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413 truck engine
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Posted 2023-08-05 10:56 PM (#631186)
Subject: 413 truck engine


Posts: 48
Location: Gooding, ID
So I have this 413 engine block that I'm contemplating using for a future project. I also have a 383 LB from a '59 DeSoto, so I'm wondering if the heads will interchange? Acquired a 4bbl manifold intake from a '70 Roadrunner as well (383 engine) as well, and trying to find out if all this will fit together. I do not have pistons for the 413, so I'm wondering if it's worth while to go through all this trouble or just find a 440 which will be easier to source parts for. I was told this is a truck engine, so I'm not sure this would be better for a boat anchor or would it be worth while to proceed with? Lots of questions, but better now than $$$$ into it. Thanks!
Photos are small, so here are the numbers;

Block: 1852029-3 RL

11 6

Intake: 2806301

Edited by 59Firedome 2023-08-05 11:05 PM









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Posted 2023-08-06 9:24 AM (#631192 - in reply to #631186)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6580
Location: Newark, Texas (Fort Worth)
Hmmm... 383 is a low deck engine from the RR. 1959 Desoto 383 is a tall deck (RB) I believe. and the 413 is an RB Raised Deck block also. Heads should fit, Your Intake would need spacers to fit a tall deck engine.
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Posted 2023-08-06 9:35 AM (#631193 - in reply to #631192)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7547
Location: northern germany
mstrug - 2023-08-06 9:24 AM

Hmmm... 383 is a low deck engine from the RR. 1959 Desoto 383 is a tall deck (RB) I believe. and the 413 is an RB Raised Deck block also. Heads should fit, Your Intake would need spacers to fit a tall deck engine.

No, the 383 59 Desoto is a Low Deck. The ONLY manufacturer that used the tall deck 383 was Chrysler, 59/60 only.
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Posted 2023-08-06 11:13 AM (#631197 - in reply to #631186)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
The difference in piston price 413 vs. 440 is around $150. Is that worth finding a new engine? I don't think so. Also, a 440 will consume a lot more fuel which will hinder you from driving it more. Personally, I would go with the 413 or 383. As Mark stated, your 383 intake won't fit the 413, or a 440 for that matter.
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Posted 2023-08-06 2:08 PM (#631199 - in reply to #631186)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine


Posts: 48
Location: Gooding, ID
Good to know, sounds like a spacer for the intake and I'll be good to go. You're right, $150 difference for the pistons I'll go with what I've got and build the 413. What's the difference anyways between a standard block and one built for a truck? I read somewhere this would be the same block used (bored out) for the 426 engines as well, but don't know if this is a fact
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Posted 2023-08-06 5:22 PM (#631202 - in reply to #631193)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine

Elite Veteran

Posts: 908
Location: Peoples Republic of Oregon
1960fury - 2023-08-06 6:35 AM

mstrug - 2023-08-06 9:24 AM

Hmmm... 383 is a low deck engine from the RR. 1959 Desoto 383 is a tall deck (RB) I believe. and the 413 is an RB Raised Deck block also. Heads should fit, Your Intake would need spacers to fit a tall deck engine.

No, the 383 59 Desoto is a Low Deck. The ONLY manufacturer that used the tall deck 383 was Chrysler, 59/60 only.

Agreed, the sales literature indicates the B engine was the only offering, either 361 or 383.
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Posted 2023-08-06 10:41 PM (#631205 - in reply to #631186)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine


Posts: 48
Location: Gooding, ID
Thanks for the link, so I guess A2 decoded means "A = 0.020-in. oversized cylinder bore" which is what they used for trucks and max performance vehicles then, makes sense it being a little beefier in that case. "1852029… 413… 1959-62… RB Max Perf. & Truck". The 4R I assume means regular gas.
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Posted 2023-08-07 8:52 AM (#631209 - in reply to #631193)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6580
Location: Newark, Texas (Fort Worth)
1960fury - 2023-08-06 8:35 AM

mstrug - 2023-08-06 9:24 AM

Hmmm... 383 is a low deck engine from the RR. 1959 Desoto 383 is a tall deck (RB) I believe. and the 413 is an RB Raised Deck block also. Heads should fit, Your Intake would need spacers to fit a tall deck engine.

No, the 383 59 Desoto is a Low Deck. The ONLY manufacturer that used the tall deck 383 was Chrysler, 59/60 only.

O.K. that's right. Chrysler only got the tall block 383, My bad. A new intake might cost the same as spacers. You can sell your 4 bbl intake to fund a proper one. Marc.
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Posted 2023-08-07 4:07 PM (#631219 - in reply to #631186)
Subject: Re: 413 truck engine


Posts: 3086
Location: N.W. Fla.
The "usual" comment about BB truck & motorhome engines is to put car heads on them...
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