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Plymouth A engine distributor differences
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Posted 2024-09-05 8:00 AM (#636833)
Subject: Plymouth A engine distributor differences


Posts: 17

Location: Finland
I guess this could be a generic question about the differences between the various Autolite distributors.

But I've been wondering what for example makes the Poly A engine single point "power pack" distributor IPB 4003A different to the "basic" single point distributor IPB 4003?

Is it all about the vacuum curve meaning that the main difference is the vacuum canister? Or are there also differences on the counter weights, springs or the breaker plate? I guess that the profile and timing of the cams are still the same?

Thanks for any comments.
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Posted 2024-09-05 11:26 AM (#636834 - in reply to #636833)
Subject: RE: Plymouth A engine distributor differences

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10393
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Can't help you with all your questions but, based on the application list for the IBP (NOT IPB) - 4003 series of 57 Plymouth distributors, I would guess that you are on the right track,
re: vacuum and mechanical advance related parts. I can see a different PN for the vacuum chamber for the 4003 and 4003A but you'll have to go through the PNs for the other
(mechanical) components to check whether they are the same/different.

Good luck

Edited by 56D500boy 2024-09-05 11:29 AM




Attachments 57PlymouthDistributorNumbers_IBP4003_1.jpg (130KB - 59 downloads)
Attachments 57PlymouthDistributorNumbers_IBP4003_2.jpg (206KB - 54 downloads)
Attachments 57PlymouthDistributorNumbers_IBP4003_3.jpg (99KB - 62 downloads)
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Posted 2024-09-05 11:41 AM (#636835 - in reply to #636833)
Subject: Re: Plymouth A engine distributor differences

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10084
Location: So. Cal
The differences between the power pak distributors and the regular one is in the timing curve - everything relating to it. The 4 barrel, dual exhaust engine needed a different curve to take advantage of that extra power. That means different weights, springs & vacuum can. The Fury distributor had dual points and typically, the vacuum can on the Fury distributor was also used on the power pak distributors.

One interesting thing to note is that the poly distributors will interchange with the low deck Dodge engines like the 241 and 270. So you have the potential to mix it up with them if you wish to do so.

Edited by Powerflite 2024-09-05 11:46 AM
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Posted 2024-09-05 1:00 PM (#636838 - in reply to #636835)
Subject: Re: Plymouth A engine distributor differences


Posts: 3822
Location: NorCal

Yes, it's all about the timing curve...notice in the examples above that the governor weights are the same but the springs vary widely.
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Posted 2024-09-06 9:27 AM (#636855 - in reply to #636833)
Subject: RE: Plymouth A engine distributor differences


Posts: 17

Location: Finland
Many thanks for clarifying this!

So, regarding the parts critical to advance curve the following IBP 4003 and the "power pack" IBP 4003A parts seem to be common:

- governor weights
- vacuum canister spring
- drive shaft

I have also been wondering what is the physical difference between the vacuum canisters? They are always sold without the spring and you need to "fine tune" them with the adjustment washers. To my understanding this is quite impossible without a distributor bench tester (Sun or equivalent).

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