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Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck
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Posted 2019-09-01 3:57 AM (#586873)
Subject: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
I am looking for a 1938-1948 International Harvester panel truck. My grandfather had a 1940 model that he sold his produce and flowers out of, and I am thinking that I would like to eventually make a recreation of it. The body line is a little different on the 1940-up and the front end changed in 1941 so it is somewhat of a one year only package. But I wouldn't mind using a newer body with an older front end to make it the same as the '40 model. Any leads would be appreciated as these aren't real easy to find. Fortunately they aren't very expensive, but I'm sure it's going to take some time to find one. I would be willing to make a trade if the owner would prefer that.

(Grandfathers 40 IH Panel.jpg)

(1940 IH Panel.jpg)

Attachments Grandfathers 40 IH Panel.jpg (26KB - 515 downloads)
Attachments 1940 IH Panel.jpg (154KB - 575 downloads)
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Posted 2019-09-01 11:05 AM (#586884 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
They're out there (more pickups than panels). 37 looks much like 40?

Edited by 56D500boy 2019-09-01 11:07 AM
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Posted 2019-09-19 12:54 PM (#587740 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
I talked to my father and found out that my grandfather's was actually a '39. The body change happened in late '39 so it could have been either year. The gray one you show above is a no-go for me because it has had too much of it swapped out for newer stuff, including the frame. I want it to be more original than that, although I am thinking about swapping the motor & trans because spending gobs of money to get 75hp doesn't thrill me. Also, that gray was was sold long ago. That website lists old ads for some reason.

This week, this one popped up on Ebay. I didn't expect to find one that quickly. It's a late '39 just like my grandfather's. I was thinking of waiting to get something in better shape than this, but then I realized that most of the good ones have already had their parts swapped out for other stuff like the gray one did. Also, even if the paint is in perfect condition, I have to repaint it to match my grandfather's so it makes no sense to pay for good paint. So a cheap, original, untouched version didn't sound too bad. I am currently paying him to put new tires on it so it can be transported easier. Better to buy them now than later. I intend to fix the fender rip, replace the windows & straighten the grille on it right away to make it look better, and then just use it for storage for a while until I get time to build it. That'll give me time to figure out how I want to do the drivetrain. If I replace the motor, I am thinking that a 354 industrial hemi might be a good choice, but I may keep the original if I can get the parts and can figure out how to make it run better than when it was new. Another option would be a diesel motor if I can find one that would fit well.

(IH Panel LFs.jpg)

(IH Panel RRs.jpg)

(IH Panel Rt Sides.jpg)

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Attachments IH Panel RRs.jpg (181KB - 526 downloads)
Attachments IH Panel Rt Sides.jpg (135KB - 511 downloads)
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Posted 2019-09-20 6:59 PM (#587788 - in reply to #587740)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 310
Location: Kalispell, MT USA
Powerflite - 2019-09-19 10:54 AM

Another option would be a diesel motor if I can find one that would fit well.

I'm thinking......... 12 valve Cummins 46RH trans. Find a wrecked 2WD Dodge pickup. Maybe even use the rear diff....


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Posted 2019-09-20 7:12 PM (#587789 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
I'm thinking the same thing '94-'98 variety; except, I want to keep it with manual trans. An NV4500 5 speed would be great. I started looking around at those older diesel trucks, and they are still stinkin expensive. It seems people really like them. I assume you need a computer to run these from the late '90's, is that correct? Another question about these, though is how heavy are they? Looks like 1100 lbs. That's probably almost double what the original motor weighs. I'm not sure the old truck could handle a lot of weight up front. Even with new HD springs, I'm not sure what that would do to the handling. Maybe a Duramax instead?

Edited by Powerflite 2019-09-20 7:23 PM
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Posted 2019-09-24 10:43 AM (#587899 - in reply to #587789)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
I'll just drop this here and run away:


Attachments InternationalTruckAdvertForNathan.jpg (123KB - 576 downloads)
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Posted 2019-09-24 11:06 AM (#587900 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
Neat ad. That looks like a 3/4 ton because it's using the heavy duty wheels. Interestingly, it is also missing the front turn signal pods just like the rusty one you posted before. They probably thought it looked better without them.
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Posted 2019-09-24 11:10 AM (#587901 - in reply to #587789)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 310
Location: Kalispell, MT USA
Powerflite - 2019-09-20 5:12 PM

I'm thinking the same thing '94-'98 variety; except, I want to keep it with manual trans. An NV4500 5 speed would be great. I started looking around at those older diesel trucks, and they are still stinkin expensive. It seems people really like them. I assume you need a computer to run these from the late '90's, is that correct? Another question about these, though is how heavy are they? Looks like 1100 lbs. That's probably almost double what the original motor weighs. I'm not sure the old truck could handle a lot of weight up front. Even with new HD springs, I'm not sure what that would do to the handling. Maybe a Duramax instead? :laugh:

12 Valve diesel engines have no computer control, only the fuel shut off solenoid. The PCM for these trucks only runs the transmission if it's an automatic, and the alternator.
Correct about the weight. Maybe use the 4BT 4 cylinder. Have seen these transplanted into 1/2 tons and even a Dakota. They have the same bolt pattern at the 6 cyl, so the adapter housing will interchange. Use a turbo and intercooler. I bet it makes more power than the original 6 cyl gasser.
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Posted 2019-09-24 9:38 PM (#587919 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
More power yes, but the bar is set pretty low at 75hp. I don't have any experience with diesel motors. The 4BT without intercooler is only 105 hp and 265 ft-lbs. I am wondering what that feels like in real world use. I guess the real benefit of using one is in fuel economy, but I don't want a dog either. The intercooler adds quite a bit of power, but also more trouble and less economy. And the descriptions of the 4BT not being well balanced for the torque it puts out doesn't sound great either. Now I am kinda souring on the idea.
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Apollo 61
Posted 2019-09-27 11:58 PM (#588071 - in reply to #587919)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Elite Veteran

Posts: 785
Here is the panel I was telling you about. I don't think it's what your looking for ? Looks like the Hemmings motor news truck to me.

Attachments image.jpeg (248KB - 607 downloads)
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Posted 2019-11-08 1:06 PM (#589915 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
That's very similar, but probably not an International. I'm not sure which make it is though.

I finally got the seller to finish mounting new tires on the truck. Looks much better now, and I can finally start the shipping process. Hopefully truckers don't balk at the size of it.

(39IHPanel New Tires.jpg)

Attachments 39IHPanel New Tires.jpg (150KB - 504 downloads)
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Apollo 61
Posted 2019-11-09 3:40 PM (#589963 - in reply to #589915)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Elite Veteran

Posts: 785
Powerflite - 2019-11-08 1:06 PM

That's very similar, but probably not an International. I'm not sure which make it is though.

I finally got the seller to finish mounting new tires on the truck. Looks much better now, and I can finally start the shipping process. Hopefully truckers don't balk at the size of it.

A couple years ago I sold a 69 imperial coupe to a guy in Germany. He said he would arrange for pick up. The transport driver shows with a fancy multi level enclosed trailer full of corvettes. I drove the imperial out to road to meet him. The look on his face was priceless. He said that he was just told to pickup a car here and that nobody told him that it was a car of this size!!!!!! It wasn't going to fit unless he made room by unloading half the trailer and then reloading!!!!,
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Posted 2019-12-18 8:44 PM (#591789 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
I finally got the truck home Monday evening. The right rear wheel wouldn't roll, it turns out. Seller didn't bother to free it and didn't bother to tell me about it either. It looks like the shippers were bashing it around to move it as the rear bumper is now bent in, the front grill is more beat up than it was, and the headlights are broken. I confronted them about it and they claim the damage was done by the seller and the seller claims it was done by the shipper. I don't want to deal with them, so I'll just fix it. I oiled up all the hinges & latches and got 2 out of 4 doors working. The others will require heat to free up. After cleaning all the trash and dirt out, the wood floor in the rear looks in pretty good shape.

I spent about an hour trying to release the rear brake when I noticed that the drum was severely cracked. Most of the wheel studs are broken on this wheel as well, so I couldn't use a puller to pull the hub off without welding another stud to it first. Maybe dragging the truck around had jammed the broken spring (that later fell out) between the drum & brake and cracked it? After I noticed that, I just took my mini sledge and broke the drum up. Rotates nice and easy now, but I'll need to look for a new drum if I am going to use this axle.

A couple of cool things on this truck is the tapered driveshaft. Neat design. Also the knee action shocks. Cool stuff.

(Inside Cleaned.jpg)

(Inside Cab Cleaned.jpg)

(Broken Rear Drum.jpg)

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Attachments Broken Rear Drum.jpg (244KB - 508 downloads)
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Posted 2020-01-06 5:58 PM (#592548 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
Apparently this website thinks that my truck is still for sale for much more than I paid for it. Why do they do this? Are they trying to scam people with it? Or is this due to a contract with the original seller that he never bothered to cancel?

I was happy to find 3 out of 4 of the missing hood trim pieces in the back of the truck, along with the missing door panel. The trim is only 3/8" wide, but I got it mounted up with some really small trim mounting studs that were a little expensive, but worth it.

Edited by Powerflite 2020-01-06 6:01 PM
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Posted 2020-01-15 4:12 PM (#592987 - in reply to #587740)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Elite Veteran

Posts: 873

Nice find.... Good luck with the project.

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Posted 2020-01-15 4:17 PM (#592988 - in reply to #591789)
Subject: RE: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Elite Veteran

Posts: 873

Powerflite - 2019-12-18 8:44 PM I finally got the truck home Monday evening. The right rear wheel wouldn't roll, it turns out. Seller didn't bother to free it and didn't bother to tell me about it either. It looks like the shippers were bashing it around to move it as the rear bumper is now bent in, the front grill is more beat up than it was, and the headlights are broken. I confronted them about it and they claim the damage was done by the seller and the seller claims it was done by the shipper. I don't want to deal with them, so I'll just fix it. I oiled up all the hinges & latches and got 2 out of 4 doors working. The others will require heat to free up. After cleaning all the trash and dirt out, the wood floor in the rear looks in pretty good shape. I spent about an hour trying to release the rear brake when I noticed that the drum was severely cracked. Most of the wheel studs are broken on this wheel as well, so I couldn't use a puller to pull the hub off without welding another stud to it first. Maybe dragging the truck around had jammed the broken spring (that later fell out) between the drum & brake and cracked it? After I noticed that, I just took my mini sledge and broke the drum up. Rotates nice and easy now, but I'll need to look for a new drum if I am going to use this axle. A couple of cool things on this truck is the tapered driveshaft. Neat design. Also the knee action shocks. Cool stuff.



I don't see any rust in the wood floor.... It's a truck, likely led a rough life. I would consider a 8 3/4 axle swap to simplify things.

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Posted 2020-01-15 6:27 PM (#593001 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
Yep, not a bit of rust on the entire floor! You're thinking along the same lines as me on the rear end. I measured it out, and surprisingly, a '65-'67 B-body 8 3/4 is the perfect replacement width. The perches on it are really narrow and would need to be moved though, of course. And I have one handy in my back yard that I didn't yet have plans for, so I'll probably swap that in.
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Posted 2020-01-15 6:30 PM (#593002 - in reply to #593001)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Nathan: Am I seeing that the brake drum was a composite with cast iron wear surface and a pressed metal middle?

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Posted 2020-01-15 7:20 PM (#593005 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
It's very similar to your car Dave. It has the steel hub in the center with the cast drum pressed onto it. The line around the outside is just a hump in the casting.
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Posted 2021-08-14 12:32 PM (#614202 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
The right side headlight was rusted out on this. Getting a new replacement proved to be very expensive, sold only in pairs, and difficult to find. But I managed to find a single '37 headlight that had been dented in the front of it where it would be quite difficult to fix. They only wanted $25 for it, so I went for it. The earlier headlight used a different type of bulb and had a separate piece of glass, which used a different mount on the front. So I cut off the glass mount with the dent, fixed the remainder of the damage, and welded on the bulb mount from my old one. I had to use clamps to get it into the proper position because removing the front caused residual stresses to mis-shape the circle - probably from the hit it received. But it worked out great and now I just need to clean up the welds and paint it.

(39IH Rusted Headlight.jpg)

(39IH Headlight Welding.jpg)

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Attachments 39IH Headlight Welding.jpg (121KB - 288 downloads)
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Posted 2021-08-19 1:14 AM (#614299 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
It came out really nice. Only a skim of bondo will be required and you can hardly see the weld line now. But I'll leave it like this until I get the fender repaired and the rest of the truck much closer to paint.

(39IH Headlight Installed.jpg)

Attachments 39IH Headlight Installed.jpg (206KB - 282 downloads)
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Posted 2021-08-19 2:49 PM (#614310 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck


Posts: 1758
Location: Alaska
I may have mentioned this before, my dad had a 49 panel as a work truck when I was in high school and I remember it looking just like yours except for the front clip.
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Posted 2022-11-13 4:24 PM (#625560 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
Yep, the '41-'49 used the same body in the back as this one, with a different front end that had the headlights integrated into the fenders. I found, by looking up the VIN, that this truck is actually a 1940. The '40 trucks came with the fender mounted front turn signals and the one-piece windshield frame that this one has.

The left front tire wasn't holding air, so I had it removed and found that the guy had put tubes in all the tires, and that this particular rim had rusted holes through it. Some others may as well, but they are at least still holding air. So I took that one wheel to Stockton wheels and had them weld a 16x6" rim to it - 2" wider than stock. It looks much better now and holds air, but in hindsight, I should have just done it to all of them. It wasn't cheap though, so that was the main reason I didn't at the time.

I'm nearly finished re-organizing my garage so I can start working on cars again. I was able to organize my garage much better with the 2 additional shelves, and I ejected all the hubcaps out to another shelf in the back yard.

(40IH Panel Wider Wheel.jpg)

(Rearranged Garage.jpg)

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Posted 2023-04-07 8:11 PM (#628803 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
The steering wheel was coming apart in chunks and was hopelessly miss-shapened to even hope to mount the horn button properly, so I needed to find a new one. I happened on a random NOS steering wheel on Ebay that looked very similar, except that it mounts with splines like newer wheels, not with a large taper & woodruff key like my original. I took a chance on it, and glad I did because the horn button size and shape of the wheel is exactly the same as the original. I suspect this wheel was made for '46-'54 Internationals, or somewhere thereabout. The steering box is bad on this truck, so I am planning to replace it with a newer power steering box. When I do, I will purchase a steering shaft for a '57 Chevy that has the same spline end on it, and use that to mate to the new box.

(40IH Steering Wheel Falling Apart.jpg)

(50IH NOS Steering Wheel.jpg)

Attachments 40IH Steering Wheel Falling Apart.jpg (223KB - 140 downloads)
Attachments 50IH NOS Steering Wheel.jpg (202KB - 146 downloads)
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Posted 2025-01-31 9:46 AM (#638755 - in reply to #586873)
Subject: Re: Wanted: 1940 International Panel Truck

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
This is cool, I just found out that my great-grandfather used a '36 Dodge "Commercial Sedan" for his dairy. Those seem to be pretty rare as I can't find a single picture of one today outside of this brochure. Most of the '36 Dodge deliveries were the humpback style to give more room in the back.

(GGrandFathers Jersey Farm -sm.jpg)

(Dodge Commercial Sedan.jpg)

Attachments GGrandFathers Jersey Farm -sm.jpg (244KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments Dodge Commercial Sedan.jpg (70KB - 8 downloads)
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