IML: Imperial Sighting in Loveland, CO
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IML: Imperial Sighting in Loveland, CO

Vicarious Sighting:

A former secretary of mine is now living in Colorado. She doesn't know anything about cars, but is kind enough to be interested in my hobby and has even made complimentary remarks over my '58 Southampton project car and my other cars (2). She wrote me yesterday, all excited about seeing what I assume was an Exner-era or later Imperial in Loveland, Colorado. Since we never, ever see Imperials in rural Louisiana, I'm reporting hers as a "vicarious" siting.

Her note is a fun glimpse at what non-IML people think when they see us and our cars.

Patrick, Covington, LA

Dear Patrick:

I saw a car like your convertible! A huge Chrysler Imperial convertible! Not sure the exact year, but it looked just like yours in the pictures you sent to me. It was red, in great shape and being driven by a HUNK with the top down! So COOL! I got the biggest kick out of seeing that - I wanted to call you on the spot. It was going around the roundabout near my neighborhood. There are a lot of restaurants and stores in the area, but I'm hoping the guy lives somewhere nearby and I will see it again. At least one other guy shares your passion. I was on the first Roundabout on Rocky Mountain Avenue (near Target) in the Centerra development off of Hwy. 34. in Loveland, Colorado. I was just getting home, so it was about 6:00 p.m. - I believe it was Friday, July 7th. That area is a major exit off of I-25, so the guy could have been just passing through but he was alone. I will let you know if I see it again - in fact, I will mount a search through some of the residential areas around there. :)

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