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ForwardLook cars in movies
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Posted 2008-12-16 9:59 AM (#155680)
Subject: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 1363
Location: Apeldoorn, Netherlands
I thought it might be a good idea to make an inventory on ForwardLook cars in movies.
To kick it off, I placed all the forward look footage of the movie ‘The Lineup’ on YouTube. It features a 1957 Dodge Coronet D500, a 1957 Dodge Custom Royal and a 1947 Plymouth (don’t know the model for sure).
Because it’s rather much (large), I’ve placed three versions:

Dodge only:

Plymouth only:

and both together:

Funny to see they’re like keep changing cars during a trip or chase! One shot they’re in a Coronet D500, the next shot, in the same scene, they’re in a Custom Royal.
The Custom Royal doesn’t seem to have the correct quarter panel side center moldings, they should be wider. But what’s correct? I wouldn’t know why the car is like that, but it’s not very plausible they did that for the movie. I would say it came like that. So, I guess the next Custom Royal without the wide moldings on eBay could be real…

So, if you know of any movie featuring ForwardLook cars, let me know, and I’ll see whether I can get a copy and get the ForwardLook footage on YouTube.
I already have a copy of ‘Gypsy Moths’ at Neil’s, which I’ll pick up when I’ll visit the US and Neil again, shortly.

Edited by Jim Hoek 2008-12-16 11:28 AM
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Posted 2008-12-16 2:46 PM (#155716 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3969
Location: DFW, TX
I heard there was a movie about an old red Plymouth that kills people!!
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Ray Bell
Posted 2008-12-16 4:00 PM (#155722 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2482
Location: Dalveen, Queensland, Australia
I don't want to hear a word about that one... never...

I'm sure I saw something in Any Which Way But Loose when I watched it the other night.
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Posted 2008-12-16 4:25 PM (#155729 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2011
Location: Ballwin, Missouri
cars all over. James Stewart evern drives one ( Chrysler or Desoto ) don't remember which.
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Posted 2008-12-16 4:27 PM (#155730 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 155
A few years ago I watched an old Frank Sinatra movie. It showed him getting out of "I think" a 1960 Plymouth taxi cab.
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Posted 2008-12-16 4:30 PM (#155731 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 155
The movie "California Kid" (got a bad headache, neck, shoulder & foot been bothering me for a while so I'm not remembering so well right now) wasn't the police car driven by Vic Morrow a Forward Look? Been too long since I've seen it to remember the year car, but it did have fins.
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Posted 2008-12-16 4:36 PM (#155732 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2011
Location: Ballwin, Missouri
Tthe Movie (IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD = SPENCER TRACY ) They have all sorts of
forward Look cars at the end of the movie in the last car chase.
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Ray Bell
Posted 2008-12-16 4:38 PM (#155733 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2482
Location: Dalveen, Queensland, Australia
Yeah... that movie is full of good stuff...
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Posted 2008-12-16 4:48 PM (#155734 - in reply to #155731)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
SavySavoy - 2008-12-16 9:30 PM

The movie "California Kid" (got a bad headache, neck, shoulder & foot been bothering me for a while so I'm not remembering so well right now) wasn't the police car driven by Vic Morrow a Forward Look? Been too long since I've seen it to remember the year car, but it did have fins.

Yep ,,Martin Sheen had the Hot Rod and the Cop Car was a 57 Plymouth.. ( Blue and White i think )
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Posted 2008-12-16 5:03 PM (#155741 - in reply to #155734)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
Rebels-59 Coronet - 2008-12-16 9:48 PM

SavySavoy - 2008-12-16 9:30 PM

The movie "California Kid" (got a bad headache, neck, shoulder & foot been bothering me for a while so I'm not remembering so well right now) wasn't the police car driven by Vic Morrow a Forward Look? Been too long since I've seen it to remember the year car, but it did have fins.

Yep ,,Martin Sheen had the Hot Rod and the Cop Car was a 57 Plymouth.. ( Blue and White i think )

OK,, Let,s try this.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Rebels-59 Coronet 2008-12-16 5:04 PM
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Posted 2008-12-16 5:17 PM (#155744 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK

The master touch (1972) car chase

Edited by Rebels-59 Coronet 2008-12-16 5:19 PM
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Posted 2008-12-16 5:39 PM (#155747 - in reply to #155716)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
57burb - 2008-12-16 7:46 PM

I heard there was a movie about an old red Plymouth that kills people!! ;)

Not Sure , Is it something Similar to this.................

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Posted 2008-12-16 6:21 PM (#155751 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3823
Location: NorCal

I've long suspected that fifties/sixties film makers contracted with certain auto makers to supply new models for their films. A win/win deal, the film makers get free cars and the car makers get their cars seen.
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Ray Bell
Posted 2008-12-16 6:26 PM (#155753 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2482
Location: Dalveen, Queensland, Australia
And the TV shows... they wrote that up in the credits at the end... 'Cars supplied by Chrysler Corp' etc...
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Posted 2008-12-16 7:08 PM (#155758 - in reply to #155751)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 1480
Location: Australia
yeah, like in bewitched, all chevy's... one car park scene theres just a massive line up of every chevy model for the year, a little amusing to say the least...

ok, back to forwardlooks...

blue hawaii: 61 plymouth suburban

seripco: 61 plymouth cop car

crime story: 300c ragtop, 61 plymouth ragtop, 62 imperial

the errand boy: (short glimpse, 61 plymouth ragtop)

cars that ate paris (lol): aussie delivered 58 desoto firesweep

all i can think of off the top of my head...

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Posted 2008-12-16 9:50 PM (#155777 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 1918
Location: Hell's Outhouse - a.k.a. Buckeye, Arizona
1958's "King Creole" (Presley) - near the end:

Carolyn Jones ("Ronnie") drives just about the slickest set of wheels I'e seen a prostitute own - a 1958 Chrysler New Yorker ragtop.

And Walter Matthau ("Maxie Fields") gets driven to Ronnie's hideout in a black 1958 Imperial Crown sedan.
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Posted 2008-12-16 9:52 PM (#155778 - in reply to #155729)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 1918
Location: Hell's Outhouse - a.k.a. Buckeye, Arizona
RoyalGate - 2008-12-16 2:25 PM

cars all over. James Stewart evern drives one ( Chrysler or Desoto ) don't remember which.

Yep - James Stewart drives a solid white 1956 DeSoto Firedome 2 door hardtop in it.

Edited by 1955Coronado 2008-12-16 9:53 PM
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Posted 2008-12-16 10:53 PM (#155783 - in reply to #155778)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Elite Veteran

Posts: 636
1) "Take Her She's Mine" 1963, Jimmy Stewart goes to Paris to track down his daughter (Sandra Dee?) and there is a 57 or 58 Dodge.
2) "The Gazebo" 1959, Glen Ford and Debbie Reynolds, Carl Reiner is the neighbor and drives a beautiful Imperial convertible.
3) The last 2 or 3 seasons of "Superman" (TV series) were shot in color and featured 57/58 Dodges and Plymouths.
4) "Cape Fear" (1961 version) Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum and a bunch of '61 Chryslers
5) "The Misfits" 1961, Marylin Monroe (saved the best one for last...) and Clark Gable, one or more '61 Chryslers.

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Posted 2008-12-17 9:08 AM (#155815 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Account Suspended

Posts: 2827
Location: At "The Rock" in upper East Tennessee
There was a movie a few years ago "Big Fish" that had a 57 Plymouth in it for a little while. Then there was the first scene in "Cat's eye" where that red Plymouth showed up that was in that other movie about a red Plymouth.............What was the name of that..............?
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Posted 2008-12-17 10:09 AM (#155819 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies

Wise Old Village Idiot

Posts: 3591
Location: Dellslow, West ("By God") Virginia !
"Hot Cars"
Has EVERY '56 Mope, from a Plaza cop car, to a 300-B, and everything in between.
Plus several DeS Convts!

Of course it takes place in southern Calif
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Posted 2008-12-17 4:27 PM (#155847 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3823
Location: NorCal

On a more modern note the 1990 film Havana featured a green '58 wagon, can't remember if it's a Chrysler or DeSoto.

Lots of fifties cars in Cuba.
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Posted 2008-12-17 5:11 PM (#155853 - in reply to #155847)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies

Elite Veteran

Posts: 929
Location: Finger Lakes NY
mystery date real nice 59 firesweep conv
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60 Plymouth
Posted 2008-12-17 6:23 PM (#155861 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1060
Location: Building incorrect cars since 2000!!
Oh I know the red car your talking about its that 60 plymouth in Riding The Bullet by Stephen King
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Posted 2008-12-17 7:21 PM (#155870 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2721
Location: Minneapolis
I get a kick out of this: Every two or three months there is a new "FL Cars in Movies" thread!
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Posted 2008-12-17 10:59 PM (#155888 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 273
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
You guys should check the "" . yes, Internet Movie Cars Data Base. pretty good site, and you can add to it. Not sure if it was mentioned above (I may have missed it) but that movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" has I think a 57 plaza at the end. It's a taxi cab...
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Posted 2008-12-18 10:29 AM (#155917 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 265
Location: North Carolina
This is great thread.
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Posted 2008-12-18 5:25 PM (#155962 - in reply to #155888)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
tuske427 - 2008-12-18 3:59 AM

You guys should check the "" . yes, Internet Movie Cars Data Base. pretty good site, and you can add to it. Not sure if it was mentioned above (I may have missed it) .

SUPERB SITE.. Can spend Hours checking it out..


Edited by Rebels-59 Coronet 2008-12-18 5:27 PM
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2008-12-18 5:47 PM (#155966 - in reply to #155888)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Location: The Centennial State
Playboy's Wet and Wild 2 has a '58 Dodge in a carwash getting a buff 'n' shine. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Unquestionably the best MoPar movie ever.
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Posted 2008-12-19 2:37 PM (#156096 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
This message could be its own little thread, because there's not a whole lot of FWDLK'ers in it (did see a baby blue
61 Belvie convertible, with black top, in one quick shot), but, last nite Turner Classic Movies showed "The Model
Shop", from 1969, with Gary Lockwood, and Anouk Aimee [from A man & Woman fame] starring in it.

What makes it so special [certainly, not the self-conscious acting/dialog, which makes "Gone in 60 Seconds" seem like Hamlet] ,
is that the French director used one principal-camara, in Cinema Verite fashion, to record and document the REAL L.A. Hollywood-area, in 1969, complete with MANY scenes containing real-world views of cars and buildings [not like the set-pieces, in "Bullett", and "Gone", etcetcetc, where the car merely drives up to a place, and parks in front of it, or where the 'action' is tightly controlled and choreographed] , as seen by Lockwood, as he drives around the area in his MGTD (which gets reposessed, at the end of the flick), with the camara mounted to the car, as he drives around town.

The movie is a real time capsule, not unlike "The Lineup", but, instead of high speed pursuits, the viewer can sit back and
enjoy the views of the area, and, there are no gratuitous 'freeway' scenes.

Lockwood is an unemployed architect, who lives in a dumpy-rental house, next to an oil rig, who learns from his wealthy
mutually-estranged parents that he just received his Draft Notice (remember THEM??) and that he has to report for
induction 'next week'.

Pretty-good Hippy-scenes, which are, also, not played over-the-top, like Peter Fondas movies, were.

One surprising thing, in all the many car-scenes, is that VERY few VW's or other furrin cars are seen, in the city.

There's an overwhelming amount of domestic cars on the streets, in 1969 L.A. , and the director definitely wanted "the car" to be a featured character in this clearly "L.A." movie.

If you can find a copy of this flick, it's well worth watching (with the sound turned-down). Speaking of sound,
I just realized that there is no background music played in this movie, but, there is some lame generic music
that Lockwood brings up, on the car's radio.

I should say that there IS actual (KRLA, mostly) L.A. disc jockey dialog and news-accounts played on the radio, however, regarding the staus of the ongoing Vietnam War peace negotiations, which IS of some real
interest, to Lockwood, and other contemporary film viewers.

At the end of the movie, TCM's host, Robert Osborne , came 'on' to state that originally Harrison F-rd was supposed to get the lead role, but, then, he was not well known as a leading man; Lockwood had just starred in "2001", so, he
was considered to be a 'hot' actor, who definitely plays-down his role, here, not unlike the way that Steve McQueen
would have played it.

This is a car-spotter's DREAM movie, and a nice piece, for fans of the 60's "commercial-strip" architecture.
The "Carolina Pines" Googie restaurant is seen in several scenes.

This ends my movie review. Get/see (but don't listen, much, to) this flick!

Edited by d500neil 2008-12-19 2:57 PM
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Posted 2008-12-22 1:39 PM (#156418 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3905
Location: Northen Virginia
Unfortunately the movie “the Model Shop” it is not on Netflix or Blockbuster. But I saw a Plymouth in the openings; they may play it again on TV.


Attachments modelshop.jpg (10KB - 660 downloads)
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Posted 2008-12-22 2:08 PM (#156421 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3905
Location: Northen Virginia
And one of my favorites all time tv scenes, definitely Plymouth are FL cars, Director’s choice

Edited by hemidenis 2008-12-22 2:14 PM



Attachments NDVD_000.jpg (31KB - 629 downloads)
Attachments NDVD_001.jpg (22KB - 627 downloads)
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Posted 2008-12-22 4:08 PM (#156431 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Denis, from what show are your screne images, above?

"The Model Shop" MIGHT be available in France/Europe, as its director was French, and this was his only Amerian

If so, even in French, or with subtitles, it's the car-watching that is important, not the dialog.

BTW, that beach-town-looking surface street was used in several shots, including the one where I saw that 61 PLY convertible,
seemingly parked in just about the same place as your 60 4-dr hardtop---lololol...

Edited by d500neil 2008-12-22 4:09 PM
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Posted 2008-12-22 6:41 PM (#156449 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3905
Location: Northen Virginia
That shot if from Crime story. Lots of FL in that fantastic TV series.
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Posted 2008-12-23 5:38 PM (#156523 - in reply to #155744)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 455
Location: seattle, Wa.
This clip is hilarious, and painful.
It begins as a chase between a Cortina? and a 57 Plymouth, but as they get further into demolishing the cars, the Plymouth turns into a 1960 Dodge, with big fake-looking tailfins pasted on! Fun to watch them switch back and forth bewteen the Plymouth and Dodge, but sad to watch them wreck both.
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Posted 2008-12-23 5:41 PM (#156524 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 455
Location: seattle, Wa.
The above comment was in reference to Rebel 59's post on page 1, called "Master Touch".
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Posted 2008-12-23 5:45 PM (#156526 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Roger, I recall seeing the film clip that you're referencing, but, is 'this' 60 PLY (with the Ram Air hood scoop on it)
a part of your film-reference?

I thought that your-film was shot in BxW; I can't believe that the custom-yellow car appeared in the "Crime Story"
TV show, but, was waiting for someone else to comment on its appearance, somewhere.

OOPS; you posted right before I did (OK; "Master Touch" is in 'color' !)

So, is this old-yeller a feature car in the late 50's "Crime Story" show?

Edited by d500neil 2008-12-23 5:49 PM
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Posted 2008-12-24 12:09 AM (#156559 - in reply to #155962)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 273
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Rebels-59 Coronet - 2008-12-18 2:25 PM

tuske427 - 2008-12-18 3:59 AM

You guys should check the "" . yes, Internet Movie Cars Data Base. pretty good site, and you can add to it. Not sure if it was mentioned above (I may have missed it) .

SUPERB SITE.. Can spend Hours checking it out..


I agree completely, and, have done exactly just that. I do what I can to contribute my car info for correcting improperly named cars and have spent many a lunch hours doing so. What I also find fascinating on this site is how it's not just a USA only site- it's open to cars and vehicles from all over the world. A real eye opener to what's out there, regardless of personal preferences in cars.
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Posted 2008-12-24 2:59 AM (#156565 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2721
Location: Minneapolis
I cant believe that screamin' yellow zonker is from Crime Story. It has been over twenty years, but I didnt miss a single episode. They would have never used something with a dopey hood scoop like that.

Another thing; the first season was set in Chicago, the second was in Vegas. So there could have been vehicles with California plates, but not BLUE plates as pictured. They didnt start using those until '71 and the detail folks for Crime Story were pretty darn good.
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Posted 2008-12-24 12:17 PM (#156605 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3905
Location: Northen Virginia
Reading the last posts I can see that my credibility in this forum is ZERO, that is what I love of it…lol
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Posted 2008-12-24 12:23 PM (#156606 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Good points, Doug, but yaknow? That 'Zonker's' license plate is NOT a CA blue-plate special with its "chrome yellow"

It may be a vintage plate, but, I don't know from what state 'that' was.

Wasn't 'Zonker' one of the optional 300F colors ?

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Posted 2008-12-24 11:51 PM (#156670 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2721
Location: Minneapolis
Neil-- your monitor is a lot better than mine, they look like regular Cali blue plates to me.

Something else, I just noticed the zonker has chrome sidepipes.
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Posted 2008-12-25 11:18 AM (#156702 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3905
Location: Northen Virginia
They are not California plates they are Nevada ones, the mechanic changed them later. Wonder where is that car now.

Edited by hemidenis 2008-12-25 11:53 AM
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Posted 2008-12-25 3:43 PM (#156724 - in reply to #156565)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7547
Location: northern germany
forwardlookparts - 2008-12-24 2:59 AM

I cant believe that screamin' yellow zonker is from Crime Story. It has been over twenty years, but I didnt miss a single episode. They would have never used something with a dopey hood scoop like that.

i think you are right. i have that scene on tape somewhere iirc i believe thats a scene from "quantum leap" with scott bacula.

Edited by 1960fury 2008-12-25 3:45 PM
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Posted 2008-12-25 4:46 PM (#156732 - in reply to #156565)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 69
Location: Central New Jersey, USA
forwardlookparts - 2008-12-24 2:59 AM

I cant believe that screamin' yellow zonker is from Crime Story. It has been over twenty years, but I didnt miss a single episode. They would have never used something with a dopey hood scoop like that.

For all you non beleivers, yeah, it is from Crime Storys. I have an article home in my dad's book or 60 plymouth info whit a write up all about that car. I'll see if I can get a copy up, or if it's even legible.
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Posted 2008-12-25 5:30 PM (#156735 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2721
Location: Minneapolis
Yes, I am a non-believer until someone comes up with proof. Naturally, I HAVE been wrong in the past, but I would just be surprised that the tech advisors would let a monstrosity like that slip by. Isnt that a seventies vintage super stock hood scoop?
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old mopar guy
Posted 2008-12-27 9:15 PM (#156994 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 1508
Location: new york
My 58 Plymouth was in this movie years ago and even in the preview! HAPPY MOTORING!!
Its a movie called "Looking for an Echo" I tried to download the u-tube preview so you can see it.

Edited by old mopar guy 2008-12-27 9:19 PM

Attachments (0KB - 653 downloads)
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Posted 2008-12-28 6:00 PM (#157065 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: RE: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 3081
Location: Scotland
Gail Gonzales' '56 DeSoto
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Posted 2008-12-28 6:54 PM (#157071 - in reply to #155680)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 474
Location: Rushford Minnesota
Theres at least one FL car in American graffiti, A white 59 Plymouth
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old mopar guy
Posted 2008-12-28 8:02 PM (#157078 - in reply to #156994)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 1508
Location: new york
old mopar guy - 2008-12-27 9:15 PM

My 58 Plymouth was in this movie years ago and even in the preview! HAPPY MOTORING!!
Its a movie called "Looking for an Echo" I tried to download the u-tube preview so you can see it.

Attachments 1.webloc (0KB - 660 downloads)
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Posted 2008-12-29 7:50 AM (#157098 - in reply to #157078)
Subject: Re: ForwardLook cars in movies


Posts: 2600
Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden
I see at TV and it was a black/white movie The Gazebo from 1959
Start seeing from the middle of the movie And in a short movie frikvens runing a Windsor 59 conv upp. It was my first time I see one in a movie.
Have any see this movie before? Do you see same car at first time at Movie?


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