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looking for a painter, to paint my car,
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Posted 2015-04-03 6:25 PM (#474271)
Subject: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

User has resigned from board


looking for someone to paint my 60 savoy 2 door sedan,   a painter that does it on the side, outside there reg job, maybe at there home,  but knows what there doing ,   central mass,   leads will be a help,   ill remove all trim and strip off old paint , no body work, no rust repair, no bondo,  just prime, paint, and clear ,  might have it painted same color, so,  close the hood,trunk, doors  and spray away     thanks  pat

(murph 031 (2) (800x600).jpg)

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Posted 2015-04-04 4:32 AM (#474298 - in reply to #474271)
Subject: Re: looking for a painter, to paint my car,


Posts: 119
I advertised once in Craigslist for a painter and got two guys moonlighting from an auto body shop in Sacramento. I had filler sanding dust on EVERYTHING in my garage and they spent three weeks doing it.

Color sand the original paint and call it primer. Then shoot one stage for original type, or two stage with a clear coat for non-original high polish finish.

Edited by hoodinki 2015-04-04 4:35 AM














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Posted 2015-04-04 9:16 AM (#474310 - in reply to #474271)
Subject: RE: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7545
Location: northern germany
196061SAVOY - 2015-04-03 6:25 PM

   ill remove all trim and strip off old paint ,>

if the primer is still factory original (red) do not make the mistake so many do and strip it off. its baked on and adheres like nothing else. you can't duplicate it once its gone.
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60 dart
Posted 2015-04-04 2:53 PM (#474341 - in reply to #474271)
Subject: Re: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!

Posts: 8954
i always thought it nonsense to strip all the paint to do a restoration . kind of like , if it aint broke don't fix it but sometimes depending on the new paint used , it can't be helped ------------------------------------later
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Posted 2015-04-04 5:54 PM (#474360 - in reply to #474271)
Subject: Re: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

User has resigned from board

<p>the  paint on it now, is okay, but iv got a few spots lifting under the paint , maybe i can have those cleaned up , sand down the clear then reclear it ,  maybe ill call maco, , I hear there very good</p>

Edited by 196061SAVOY 2015-04-04 6:00 PM
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Posted 2015-04-04 7:06 PM (#474367 - in reply to #474271)
Subject: Re: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

Expert 5K+

Posts: 8446
Location: Perth Australia
If its only a few spots, it would be a lot cheaper to fix those spots (may be previous rust repair coming back) than go a full paint job

Just sanding the paint thats there to roughen it up a bit will have your arms crying for mercy

The actual spraying is quite easy, its the preparation that makes or breaks a paint job

You wouldnt take all the paint off unless you really had to (paint cracking/crazing, flaking off or mostly gone anyway), but unless you know what type of paint is on the car, I would spray an isolation coat first (after prep) then do your top coat

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Posted 2015-04-04 11:30 PM (#474390 - in reply to #474367)
Subject: Re: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

User has resigned from board

okay, what im told is, it was a quick paint job, cheap paint job, what ever is under the paint is lifting, could be just sloppy prep,
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Posted 2015-04-05 5:22 AM (#474403 - in reply to #474271)
Subject: Re: looking for a painter, to paint my car,

Expert 5K+

Posts: 8446
Location: Perth Australia
Could be?

Paint wont stick to oil and that includes the oil from your fingers, if they didnt wipe it down with prepsol, to get rid of the finger oil and sanding dust, the paint can lift

Worse if its actually filler thats lifting because what you can see will go further

I have had cars that a small bit of filler had lifted and when I went to fix it, it came off in a big sheet

If you do this, make sure that its not going to be a big hassle if you have to re repair an entire panel

See if you can break or chip the bubbled bit to see if its just paint or more

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