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Sticky Chasing and Solving Powerflite and Torqueflite leaks - Front of trans
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Posted 2022-01-11 9:08 PM (#618341)
Subject: Chasing and Solving Powerflite and Torqueflite leaks - Front of trans

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10387
Location: Lower Mainland BC
The Powerflite 2 spd automatic transmission was introduced in 1954 and it soldiered on until at least 1961. The 3 speed cast-Iron A-466 Torqueflite was an evolution of the 2 spd Powerflite and,
as such, shared more than a few parts. It started in late 1956 model year in some Imperials and Chryslers and became more available in 1957. It too soldiered on until 1961 when it was replaced in
the 1962 model year with the aluminum case "727" Torqueflite.

This post relates to leaks that could come from the front of either a 1954-61 Powerflite or 1956-61 cast-iron Torqueflite.

There are two main possibilities for leaks from the front of these transmissions: The seal between the front pump housing and the seal around the front input shaft. In both cases, the solution will
involve pulling the transmission out to replace the leaking parts.

The housing seal is pretty much a big "O-ring" (but it is probably square-shouldered). The PN for this seal is 1408 245 and it applies to both the Powerflites and the cast-iron Torqueflites.
They are still available (as of Jan. 11/22). I think that if you couldn't find a 1408 245 or equivalent, you could seal the housing to the case with some RTV silicon sealant without causing issues (if used sparingly).

The shaft seal (which could get worn and torn by the shaft and/or torque converter ) started out as P/N 1408 143 or 1738 263 as taxi/heavy duty version. By 1961 the 1738 263 was superceded to 2400 084.

The 1408 143 translated to a Chicago Rawhide/National 7587 at one point. Now it seems to be an SKF 21098.

The 1738 263 (and 2400 084) now translate to an SKF 21103.

Here are some photos of the front of a Powerflite and the front of a Torqueflite, followed by a photo of the 1408 245 parts listings for the front shaft seals from 1955 to 1961 for
both Powerflite and Torqueflite and the SKF equivalents.

1956 Powerflite (from my 56 Dodge):

1957 Torqueflite (the 57 Windsor TF I had rebuilt and installed in my 56 Dodge):

Edited by 56D500boy 2022-01-11 11:02 PM








Attachments 1408245FrontHousingToCaseSeal.jpg (124KB - 258 downloads)
Attachments CastIronPowerFliteFrontSeal1408143_1738263.jpg (150KB - 268 downloads)
Attachments CastIronTorqueFliteFrontSeal1408143_1738263.jpg (195KB - 270 downloads)
Attachments CastIronTorqueFliteFrontSeal1738263_2400084_in1961.jpg (194KB - 253 downloads)
Attachments SKF21098FrontTorquefliteTransmissionSealWithAlternateOEPartNumbers.jpg (118KB - 260 downloads)
Attachments SKF21103FrontTorquefliteTransmissionSealWithAlternateOEPartNumbers.jpg (103KB - 250 downloads)
Attachments FrontInputShaftSealAs2400084.jpg (78KB - 247 downloads)
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