in reply to #155988)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Parts Unknown

Today, ... "Daddy" would be wearing the dress.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-19 10:26 AM (#156063 - in reply to #156042)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Careful, Doc! That hits a little close to home - I own a kilt
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Posted 2008-12-19 11:37 AM (#156076 - in reply to #156063)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
Mike - Do you go the full 9 yards with your Scottish attire? Do you go to festivals? (Yes I do know where "full 9 yards" came from.)

Doc - This is the couple that always dressed "properly", taken in the 70's. He's still alive, working hard, and dressing business casual. If he thought wearing a dress would make a point, he would.


Attachments Parents.jpg (10KB - 631 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-19 11:53 AM (#156077 - in reply to #156076)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
I was married in my kilt (it caused quite a controversy). I have been to a few festivals and I usually wear my sporan, flashes, plaid, and full finery when I wear my kilt. Ok: educate me. I had heard that the "whole nine yards" may have had a WWII military origin, where a full clip of aircraft artilliary was measured at nine yards. Thus, to give them the full nine yards was to empty the entire clip. I understand there are other theories. Does nine yards equal the amount of material required to make a kilt?

That's a nice picture of your parents - they look like a fun loving couple!
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Posted 2008-12-19 12:04 PM (#156079 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
I have read that it is the 9 yards required to make the kilt.
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Posted 2008-12-19 12:08 PM (#156080 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
wikipedia tends to support the WW II use more than the kilt use.
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2008-12-19 12:30 PM (#156082 - in reply to #156079)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Parts Unknown
After the DeSoto National meet in 1992, the wife and heir apparent wanted to check out San Francisco. A bunch of family still lives in the Bay area and we talk my (now 94 year old) Grandmother into going downtown with us.

We parked the car in Richmond and rode the BART into the city.

Coming up the stairs from the underground station there on Market St. we discovered of all days to visit S.F. we chose "pride parade day", which was rolling down Market in all its techno-runway thumpin' glory.

The girls were jaw-dropped and thought this was better than going to the zoo. Grandmother, however, was less than amused. From the nude swarm of gold-painted women on unicycles to the goosestepping Wehrmacht formation in axxless chaps ... my dear old Grandma was pretty much convinced she was witnessing the total collapse of society. When I pointed out the bondage boys whipping a Christ-like figure on a cross as "a religious tribute" I got the "grandma look". When I suggested the float of pseudo Marilyn Monroes singing Happy Birthday, Mr. President. was not only patriotic, but those hairy chests looked great in a ****tail dress, Grandma informed the troupe it was time to go.

My Grandparents' generation was in the prime of life in the 50's. It was this Grandfather that took me to new model year unveilings and told me about the "Three P's" .... Pierce, Peerless, and Packard. He always wore a suit and if it was time to mow the lawn or just relax, there were some retired slacks and pair of loafers for the job.

Frankly, I am more inclined toward slacks and loafers than axxless chaps and an SS officers cap, .. at least when mowing the lawn or grocery shopping. But that's just me.

BTW, Mike - in 20 minutes of watching the parade, I saw no kilts of any sort. Wrong parade. Kilts come out for the squeezebag that sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard parade.
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Posted 2008-12-19 1:54 PM (#156092 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 529
Location: Medford Oregon
I like the story. My grandfather accepted everyone for who they were. My grandmother would have had a heart attack.

"Frankly, I am more inclined toward slacks and loafers than axxless chaps and an SS officers cap" I know S.F. It is cold regardless of the season, and with that outfit you'd freeze your manhood off!
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2008-12-19 2:09 PM (#156095 - in reply to #156092)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Parts Unknown
To this day, this trip to S.F. remains one of the most talked about things that ever happened between Grandma and myself. The WHOLE family heard all about it after we left, so it comes up all the time. Of course, I always have to ask her if she has it "penciled in" on her calender so we can do it again.

Funny, but she never follows through !
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-19 4:21 PM (#156111 - in reply to #156095)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Love, it Doc!
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58 Ray
Posted 2008-12-30 1:01 AM (#157191 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Colorado

1959 - South Broadway - Denver (Couple of 57 Plymies on the right, might be some other FL's)

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Posted 2008-12-30 12:40 PM (#157252 - in reply to #156080)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!


Posts: 1290
Stanford --
The most common machine gun mounted in American fighter aircraft in WWII was the Browning .50 Cal. M2-AN (a version of the old "Ma Deuce," the M-2). A complete (i.e., case, projectile, and disintegrating link) "50 Caliber" or "Point Fifty" (in RAF or RAC lingo) round is approximately 3/4" wide. The maximum number of rounds carried in a fighter such as the P-51 was 450 rounds per gun, so 450X0.75"/36=9.375, or "the whole nine yards."
Mike --
I'm curious: why did you wear the kilt at your wedding? Did you lose an election bet? It's so much easier being of Slovenian descent -- all we are obliged to do is eat klobase and drink beer!
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-30 4:45 PM (#157290 - in reply to #157252)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
I actually WON the bet!

It is neat to see angled parking on Broadway! I can't tell where this was, but it appears to be looking south. I suspect if it was looking north, you would see downtown in the distance. This might be south of the "miracle mile" or you would probably see the old Woolworth Building on the west side of the street. Great picture!
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58 Ray
Posted 2009-01-01 1:37 AM (#157467 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: Colorado

It has to be facing south. 

Cave of the Winds:


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Lancer Mike
Posted 2014-04-21 5:58 PM (#437163 - in reply to #157467)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
A very dressy 1955 Dodge at the Pikes Peak Hill Climb

(1955 dodge 5.jpg)

Attachments 1955 dodge 5.jpg (89KB - 644 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2014-04-23 6:04 PM (#437450 - in reply to #437163)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
...and a 1957 Plymouth making it's way up. I know I have seen a photo of a 1958 Plymouth with "Perkins Chrysler Plymouth" painted on the side, but darned if I can find it...

(1957 Plymouth Hill Climb.jpg)

Attachments 1957 Plymouth Hill Climb.jpg (233KB - 617 downloads)
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Posted 2014-06-15 11:20 PM (#445279 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!


Posts: 1506
Location: Colo Spgs
Hola Yo'll

This just appeared on the other part of this site.

(Colorado Spgs De Sotos.jpg)

Attachments Colorado Spgs De Sotos.jpg (156KB - 569 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2014-06-20 4:07 PM (#445886 - in reply to #445279)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
Fantastic! I never saw the old Antlers in person. The new building has a few of the old touches, but none of the character.
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Posted 2014-06-26 5:22 PM (#446802 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!


Posts: 1506
Location: Colo Spgs
Does a view of The Royal Gorge count ???

(Royal Gorge Bridge.jpg)

Attachments Royal Gorge Bridge.jpg (169KB - 591 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2014-06-26 5:25 PM (#446806 - in reply to #446802)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
back when cars could drive over it! That must have been a creepy feeling - right in the middle of that one in your 1959 Plymouth wagon!
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2014-06-26 5:52 PM (#446812 - in reply to #446806)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State
I will try a couple.


(pine cone inn grand lake.jpg)

Attachments FtCollins1960s_800.jpg (89KB - 609 downloads)
Attachments pine cone inn grand lake.jpg (35KB - 604 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2018-05-08 2:10 PM (#562982 - in reply to #446812)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State

This one appeared in the big thread up top.  It sure looks like the Rockies - maybe Colorado, but I can't place where.  Does anyone know?

(Maybe Colorado.jpg)

Attachments Maybe Colorado.jpg (140KB - 562 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2021-09-24 5:04 PM (#615326 - in reply to #562982)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State

another from the big thread.  I definitely know where this is...



Attachments 1.JPG (234KB - 273 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2021-09-24 5:24 PM (#615327 - in reply to #615326)
Subject: RE: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!

Location: The Centennial State

a few more...




(Georgetown cropped.jpg)

Attachments Colfax1950s-RogersCollection.jpg (184KB - 264 downloads)
Attachments craigcolo.jpg (51KB - 260 downloads)
Attachments Georgetown cropped.jpg (234KB - 258 downloads)
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Posted 2021-09-24 8:34 PM (#615332 - in reply to #105687)
Subject: Re: Old photo's of FL cars in the Rocky Mtn. Region-Post em!!


Posts: 1209
Location: Ponder, TX
That view down Colfax is the one I remember from 1959. I walked from there back to Lowry a few times, though someone usually stopped and asked if we wanted a ride. Times were a lot different then.
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