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1958 De Soto Adventurer
Moderators: Lancer Mike

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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-02 7:40 PM (#626043)
Subject: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

I saw this in Hemmings today.  In Logan UT.  I sent a response saying I was interested, but haven't heard back yet.




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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-04 11:40 PM (#626106 - in reply to #626043)
Subject: RE: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

Three emails and no responses.

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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-11 7:29 PM (#626279 - in reply to #626106)
Subject: RE: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

If it is still for sale, I am going to fly out on December 28 to check it out.

























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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-11 7:44 PM (#626280 - in reply to #626279)
Subject: RE: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

I talked to Paul, the owner for quite awhile.  He bought it in the early 1970s and then sold it to his dad.  He did some work to it - he said he repaired some rust in the from fenders with body putty.  His dad did some more work on it and painted it red.  Paul said the original interior had good vinyl, but the seat fabric was worn away.  I asked him if it could be driven to Denver.  He said the brakes would pinch when rolling forward or back and it idled a little rough occasionally - so no way it would drive back, but it was a good conversation starter.    

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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-11 7:47 PM (#626281 - in reply to #626280)
Subject: RE: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

don't know why these images don't post?



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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-12 8:22 PM (#626316 - in reply to #626281)
Subject: RE: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

Assuming it is not sold before, I am going to go out and see it on December 28.  Paul seems pretty firm on price, which I can respect.  Some folks think Haggarty is inflated, but here's what I found with them.

(Haggerty Price 121222.JPG)

Attachments Haggerty Price 121222.JPG (59KB - 185 downloads)
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-12 8:28 PM (#626317 - in reply to #626316)
Subject: RE: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

J.D. Power seems to agree somewhat...

(JDPower Estimate.JPG)

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Posted 2022-12-12 8:38 PM (#626319 - in reply to #626043)
Subject: Re: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
Given the likely rust repair required on it, the non-stock color & fabrics, I think it is likely a fair price, but not a great price. The great thing about it is that you won't likely find another running, mostly driving '58 Adventurer at this price point. But the relative good looks is deceiving for how much work and reconstruction it will need.
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2022-12-13 9:35 PM (#626325 - in reply to #626319)
Subject: Re: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

I should probably talk to Nick Nichols before I go out there.  He offered his up for sale several years ago.  His looks rough, but it hides nothing.  This one is shiny, but I think it may hide a lot.

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Posted 2022-12-14 4:05 PM (#626334 - in reply to #626043)
Subject: Re: 1958 De Soto Adventurer


Posts: 292
Location: Colorful Colorado skier on the license plate
Some 58 Adventurer were Fuel Injected, Bendix units.
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Posted 2022-12-17 4:19 PM (#626393 - in reply to #626043)
Subject: Re: 1958 De Soto Adventurer


Posts: 3156
Location: NY & VT
I agree Mike, I've had a fair bit of experience with rust on FLs ;-( and my guess is that this one will need some fairly extensive body work. Personally I'd rather deal with mechanical stuff as it's so hard to assess body work needed until it's stripped down and good paint jobs are pricey! That said over the past 20 years I've moved to a spot where I prefer a closed car to a convertible, and it doesn't get much better than a '58 Adventurer. I passed on the '59 that Alan Ralston boughtin order to find a '58, and never did find one! Since he says negotiable, if it's a go I'd probably start around 22K and see what happens!
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Lancer Mike
Posted 2023-01-02 10:38 PM (#626716 - in reply to #626393)
Subject: Re: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State

I was all set to head out to Logan, Utah.  The night before, United cancelled my flight home - I assume because of the snowstorms.  I had to cancel the tickets and the rental car.  If I want to go see it in person, I'll have to start again from square one.

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Lancer Mike
Posted 2023-02-01 10:51 PM (#627324 - in reply to #626043)
Subject: Re: 1958 De Soto Adventurer

Location: The Centennial State
Looks like it sold. Good for Paul! I hope the new owner is happy with it too.
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