Expert 5K+
Posts: 7214
    Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada | For any of you Forward Look Members in the Pacific Northwest - Vancouver Island, BC Mainland, WA, OR, ID, etc. you're all invited to the WPC Club Northwest Regional Meet, here in Victoria, BC July 26-28. WPC Membership not required at our Regional Meet. We're not that far away! We've been doing these for years, alternating the events with the WPC Puget Sound Region and the WPC Pacific Wonderland Region. This year's it's our turn again. We typically have 90 - 110 Mopars at our Saturday show here in Victoria when we host these.
More information and registration at this link - http://clubs.hemmings.com/viwpc/meeting.htm
Edited by imopar380 2018-03-13 9:56 PM