Facebook is probably where it's at now! 58 Windsor Newport $12,000 Albuquerque, NM - looks nice! 55 Firedome $10,000 Longmont, CO - pinky 58 Coronet $500 Joseph City, AZ - I hope that is paid price to take it away. 2dr hdtp though 58 Firesweep $4,500 Ogden, UT - two door htp, but ruff! 56 Imperial $10,000 Ft Collins, CO - okay 58 D-100 $5,000 Newcastle, WY - project 56 Coronet $2,700 McCammond, ID - project 55 Savoy $23,500 Beresford, SD - nice! 59 Firesweep $3,500 Grand Junction, CO - rough 61 New Yorker $1 Camp Verde, AZ - if it is really $1, it is a bargain at twice the price 62 Newport $3,500 Pueblo, CO - not bad 59 Power Wagon $4,950 San Jose, NM - lotsa potential 55 Firedome $3,500 Arvada, CO - not bad 56 Custom Royal $12,000 Gunnison, CO - Lancer sedan - loaded 55 Royal $4,500 Salt Lake City, UT - Lancer cpe - lotsa potential 55 Fireflite $5,000 Prescot, AZ - rough 61 Pioneer $6,500 Canyon City, CO - runs 59 Sierra $5,000 Castle Rock, CO - project |