Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | They arrived this morning, soon we will be cruising in Stockholm. Gets fun to be their guide.
Tomorrow they will continue to Älvdalen. They will visit Power Big Meet and on Saturday Summer Meet.
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 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 417
    Location: Bräcke,Sweden | Hope they get a great stay here in Sweden, I would like to go to Västerås but not sure if I can make it. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Great to know that our American friends is in the good hands of Swedish friend! We will not be able to go to the mid-Sweden meets this year. With Jocke as your guide nothing can go wrong!
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Här några kort från besöket (första dagen i Sverige Stockholm) innan John och Melissa åkte vidare till Willy i Älvdalen. Fick låna min kompis DeSoto 57 som jag guidade dem i. Nina ladda kylväska med drickbart... Väldig skoj hade vi. Sista kortet kör vi raggar stråket Kungsgatan.
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 673
    Location: Malung, SWEDEN | Härligt! |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Bra att du tagit hand om John och M'lisa Jocke! Men har någon neutronbombat Stockholm - inte ett levande väsen mer än i er bil?!  |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 693
     Location: Kangasala, Finland | Looks like you went to see the ferry to Finland
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7827
       Location: Williams California | We had the most wonderful time in Sweden, many thanks to Jocke and Nina for all their hospitality, as well as all the great folks from this site we were able to meet.
Already we're saving up for another future trip, and we've both decided the Sweden was our favorite!!!!
--John |
Posts: 1295
      Location: Nasco , SWEDEN |  |