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Memory Lane - May 24, 2008
Moderators: Nathan D. Manning, My57Saratoga

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Posted 2008-03-27 3:01 PM (#122509)
Subject: Memory Lane - May 24, 2008

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 331
Location: Northern North Carolina
I'm making my hotel etc reservations now, planning to stay in Pigeon Forge (cuz I've only passed thru, and never had time to really check that place out) and drive over to Rogersville (an hour and a half, yes?) to spend all day at the Memory Lane show. The next day, we're going to Dollywood. LOL. I love kitsch; what can I say?

If anyone from the board wants to meet up and say hello, feel free to gimme a shout here, or in a pm.


1957 Plymouth Belvedere
1961 Ford Fairlane
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Nathan D. Manning
Posted 2008-03-27 3:33 PM (#122511 - in reply to #122509)
Subject: Re: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Still trying to decide whether to do Memory Lane or the Chattanooga Chrysler/Imperial/Packard Meet.
I've been to Memory Lane on many occasions - and it's awesome. But Mike McKenna says the Chattanooga show is a blast, too.

With both happening the same weekend, I may head down to the Home O' The MoonPie this year. Been a while since I've been down around Chattanooga, anyhow.

Meanwhile, Check your PM's RockBoy.

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Posted 2008-03-27 9:05 PM (#122569 - in reply to #122511)
Subject: Re: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Elite Veteran

Posts: 614
Location: Kingston Springs , TN
The Chattanooga show is really geared toward Forward Looks and BIG Chryslers!......

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Posted 2008-03-28 12:03 PM (#122622 - in reply to #122569)
Subject: Re: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 331
Location: Northern North Carolina
My57Saratoga - 2008-03-27 9:05 PM

The Chattanooga show is really geared toward Forward Looks and BIG Chryslers!......


The Chattanooga show looks like fun! Nice website too. I liked this little blurb from the website: "These meets are NOT "judged shows" and derogatory comments about attendees' cars is prohibited. Some, if not many, of the Meet participants have driven cars that are either unrestored original cars, cars in the process of being restored, or daily drivers. Derogatory comments can discourage current, as well as potential participants. We do not want to discourage anyone from attending these Meets! If you can't say something nice, just be quiet!"

LOL. My kinda show---- same reason I like the rat rod shows.

I think we are pretty much locked into the Memory Lane plan at this point, and I'm dying to see the moved/reassembled period-buildings on the Eldridge property.
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Posted 2008-03-28 2:34 PM (#122645 - in reply to #122622)
Subject: Re: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Elite Veteran

Posts: 614
Location: Kingston Springs , TN
Yes Chattanooga is a VERY NICE get together...since it is held at the host's home, it's very low key and enjoyable....

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Posted 2008-05-12 9:22 PM (#129702 - in reply to #122509)
Subject: Re: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 331
Location: Northern North Carolina
Article about the Memory Lane event.
I'm really looking forward to attending this in two weeks!
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Posted 2008-05-26 8:42 PM (#131694 - in reply to #122509)
Subject: RE: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 501
Location: Upper East Tennessee
It was a great show! I hadn't been in about 4 years. It has grown a lot!!!
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Posted 2008-05-26 8:50 PM (#131695 - in reply to #122509)
Subject: RE: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 501
Location: Upper East Tennessee
I even spent a lot of time looking at the parts cars. Here are some pics I took.

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(pic 5.jpg)

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Nathan D. Manning
Posted 2008-05-27 12:27 PM (#131757 - in reply to #131695)
Subject: RE: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

tnlowrider - 2008-05-26 8:50 PM
Here are some pics I took.

Hey, Tim!

That's ME standing between the '57 Chevrolet and the '56 Dodge.
Those are both my cars.

Wish I had known yet ANOTHER ForwardLooker was in attendance!
I would've loved to have met you in person, too.

Mike McKenna (My57Saratoga) and Sam Allen (57PlymouthNC) were there as well.
Chances are, you may have seen all of us lounging around behind that black Chev.

I've attached another photo of the three of us alongside that '57 Chrysler parts car.
Maybe you saw us at some point throughout the day. The crowd was huge.


(Me & The Cars.jpg)

(Me Sam And Mike.JPG)

Attachments Me & The Cars.jpg (64KB - 1055 downloads)
Attachments Me Sam And Mike.JPG (68KB - 948 downloads)
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Posted 2008-05-27 9:40 PM (#131827 - in reply to #131757)
Subject: RE: So who's going to Memory Lane 2008? May 24

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 501
Location: Upper East Tennessee
Very Cool Cars Man!

I really liked all the Mopars at the show! I was pleasantly impressed!!! I was there in the morning and left around noon. On my way out I stopped at the HEMI garage on top of the hill! Nearly everything in that garage had a 426 Hemi!!! Amazing! My dad and brother were there in the '34 Ford and the '48 Chevrolet below. Heck man, even I saw one of my old cars in the junk pile! 1964 Lincoln convertible. I sold it a few years ago...not sure how Otis wound up with it! LOL!

(pic 8.jpg)

(pic 9.jpg)

Attachments pic 8.jpg (78KB - 1028 downloads)
Attachments pic 9.jpg (57KB - 1051 downloads)
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Posted 2008-06-02 10:30 PM (#132404 - in reply to #122509)
Subject: Re: Memory Lane - May 24, 2008

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 331
Location: Northern North Carolina
Memory Lane was a great show!! I highly recommend it!
I was there in the morning, stayed all day, then went to the cruise-in about half an hour away, with Nathan & Jessica, Mike, and two more of Nathan's friends. The Memory Lane property is awesome---- if you're into retro furnishings & artifacts (from the Sears "kit house" to 50's mobile homes to lamps & boomerang coffee tables), not to mention Otis' amazing collection of vintage cars, you really HAVE to check out this event. One of the things I really liked about the show is that it was so NOT about "trailer queens"---- there were beautifully restored cars, well-preserved originals, rat rods...and some rust buckets that people had hauled in to round things out. It seemed like it all "belonged" there, and that helped to make the event unique. It was great to meet fellow FowardLookers, and I gotta tell ya, I loved looking in the rearview mirror on the way to the cruise-in, & seeing Nathan's mint green & black '56 Dodge tooling along at 60mph. One of the nicest looking cars at the show, for sure!


1957 Plymouth
1961 Ford Fairlane
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Posted 2009-04-24 9:16 PM (#171758 - in reply to #122509)
Subject: Re: Memory Lane - May 24, 2008

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 331
Location: Northern North Carolina
Hi Guys. Anyone going to the Memory Lane Show, Friday night, May 22 and Saturday, May 23, 2009? (Rogersville TN).
Here's the link for the flyer.
and photos from prior shows.
Nathan--- will you be there?

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